(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
7:02 AM: Good morning. It’s a rainy Monday, first day of winter break for schools. No major problems reported in West Seattle or on the outbound routes right now.
7:11 AM: Note that there is a weather alert through 11 am for potential coastal flooding – high tide is at 9:24 am, 12.5 feet, half a foot lower than the tide that came up over the Alki seawall back on Friday, but still high, especially with some wind in the mix.
7:42 AM: Two incidents to note – via Twitter, @klang reports a problem on the Alaskan Way Viaduct NB, just before the Battery Street Tunnel. Not on the real-time 911 log. But a West Seattle incident is – a medic response in Arbor Heights, 35th SW/SW 106th. We’re on our way to find out what’s happening there.
7:53 AM: John says via Twitter that a pedestrian was hit by a driver – the particular level of medic response in this call usually means pedestrian, bicyclist, or motorcyclist. No information on condition so far. Meantime, there also is a response right now downtown at 1st and Columbia (by the entrance to the southbound AWV) for an incident that also reportedly involves a pedestrian, and scanner traffic indicates 1st is blocked.
7:58 AM: Back to the Arbor Heights incident [photo above] – police confirm what John told us, that it was hit-run and they are looking for the driver. The victim was taken to the hospital by private ambulance, indicating non-life-threatening injuries, and SFD cleared the scene shortly after we arrived.
Meantime, yet another incident – Kevin just tweeted about a crash “just past the crest” of the high bridge, with one car facing the wrong way.
8:08 AM: That was in the right lane of the eastbound bridge when Kevin’s C Line bus passed it. Meantime, SDOT says the 1st/Columbia scene downtown is now clear.
8:12 AM: There’s no camera view of the bridge crash but a texter says that it’s causing issues with people trying to exit to 99, and that police are on the scene.
8:25 AM: New trouble report – via text, stoplight at 4th and Roxbury is reported to be malfunctioning. Remember, a broken/out signal means it’s an all-ways stop.
Finally @seattledot cam is on bridge crash scene pic.twitter.com/kBSdfKSvo8
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) December 19, 2016
8:30 AM: Added above – the SDOT camera was at least fleetingly on the right-lane bridge wreck and we recorded a bit of video. Tow truck now on scene.
8:47 AM: Scene clear, says SDOT. Thanks again to everyone who messaged about this – SDOT’s first mention lagged while, so tips were vital.