month : 11/2017 314 results

Speaking of student musicians: Monday’s the big night for OLG singers at Seahawks game

A week and a half ago, we told you that the Our Lady of Guadalupe School 4th- and 5th-grade chorus had been invited to sing at halftime of the Seahawks’ Monday Night Football game tomorrow. OLG music teacher Ann Sager sent a reminder today that the big night is almost here, adding, “We’ll also sing a few patriotic songs during pre-game on the stages at either end of the stadium” – so if you’re going to the game, watch for them then/there! According to the school website, there’s been lots of logistics for this – they have to be there hours ahead of time to rehearse – and Ann’s page also includes this answer to a frequently asked question:


Ryan M. of the Seahawks did a search on something like “god bless america seattle children’s choirs” and my OLG School Music webpage popped up. I chronicle my daily classroom lessons and we’ve been practicing “God Bless America” for our own Veterans’ Day Assembly. It pays to have a web presence!

The Seahawks didn’t invite anyone else. To confirm how cute and musical we were, I sent him our video; he was blown away! He presented it to the higher-ups and by the end of that same day, it was a done deal.

That’s the video you see atop this story, by the way. The Seahawks are playing Atlanta at 5:30 pm Monday; the game is on ESPN.

HOLIDAY PARADE: See who’s crossing the bay to march on Friday

November 19, 2017 3:10 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

(In 2012, the Sealth Band had a guest conductor! Photo courtesy Bruno)

Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, brings the downtown My Macy’s Holiday Parade as usual – and the participant list shows that both local high-school marching bands are in it this year, Chief Sealth International High School and West Seattle High School. You’ll also see the Salty’s (WSB sponsor) nutcrackers. The parade starts at 9 am Friday, and the route is fairly simple:

The parade steps off at 7th Avenue and Pine Street and travels west to 5th Avenue, south on 5th Avenue to University Street, west on University Street to 4th Avenue and north on 4th Avenue and ends at Macy’s.

Anyone else from West Seattle set to be in the parade? Let us know so we can watch for you too!

READER REPORTS: Two doorstep mysteries you might be able to help solve

Two from the WSB inbox. First – Thom reports what might, or might not, have been a case of package theft in the 6600 block of Admiral Way:

Just had an odd situation that might be a package/delivery theft. We ordered an Amazon Prime Now order with some groceries (a ribeye, butter, case of water, Epsom salts, etc) and got a notification at 11:32am that it was delivered. We never heard anyone knock, and the dog didn’t bark – although she usually does. It’s an apartment building so we checked in front of other doors, by the mailboxes, around the property, etc – but didn’t see it anywhere.

When we called Amazon customer support they said their system showed it was delivered to our address, per GPS and to wait until noon. If it had not shown up by then they’d refund the cost.

So, either someone snagged it immediately after delivery or it was delivered incorrectly to someone else, but we were asked to check with neighbors and look all around the property for it just in case it was delivered to the right property but the wrong door.

All searches were fruitless and we got a refund and placed a new order. There’s not enough information to tell if it was a delivery error or a package theft but I’m dropping a note in case anyone else in the neighborhood has anything missing today- or in the off chance someone is wondering why they got an unexpected delivery of a ribeye, case of water, butter, Epsom salts, etc.

Second, a door-to-door visitor reported last night by Erik:

Young woman came to my door (North Arbor Heights). Just now asking to sign an iPad about something to do with bees and Washington state laws. Asked for cc # or $. Just a heads up. I refused.

We checked here – no initiatives being circulated right now with anything related to bees. Remember that while charity/political solicitors don’t have to have sales licenses, you still have the right to ask for ID and any other proof of who they are and what they’re soliciting for.

