BIZNOTE: Inner Alchemy shop moving to West Seattle Junction

The West Seattle Junction storefront at 4310 SW Oregon, vacant since Mystery Made moved to 4537 California SW, won’t be vacant much longer. Inner Alchemy‘s Maari Falsetto confirms to WSB that she is moving her storefront there, from 3043 California SW, which is closing after this weekend (open until 5 pm today, noon-5 pm Sunday). She says, “Inner Alchemy, Treasures and Transformation is thrilled to be moving into the West Seattle Junction, opening a larger shop carrying local and global treasures and art, crystals, art, jewelry, candles, and all good things for your metaphysical needs. We will have a healing space to support the needs of our community with both scheduled and drop-in appointments available. We look forward to participating in the Art Walk and bringing the Soul Spa back to Farmers Market Sundays.” She’ll host some events there but also will continue hosting some at Inner Alchemy Sanctuary/Studio (3618 SW Alaska). She’s hoping to open the new Junction shop – which has spirituality in its past too, as a Christian Science Reading Room before Mystery Made’s arrival – on March 1.

8 Replies to "BIZNOTE: Inner Alchemy shop moving to West Seattle Junction"

  • Crystal January 19, 2025 (11:50 am)

    Look forward to visiting the new space. Love Inner Alchemy and know I will enjoy the closer to home location.

    • Maari January 22, 2025 (11:02 pm)

      Thank you Crystal, I am so delighted to be moving into the heart of the West Seattle Junction!

  • Derek January 19, 2025 (5:41 pm)

    Is there a reason they pained that cool mural on the west side of the building the white color? 

    • WSB January 19, 2025 (7:32 pm)

      Looks like the owners (not the subject of this story, which is a new tenant) painted the whole building.

      • Derek January 19, 2025 (9:46 pm)

        Ah, thanks for correcting! Hope we find out why, painting brick is horrendously bad for the material, but if you’re going to do it (and I believe the art was done with breathable paint), I don’t see why you’d want to do it white over a cool mural. So many questions…

  • Amanda January 19, 2025 (11:35 pm)

    Wonderful,  what a lovely surprise to read this. Congratulations Maari 💜

    • Maari January 22, 2025 (11:03 pm)

      Thank you Amanda! Looking forward to creating a beautiful new space for our community.

  • Gina January 20, 2025 (5:15 pm)

    There was water damage on the interior wall and missing grout in the cinder blocks, entire wall on both sides needed to be stripped and weather proofed and masonry supported.

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