Four reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch, the first two with video:
CAMERA STOLEN: A resident in the Westcrest Park area shares two videos from early Sunday, when someone removed/stole his doorbell/camera combination:
The theft occurred at 1:17 am on 12/17/17 and I’ve captured it via both the doorbell/camera (until it was yanked off the wall) and a camera on the eaves of my house.
… You will note in the (second video) that the recording stops midway through as the doorbell/camera was removed from the front wall of my house.
It is interesting from the first video that the thief doesn’t go directly to the doorbell/camera but moves off to the side, (but looking to his right at the doorbell/camera as he approaches the house), and then quickly moves in to steal the doorbell (on the other video), perhaps trying to evade being captured on video. The thief is walking purposefully like he knew there was a doorbell/camera there that he wanted to disable. And what was he doing out at 1:17 am? Why is an open padlock hanging from his coat? Is he a smoker given he has a cigarette lighter in his hand? Someone was in the front bedroom to the immediate left of the front door and didn’t hear anything.
If you have any information, the SPD incident # is 17-464158.
PACKAGES STOLEN: This next security video and report are from Ryan:
Had several packages stolen from my front door at 1:55 pm (Tuesday). 37th and Brandon. Older white Subaru wagon pulled directly into the driveway and passenger hopped out and walked up to front door to grab the boxes. Thief dressed in jeans and black puffy jacket with hood pulled over head so couldn’t see the face. Captured on door camera but not enough to identify car plates.
My husband’s bike was stolen from behind our townhouse on Delridge near Southwest Plumbing sometime between yesterday and this afternoon. It’s a red Mercier bike with a seat bag and a light on front. If you happen to see it, please let me know!
My grandmother’s car window was smashed late last night. This is the second time and we wanted to alert people. We live on 13th Ave SW. It appears that there is nothing stolen — just, someone broke the window.