Holiday shopping that helps, at Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Ethical Fair Trade Sale

November 19, 2017 12:00 pm
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 |   Holidays | How to help | West Seattle news

(WSB photos)

Every holiday season, you can find ways to ensure your dollars are spent for more than just giving a gift – they can also do a good deed. That’s what’s happening until 1 pm at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Ethical Fair Trade Sale. Some of what’s on sale inside OLG’s Walmesley Center on the northeast corner of 35th and Myrtle are items created overseas. Some are items benefiting causes close to home, like cards for Noel House, a women’s shelter.

And OLG students are selling baked goods to benefit WestSide Baby.

Another OLG student, 8th-grader Mark, is answering questions near the door, as an “ambassador” for the sale:

OLG has another big holiday event coming up – the annual “Light Up the Night” grounds-lighting and caroling celebration is set for Friday night, December 1st, 7 pm. (That event, like today’s sale and dozens of other seasonal events and FYIs, is in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide.)

WEST SEATTLE WHALE-WATCHING: Orcas, visible from here!

10:12 AM: Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales just called to report orcas visible southbound off Me-Kwa-Mooks [map], shortly after a texter told us that Orca Network reported orca sightings in the past hour off Bainbridge Island. We’re grabbing the binoculars to head down for a look.

10:45 AM: Some are visible off Blake, some further north and south. We are with Jeff and other watchers toward the south end of Emma Schmitz Overlook. Whitecaps on the Sound are making viewing a bit challenging.

11 AM: Jeff and Kersti Muul are still watching from the south end of Emma Schmitz – the whales are close to the other side of the Sound. We have to move on.

12:13 PM: Kersti reports in a comment that they’re still southbound, south of the Fauntleroy ferry lane now.

1:16 PM: An update from Jeff – before 1 pm, the whales were visible from Dilworth on Vashon [map], then turned northbound: “Probably K pod.”

2:09 PM: Still northbound, according to a texter who also says the whales have been confirmed as K-Pod, and according to Claire’s comment below.

3:09 PM: Brittany says via Twitter that they’re visible from Constellation Park with binoculars.

UPDATE: 2 kayakers rescued in West Seattle

(Added: SFD staged at Don Armeni, where rescued kayakers are being taken – photo by Peter Commons)

8:40 AM: Big Seattle Fire water-rescue response – they are reporting “a patient” off Beach Drive, and some units have responded to Don Armeni.

8:44 AM: SFD says the initial report was an overturned kayak. The patient is reported to be on a fireboat, headed to Don Armeni.

8:46 AM: Scanner indicates there are now two kayakers being taken by a fireboat to the medics ashore at Don Armeni.

8:53 AM: We don’t know the kayaker’ conditions yet – one is reported to be undergoing evaluation while the other was described as only having been in the water a short time.

(WSB photo)

9:05 AM: Our crew is at Don Armeni and just sent that photo showing rescuers arriving there. One kayaker, a man, will be taken to Harborview Medical Center by SFD medic unit; SFD also confirms at the scene that the rescue was off Beach Drive.

9:09 AM: The second kayaker will not need medical attention. We’re now told a Seattle Police crew got him and his kayak out of the water; the other kayak was brought in via the SFD fireboat. (Added) SFD says the kayaker taken to the hospital is “approximately” 64 years old and was transported in serious condition.

Ways to enjoy your West Seattle Sunday

(Bushtit, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Here are the Sunday highlights, in two groups – first, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE ETHICAL FAIR TRADE SALE: 9:30 am-1 pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe‘s Walmesley Center, you can shop at the annual Catholic Relief Services Ethical Fair Trade Salemore info here. (35th SW/SW Myrtle)

PEACE LUTHERAN BAZAAR: Arts and crafts, silent auction with themed baskets, fair trade/global gifts, bake sale at Peace Lutheran Church‘s Holiday Craft Bazaar, noon-3 pm. (39th SW/SW Thistle)

MAKE YOUR WREATH(S) AT HPIC: Neighbors make wreaths at Highland Park Improvement Club, 1-4 pm. This is DIY, and bring your own materials too. (1116 SW Holden)


