Swedish clinic in West Seattle closed because of flooding

(WSB photo)

Thanks to Diane for the tip. The Swedish West Seattle Primary Care clinic at 3400 California SW is closed right now because of flooding. The note on the door, shown in our photo, say it will be closed tomorrow too. No details about what happened; we have a message out to the Swedish media-relations department.

MONDAY NOTE: Open again.

4 Replies to "Swedish clinic in West Seattle closed because of flooding"

  • hj November 3, 2017 (4:22 pm)

    WSB’s reporting is usually on point, but this closure was clearly due to floop. It says so right on the note.

    • WSB November 3, 2017 (4:45 pm)

      Oh, please be kind. So many of us barely have the opportunity/need to write by hand any more. At least they put SOMETHING up! … Anyway, I’m sorry to say I have not heard back from the Swedish media-relations folks so I have no further information. We’ll check while out tomorrow to see if any update turns up on the door. – TR

      • David Clarke November 4, 2017 (10:31 am)

        C’mon WSB – hj was making a joke!  Clever observation hj…..good to find humor where you can 😁😁😁

  • clairdesol November 3, 2017 (5:08 pm)

    Oops, anyone care to hazard a guess as to what a flooP is? 

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