Though it’s entirely, maddeningly out of our direct control, we want to apologize for trouble that some people have had, intermittently, getting to WSB the past few days – and might be having today. Once in a while, WSB, like any website, might experience the classic problem of “the server’s down and nobody can get in.” The server manager fixes it, and everything is OK again.
This is something different.
Apparently there’s some kind of intermittent routing problem between Comcast and our longtime server-management company, WiredTree (now owned by LiquidWeb), and so some – but not all – Comcast users have had trouble reaching our server, some – but not all – of the time. It’s affecting some other websites too, we’ve learned. But as far as we have heard, it’s only Comcast – so if you have some other way of seeing us (CenturyLink, phone, etc.), that should be OK. Again, we apologize, and are working to figure out our options if this isn’t fully resolved very soon.