And today’s non-holiday events, mostly from the year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm in the street, in The Junction. While you’re there, look for the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle at the south end, and buy your ticket(s) for their December 2nd pancake breakfast! (California SW between Alaska and Oregon)

RAINWISE ‘MEET A CONTRACTOR’: 10 am-noon at Highland Park Improvement Club, talk with RainWise contractors about cisterns and raingardens and whether a rebate might be available for your installation. (1116 SW Holden)

ERASER SALE FOR GATEWOOD PLAYFIELD PROJECT: 1-4 pm at Wildwood Market in Fauntleroy, Gatewood Elementary 2nd grader Gwen is selling brand-new Japanese puzzle erasers to raise money for her school’s playfield project – more info in our preview. (9214 45th SW)

JAMTIME: Bluegrass and old-time music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 1-4 pm. (5612 California SW)

FAIRMOUNT PLANTING PARTY: 1:30-3:30 pm, help remove invasive plants to make room for new plants arriving soon. More info here, including where to meet and what to bring. (5400 Fauntleroy Way SW)

ORGAN-DEDICATION CONCERT: 3 pm at Admiral Congregational Church, a free concert will celebrate the dedication of the church’s restored organ. Musicians will include Admiral organist Sam Peters, as featured in our preview:

He’ll be joined by internationally renowned organist Dan Miller and the Admiral Choir, led by Pam Gerke. Doors open at 2:15 pm; refreshments will follow the concert. (4320 SW Hill)

YARD DOGS ROAD SHOW, THE MOVIE: Documentary screening at Parliament Tavern, 8 pm. Plus a talent show. (Details added:)

Yard Dogs Road Show were a talented travelling vaudeville cabaret from San Francisco most active between 2001 and 2012. The film was crowdfunded in 2011, made the film festival rounds in 2015/2016, and now has been released to the public as of yesterday.

A Yard Dogs Road Show show was a veritable smorgasborg of nouveau vaudeville – rock n’roll/jugband/jazz music, sexy burlesque dancers (Black and Blue Burlesque Revue), smokey chanteuse singers (Lily Rose Love), bellydancing (Zoe Jakes), sword swallowing magicians (Tobias the Mystic Man), jugglers, fire breathers, and clowns (Hellvis, Micha and Leighton). Their show graced venues in Seattle including the Tractor Tavern and The Showbox, once co-headlining with Seattle favorites Circus Contraption. You might remember the time they headlined an outdoor show in Fremont on one of the Tour de Fat events held circa 2009, or the times they played the Oregon Country Fair Main Stage in 2006 & 2007.

The film documents the history of the troupe, from an early jugband incarnation to their evolution as a successful touring group that had everything going for them until the rigors of the road took their toll…

Did I mention they were pretty fancy? Hell, they still are, even though they aren’t together so much anymore. Most of them are still out there performing in other incarnations, such as Beats Antique.

We will have a short TALENT SHOW preceding the screening of the movie. If you want to sign up and show us what you got in under 3 minutes, just show up around 7pm to sign up. Talent Show starts at 8pm, film screening starts at 8:45pm.

This event is FREE!

21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

PARTY! 19th annual Beer Church Turkey Bowl fills lanes, bellies

Whole lot of high-fiving going on while we were visiting tonight’s biggest West Seattle pre-holiday party, the Beer Church Turkey Bowl. It’s about bowling, beer, and belly-filling via donations for the West Seattle Food Bank(Monday update) 1,600 pounds of food, as well as $7,000! Your hosts, who lead not only the Beer Church but also Washington Beer Blog, Kendall Jones and Kim Sharpe Jones:

Tonight’s event filled the lanes at West Seattle Bowl:

You won’t be surprised to hear, given that this is a Beer Church event, after all, that the participant list included more than a dozen breweries and pubs. Several of them teamed up to brew the annual Beer Church benefit IPA, which was released at tonight’s Turkey Bowl:

It’s the 8th year for Beer Church’s benefit IPAs (this year the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation is the beneficiary) – and it’s the 19th year for the Turkey Bowl, which means that next year should bring an extra-special party!

