CITY COUNCIL: See who will be in charge of which committee next year

The City Council made its decisions today about who’s on which committee – in other words, who’s focused on which types of city business. West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold will continue chairing the Civil Rights, Utilities, Economic Development, and Arts Committee. Herbold also will be vice chair of the Governance, Equity, and Technology Committee, a member of the Planning, Land Use, and Zoning Committee, and an alternate member of the Housing, Health, Energy, and Workers’ Rights Committee. Here’s the rest of the list of which committee each councilmember is chairing; to see who has membership on which committees, read the resolution text here.

P.S. Councilmember Herbold’s next “district office hours” are this Friday (December 15th), 2-6 pm at South Park Community Center (8319 8th Ave. S.).

9 Replies to "CITY COUNCIL: See who will be in charge of which committee next year"

  • Steven Lorenza December 11, 2017 (5:33 pm)

    Those are some really absurd topic jumbles.

    • flimflam December 11, 2017 (7:01 pm)

      come on, any civil rights expert is bound to be a utilities expert! especially the top notch city council we are blessed with!

      • WSB December 11, 2017 (7:10 pm)

        The council committee names and focuses change from time to time. Councilmember Herbold explained two years ago how the seemingly catch-all charters got to be that way.

  • WS Guy December 12, 2017 (2:46 am)

    The committees all look the same.  

    There’s the Housing, Workers, Equity, Gender, and Spam committee.  Then there’s the Workers Rights, Spam, Housing Equity and Spam Committee.

    And finally the Spam, Gender Rights, Workers Equity, Spam, and Spam committee.

    While I understand that every councilmember needs at least some topic for progressive grandstanding and virtue signaling, do any of them work on, say parks?  Or schools?  I remember back when governing a city was boring like that.

  • Angie December 12, 2017 (10:48 am)

    Is anyone else terrified about Sawant overseeing Human Services? 

  • Diane December 12, 2017 (12:03 pm)

    the most important change I see is a brand new (don’t recall ever happening before) committee to address issues for majority of Seattle residents, RENTERS; Councilmember Kshama Sawant will be chair of Human Services, Equitable Development, and Renter Rights Committee “The committee will also focus on renter rights, including but not limited to legislation intended to protect renters facing gentrification, economic evictions, excessive background checks, and
    unaffordable rent.”

    • Mark Schletty December 12, 2017 (12:33 pm)

      So Sawant’s committee will focus on protecting renters facing gentrification. The city’ HALA program will be the prime driver of gentrification. We will have a council committee fighting what a council program is producing. Sounds so Seattle.

      • Diane December 12, 2017 (1:32 pm)

        HALA was horrible production from the serial-child-rapist-mayor, not a “council program”: and I hope to god everyone will be fighting the really bad stuff in HALA, which I totally agree is a “prime driver of gentrification”

        • Mark Schletty December 12, 2017 (1:41 pm)

          From the Ex-Mayor, but adopted by the Council. They can’t avoid responsibility.

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