COUNTDOWN: 2 weeks to West Seattle Junction Tree Lighting and Night Market

November 18, 2017 8:35 pm
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(WSB file photo)

Two weeks from tonight – on Saturday, December 2nd – you’re invited to the biggest event of West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays – the Tree Lighting at Junction Plaza Park (42nd/Alaska) and Night Market in the street on SW Alaska. This year, the Night Market will run 3-7 pm, with the Tree Lighting at 5 pm. You can preview the list of market vendors by going here; along with shopping, you’ll be able to take photos with Santa, and enjoy hot chocolate and cookies. Hosting the Tree Lighting this year are the jazzy duo Sundae + Mr. Goessl, who will be joined by the Endolyne Children’s Choir and the West Seattle High School Marching Band. You can see the rest of the Hometown Holidays lineup here, and in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide – we’re proud to be a co-sponsor again this year.

VIDEO: First-ever Amazon Turkey Trot 5K delivers hundreds to Lincoln Park

(WSB photos/video)

Though the first-ever Amazon Turkey Trot wasn’t billed as a costume run, one participant wore one that was totally synched with the theme. This morning’s 5K was organized by Amazon employees to raise some pre-Thanksgiving cash for Northwest Harvest, which supplies many regional food banks and food-providing programs, and they held it at Lincoln Park after construction got in the way of their planned South Lake Union route.

Organizers told us about 300 people signed up for the early-morning run – our video shows the ones who showed up, as they left the starting line:

No timing chips – this was truly a fun run. And a kids’ dash started right after the adults got going:

Your next chances to run with a group in West Seattle include the Gobble Gobble Thanksgiving Group Run (details here), Track Friday the next day (details here), and the West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) Christmas Light Run on December 16th (details here).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen silver Chevy Sonic; vandalized window; backyard theft attempt

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STOLEN CAR: Be on the lookout for Robert‘s car:

Our car is a 2013 Chevy Sonic LT hatchback with noticeable bumper stickers.

It was stolen from the parking lot of our apartment at the Overlook at Westridge on 600 SW Kenyon St between 6:30 and 9 PM last night 11/17. The police incident # is 17-426990. License plate # ANU8386.

Call 911 if you see it.

ROCK THROWN THROUGH WINDOW: This also happened in Highland Park, near 12th/Thistle:

Around 10:30 pm (Wednesday, November 15th), 3 boys walked past our house, threw a rock, broke our bay window, and ran away.

Luckily, no one was injured. The victim has security video and has filed a police report – the number is 17-910494.


Our back porch light went out and I hadn’t had the time to replace it for about a week or two – in the meantime someone (last night 11/17/17) went into our backyard and tried to steal my BBQ. It’s a green egg so they could not do it (it’s ceramic and weighs over 200 lbs). The reason I know it happened yesterday sometime is that I was in my backyard before work about 8:30am on 11/17 and everything was in order. I woke up this morning to find the following:

Moral of the story – keep your porch lights on and if your BBQ doesn’t weigh > 200lbs like mine then lock it down.

P.S. Another reminder that the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets Tuesday, 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster) – if you have a neighborhood crime concern/question, bring it so you can ask about it.

BIZNOTES: Be’s Restaurant break; MOD Pizza update

Two quick biznotes about restaurants current and future:

BE’S: Thanks to the texter who sent a photo of the sign in the window of Be’s Restaurant (4509 California SW) in The Junction, saying they’re “on vacation” and expecting to reopen Monday (November 20th).

MOD PIZZA: Apparently the future pizza place at The Whittaker (4755 Fauntleroy Way SW; WSB sponsor) has moved up its timetable. When last we checked on their plans for opening, MOD said it had been delayed until next June. In a Twitter conversation this week, that changed to February.

Speaking of restaurants … our list of the ones that told us they’ll be open Thanksgiving is here (and linked in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, too) – any additions/changes, let us know, – thanks!

HAPPENING NOW: Gifts and giving at Junction True Value’s 2017 Holiday Open House

November 18, 2017 11:46 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

You can shop and snack at the Junction True Value (WSB sponsor) Holiday Open House, which is on until 2 pm. Besides the treats, you’ll find tunes – seasonal music performed by Jared Mitchell:

Right at the front door, you’ll be greeted by West Seattle Food Bank reps – bring nonperishable food to donate and/or cash – $15 will buy a turkey!

Also part of today’s fun, an ugly-sweater contest and if you have kids under 10, the chance to enter drawings for boys’ and girls’ bicycles:

Besides hardware, housewares, garden items, and more, Junction True Value has holiday decorations of all types, lights to floral:

Get there before 2 – 4747 44th SW.

P.S. If you are looking for an early tree this year, True Value tells us theirs are expected to be in Wednesday.

HAPPENING NOW: If you need Thanksgiving food, Eastridge Church’s turkey giveaway has it

November 18, 2017 10:01 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

(WSB photos)

When we passed by Eastridge Church (39th SW and SW Oregon) around 7:40 this morning, people were already in line waiting for the annual turkeys-and-groceries giveaway to start at 9 am. But when we went over to photograph the volunteers around 9:30 am, the line was gone, so if you or someone you know needs Thanksgiving food – a turkey and a bag of groceries – there’s no wait.

They also are offering coats in adult and child sizes, and Bibles.

And it’s all running on volunteer power as usual, including Girl Scouts from West Seattle Troop 42553:

Eastridge also does this at its campus in Issaquah, and this year is offering 1,500 turkeys between the two sites.

West Seattle Saturday: More than 20 ways to start your pre-Thanksgiving weekend

(Morning on the Duwamish River – photo by Don Brubeck)

Very busy Saturday! First, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:

TURKEY/GROCERIES GIVEAWAY: Starting at 9 am at Eastridge Church, a turkey and bag groceries are available for anyone who shows up, while supplies last (hundreds will be available). Details on the church website. (39th SW/SW Oregon)

DONATE TURKEYS: The White Center Food Bank is accepting them 10 am-4 pm today. (8th SW/SW 108th)

BAZAAR AT THE MOUNT: The holiday bazaar/bake sale happens again 9 am-4 pm, at Providence Mount St. Vincent – raffle too, which you can enter for a chance to win this quilt:

More info in our calendar listing. (4831 35th SW)

JUNCTION TRUE VALUE OPEN HOUSE: It’s the annual Holiday Open House, Food Drive, & Ugly Sweater Contest at Junction True Value (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, 10 am-2 pm. Drawings, deals, treats, and see if you have the ugliest sweater! Bring nonperishable food donations for the West Seattle Food Bank. (4747 44th SW)

TIBBETTS BAZAAR: 10 am-2 pm at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor). Bake sale as well as art, crafts, gift baskets, more. (3940 41st SW)

PEACE LUTHERAN BAZAAR: Arts and crafts, silent auction with themed baskets, fair trade/global gifts, bake sale during the first day of Peace Lutheran Church‘s Holiday Craft Bazaar, 10 am-4 pm. (39th SW/SW Thistle)

ARROWHEAD GARDENS BAZAAR: The Arrowhead Gardens Holiday Craft Bazaar is 10 am-4 pm – details in our calendar listing. (9200 2nd SW)

WC BAZAAR: White Center Library Guild Holiday Bazaar and Book Sale at WC Library, 10 am-2 pm. (1409 SW 107th)

WINE RELEASE: 1-7 pm, it’s the second day of the fall release at Northwest Wine Academy on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus.
(6000 16th SW)

BAZAAR AND CONCERT: 4th annual Holiday Concert and Bazaar at Breath of Life Adventist Church, 4 pm-7pm:

4 pm CONCERT followed by 5 pm Holiday Bazaar with food, gift items, and artisan crafts for sale in the downstairs “Bethlehem Marketplace!” Great gifts for teachers, co-workers, family, and friends just in time for the holidays! All proceeds go toward the 2018 4th Annual FREE Health Fair clinic, providing free medical and dental services for people in the White Center community!

(9807 26th SW)

BEER CHURCH TURKEY BOWL: 6-9 pm, 19th annual bowling party benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank. Lanes are sold out “but all are welcome to stop by, buy raffle tickets, donate non-perishable food or make monetary donations for the food bank. The West Seattle Food Bank staff will be on hand bowling, and helping us collect donations. The bowling alley will be pouring the Beer Church IPA, a local collaboration beer made to benefit the Crohns and Colitis Foundation Northwest Chapter. More info here.” (39th SW/SW Oregon)


And from the year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

AMAZON TURKEY TROT: All are welcome to participate in the Amazon employee-organized Turkey Trot 5K, raising money for Northwest Harvest, 7:30 am at Lincoln Park. Kids’ 1K dash at 7:45 am. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)

WESTCREST PARK RESTORATION: 10 am-2 pm, meet at the South Parking Lot and work with DIRT Corps. Details here. (9000 8th SW)

EARTHQUAKE RETROFIT WORKSHOP: 10:30 am at Southwest Library. Free. (9010 35th SW)

FRED TALKS: Hear inspiring words from “remarkable volunteers in our midst” at Kol HaNeshamah, 12:30 pm – preregistration requested. (6115 SW Hinds)

TALK WITH YOUR SCHOOL-BOARD DIRECTOR: Next community conversation with Leslie Harris is 3-5 pm at Delridge Library – just drop in. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

‘BLUE JAY BRINGS BACK THE MOON’: Native art show and reception 4-6 pm, dinner and more starting at 6 pm, at the Duwamish Tribe Longhousedetails here. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)

AUCTION/DINNER FOR CHIEF SEALTH IHS: 5:30 pm at Brockey Center on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, this year’s auction and dinner raising money for Chief Sealth International High School programs. More info here; check to see if tickets remain. (6000 16th SW)

‘BLUES FOR JOHN T. WILLIAMS’: Jazz concert and stories at Alki UCC, 7:30 pm, proceeds benefiting the West Seattle Helpline – details in our calendar listing. (6115 SW Hinds)

‘THE LAST CROISSANT’ CLOSING NIGHT: Final chance to see Veronica Tjioe‘s play at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 8 pm curtain. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

INDIE ROCK EXTRAVAGANZA: Three bands, 9 pm, Parliament Tavern. $5 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

AND THERE’S MORE! See all our calendar entries for today/tonight/beyond, by going here.

PLAYFIELD PROGRESS: Gatewood closer to goal; plus, one student’s Sunday sale to help

The Gatewood Elementary playfield project has hit a milestone – and one student has a fundraiser Sunday to help cover the rest of the gap. First:

(Photo: William Wright Photographer)

From Linnea Westerlind:

Thanks to generous donations from our school families and West Seattle community, we have raised $40,517.45 for a new Gatewood Elementary playfield! Principal Kyna Hogg announced the total to our kids at an assembly this morning. To celebrate this fundraising effort the kids got to wear pajamas and have an all-school dance party today.

We are so grateful to the support of community and want to say thank you! We are within reach of our goal to raise $50,000 to complete the full playfield project. We are continuing to take donations via our online site: and by donations of checks or cash to the Gatewood Elementary School office. We can’t wait to see our 400 elementary and preschool kids enjoying an amazing new outdoor play space soon!

One of them will be Gwen, whose mom Elissa e-mailed to tell us about her planned fundraising sale this Sunday:

Our daughter Gwen is in the 2nd grade at Gatewood. Her favorite thing right now is collecting little Japanese puzzle erasers; she has dozens of them. She also is really passionate about donating her money to help Gatewood build a new playground and soccer field. So she came up with the awesome idea to sell brand-new erasers, in the package, to help raise money for the playground.

We squared things away with Wildwood Market to give Gwen a venue for selling the erasers. She’ll be at the store on Sunday, Nov 19, from 1 pm to 4 pm, or until she’s out of erasers. If she sells all the erasers we bought for the sale, she can make a huge contribution to the playground fund. Even better, her handsome dad works for a company that doubles charitable contributions, so your eraser money will go twice as far.

Erasers will be $2 each or 3 for $5, and they’re brand new, unopened, official and genuine, direct from the US Iwako distributor (the real deal). Get there early for the best selection, we have a mix of little animals and little rubber desserts. 100% of the eraser money will go straight to Gatewood on Monday morning, and Dad’s company will follow up with a matching grant.

Wildwood is at 9214 45th SW.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: What’s happening as high-profile cases make their way through the courts

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight, court updates:

RYAN COX TRIAL DATE CHANGES AGAIN: Three months after repeat offender Ryan Cox was charged with stabbing a man in Gatewood, his trial date has changed again. Court records show that early on, Cox insisted on going to trial on the second-degree-assault charge, and after the first date was postponed, he was scheduled for a trial-readiness hearing today. Instead, his lawyer told the judge they need more time to prepare, and obtained another postponement – over Cox’s objection, according to the document filed after the hearing. The trial-readiness hearing is now planned for December 22nd, with the trial date tentatively set for January 29th.

OTHER CASES WE’RE FOLLOWING: We’ve been asked about other defendants arrested in high-profile cases in the past few months. Right now, these defendants are all in the phase where they’ve appeared for a case-setting hearing, at which their lawyers sought a continuance to a later date: Anna Kasparova, charged with first-degree murder in the September shooting death of Edixon Velasquez, is due back in court November 30th, as is her co-defendant Abel LinaresJonatan Islas-Martinez, Diego Carballo-Olivares, and Elizabeth Cabrera-Aparicio, all charged with murder in the Westcrest Park stabbing death of Derek Juarez-Lopez, are due back in court January 10th … Kierra Ward, charged with two counts of assault in the Admiral stabbing attack on a mom out walking her baby, is now due back in court November 29th.

VIDEO: ‘Years of loving work’ to culminate in Sunday concert dedicating Admiral Congregational Church’s restored organ

November 17, 2017 7:30 pm
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That’s Admiral Congregational Church organist Sam Peters, getting ready for a Sunday that will go beyond performing for the congregation: On Sunday afternoon (November 19th) at 3 pm, the entire community is invited to a concert dedicating the restored 21-rank pipe organ in what the concert program calls “a moving culmination of years of loving work for the people of Admiral Church.”

The program – which we obtained while stopping by earlier this week for the photo and video – explains that Admiral Church had a Balcom and Vaughan organ installed in 1962:

As the organ’s 50th birthday approached, then-music director and organist Keith Terhune galvanized a group of Admiral music lovers to work toward restoring and updating their beloved organ. Eventually $92,000 was raised over 4 years, largely from members of the Admiral congregation and surrounding community. The pipes and chests, which had suffered considerable water damage in a severe storm, were renovated and then hybridized to a new state-of-the-art Rodgers electronic 4-manual console.

Peters will be joined at the concert by internationally known, Oregon-based organist Dan Miller and the Admiral Choir, led by Pam Gerke. The program includes a variety of music – hymns as well as selections from composers including Bach, Copland, Handel, and Peters himself (“Variations on Nicaea,” part of which is featured in the video clip above). Admission is free, and refreshments will follow the concert. Doors open at 2:15 pm Sunday at Admiral Church, 4320 SW Hill.

REMINDER: Free turkeys and groceries tomorrow in West Seattle for anyone who needs them

November 17, 2017 5:56 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

(WSB file photo from past Eastridge turkey event)

Just a quick reminder as we move into Friday night, tomorrow’s the day each year that Eastridge Church offers free turkeys and bags of groceries to anyone who needs them. Starting at 9 am, volunteers will make them available to everyone in line outside their church (at 39th SW and SW Oregon) while supplies last, along with coats (adult and kid sizes) and Bibles. Between their West Seattle and Issaquah campuses, they expect to give out 1,500 turkeys, no questions asked, no proof of need required.

TONIGHT: See ‘Moana,’ help West Seattle High School’s ASB

November 17, 2017 3:16 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Late add to the list of what’s up today/tonight due to a mail mixup – Take the family to see “Moana” at West Seattle High School. It’s free to get in – and then you can buy treats to support the school’s ASB! 7 pm; bring your own chairs/blankets/etc.; the movie will be shown in the Commons, so enter from the parking lot. WSHS is at 3000 California SW.

GRATITUDE: Donated plants brighten Fairmount Park Elementary courtyard

The photo and report are from Fairmount Park Elementary principal Julie Breidenbach:

Fairmount Park Elementary School would like to thank Jay Potratz and West Seattle Rite Aid for the donation of fall plants that helped to beautify our indoor courtyard. Parent volunteers did the planting today and students commented how these beautiful fall plants that brought some much-needed color to our courtyard. The decorative cabbage plants were a huge hit with the younger students who wanted to know how those plants tasted in comparison to the cabbage they purchase in grocery stores.

(Got school news to share with your peninsula-wide neighbors? – thanks!)

READER REPORT: ‘An example of the kind of little things that make me love this community’

ORIGINAL REPORT, 2 PM: Out of the WSB inbox, the photo and report are from Matt:

This is not breaking news, but it is an example of the kind of little things that make me love this community …

Last night, on my way home from meeting a friend for a drink at Beveridge Place, I saw a couple standing over the prone body of a cat in the middle of 48th Ave SW, at about Raymond. Their car was idling behind them, the headlights illuminating them as they tended to the cat. I can’t be sure if they were the ones who’d hit it, but it didn’t seem like they had; their car was sitting well behind where it was lying. Traffic had slowed in both directions, and as I approached I rolled down my window to offer help — what I could have done, who knows — but they seemed to be doing their best. He was holding a collar in his hand and dialing his phone while she knelt over the cat, tenderly stroking its white and brown fur. It was clear that they were genuinely concerned and trying to find the owners. I doubt that they’re looking for any acknowledgment, but it’s another reminder of what great people live in WS.

Today I drove by the same spot and saw this hastily made memorial. The inscription inside the card, written in a shaky hand, read, “I was on my way to work. Please forgive me.” It would have been really easy to assume that the driver hit the cat, took off, and didn’t think twice about it. Clearly they wasn’t the case, and that gave me a little hope.

4:10 PM: We’ve heard from the cat’s person in this comment.

FOLLOWUP: California/Findlay ‘log house’ jacked up for upcoming move

It is quite a sight – the century-plus-old “log house” at California/Findlay, now jacked up for its upcoming move – but that move is still two weeks away. We stopped by to check, after getting a few questions about its status.

We reported one week ago on the date and preparations for moving the house to its new location in The Admiral District. It originally was set to be demolished, as the site’s owners plan to build six live-work units there; the house-rescuing firm Nickel Bros stepped in to try to find a buyer to save and move it, and the Bauersfeld family answered the call. (The house’s previous tenant, Ventana Construction [WSB sponsor], had to move, and found another corner house with history at 5958 California SW.)

The move is set for two weeks from tomorrow – we’re currently clarifying whether it’s Friday night into Saturday morning or Saturday night into Sunday morning.