Wrong non-turn on Alki


The traffic-island landscaping at 63rd and Alki is going to need some repairs after a driver got his car stuck atop it. A street sign got knocked down, too. Michael tipped us to the crash by sending the top photo; we went over just in time to see the car towed off the island:


A Seattle Public Utilities “spill response” worker was there, as the car had lost some fluids that needed to be cleaned up. He didn’t know if police had investigated; the driver apparently was not hurt, as we learned belatedly that he had been there observing the tow. The landscaping was done in 2012 with Alki Community Council involvement.

26 Replies to "Wrong non-turn on Alki"

  • Tom S October 11, 2016 (12:28 pm)

    How in the world…???

    Were the cops there when you arrived? He probably got a ticket for parking in a no parking zone and no front license plate (likely ripped off in the crash). 

    (I once got a ‘no front license plate’ ticket while parked downtown because some yahoo backed into my parked car, ripped it off, and parking enforcement came by later and didn’t notice it on the ground)

    Glad everyone is ok. 

    • WSB October 11, 2016 (12:36 pm)

      Michael, who sent us the photo (which as I wrote was our first word this happened – not on the 911 log since no injuries), did not see police or the driver when he was there around 10:30. I see it’s now on Tweets by Beat so police did investigate at some point (the timestamps on TBB do not correspond to when incidents occur, as they don’t show up in that system until after police are done with the scene).

    • miws October 11, 2016 (1:06 pm)

      Off-topic to the story, but related to Tom’s front license plate comment; back in probably early 1986 while my personalized license plates for my 1967 VW Beetle were on order, and I had the temporary paper/cardboard one taped to the back window, I was headed southbound on California, just south of the Junction,  when I passed a police officer driving the other way. 

      The Beetle was probably already mildly tricked out by then, including possibly a header system,  and he sees this young guy  (pretty sanely, IIRC) driving  with no front license plate. I swear he just about gave himself whiplash in quickly turning his head to look for a rear plate.  ^_^ 


  • aRF October 11, 2016 (12:29 pm)

    Bravo landscaping rocks!

  • Your Mom October 11, 2016 (12:40 pm)

    Glad no one was hurt, but this is just beautiful, clearly speed was a factor.  Looks like someone ruined their $4,000.00 Nissan, i mean Infiniti, no wait Nissan.  Its fools like this that created the need for fools like Murray to reduce the speed limits all over town.  Thanks man!

  • pickle October 11, 2016 (1:24 pm)

    It just “kills me” on how some people get so irate about things like this and then they fly off on blaming everyone and anyone. and YOUR MOM…..Wow is all I can say…take a chill pill!

    And I think this car cost more than $4000.00 

    • Chuck October 11, 2016 (2:58 pm)

      Sorry, but I agree with Your Mom (she’s always right, after all). Someone was either speeding and texting, or (possibly) racing. Or, it’s stolen and they just don’t care, since no one seemed to be around when the cops showed up. No matter what, Your Mom is right. Again.

      • John October 12, 2016 (10:27 am)

        I agree with both Your Mom and Chuck.  I’d say the driver was looking down at their phone and decided to drive straight into the traffic island.  We’ll find out soon enough what happened.

        Regardless, cars do need a function to turn off phones once the ignition is activated.  I’ve lasted over 50 years without a phone in my car.  I’m pretty sure everyone else can do the same. 

        • Joe Szilagyi October 12, 2016 (1:18 pm)

          Before I realized someone was posting as “Your Mom” I thought I had missed the beginnings of a “Your mom” joke somewhere…

  • wundrgrrrl October 11, 2016 (1:44 pm)

    We were down there shortly after it happened and it was quite a sight.  There was a motorcycle officer casually observing the situation, but no driver was around as far as we could tell.   The bumper stickers were amusing… “0-60 Eventually” and “It’s just a little 4 cylinder :)”

  • Aly October 11, 2016 (1:57 pm)

     Wondering if they were texting while driving or if Apple Maps got them on that island.

    • WSB October 11, 2016 (2:07 pm)

      If someone is not familiar with that intersection, it is a tricky turn, especially if you intend to continue westbound on Alki Avenue.

  • Westside45 October 11, 2016 (3:13 pm)

    Not tricky if you’re paying attention and going the speed limit.

    • WSB October 11, 2016 (3:22 pm)

      I call it tricky because despite having gone that way dozens of times, I find it a tricky maneuver, as you are suddenly veering quickly left, then right, through a narrower space. Easy for everyone else? Great. Obviously wasn’t for this guy, and we have **no idea** what went wrong. Only that this is how it ended.

      • Seaweed October 11, 2016 (9:42 pm)

        OK, so that is just a “tricky” traffic calming barrier, probably called for by local residents  and others as such.  No need to be able to actually navigate the damn thing.  

  • AlaskaJunctionJohn October 11, 2016 (4:27 pm)

    Are drivers in West Seattle just worse than normal, or am I simply getting better visibility into moronic driving via West Seattle Blog?  Seems like there is a steady stream of completely incompetent crashes in West Seattle.  Cars flipped over mid-intersection, driving up onto the curbs, falling into ditches, etc…

  • Guy Olson October 11, 2016 (4:36 pm)

  • pickle October 11, 2016 (5:32 pm)

    Chuck…I wasn’t agreeing or disagreeing with “Your mom”  I was just saying she laid blame on something in my eyes the way I read it that the driver was an idiot and what does it matter what make or model the car is? Who knows maybe the driver had a medical emergency reason for crashing??? just saying or if not and they were speeding or texting we are not the ones who “take care” of this, the police do.

  • Alki Resident October 11, 2016 (5:55 pm)


  • Lynn October 11, 2016 (6:49 pm)

    I’m scared to even get in my car anymore.  Rant to the woman in the car in front of me with South Carolina plates, westbound on Alaska at California, on her phone , who made an illegal right hand turn at the red light where it is clearly marked “no turns on red.”  This was earlier today.  Two laws broken right there.

  • hiawatharesident October 11, 2016 (7:28 pm)

    This is a terrible intersection. I drive through here daily and witness people who do not stop at the stop signs, very frequently. I’ve almost been hit several times here from people not stopping or just doing a quick “rolling stop.” Also, people driving down the bike lane, late at night. Ugh!

  • WS Tiki October 11, 2016 (7:31 pm)

    I drove by right after this happened. There was one officer (Motorcycle Officier), writing in a ticket pad, and two teenage boys. The boys were laughing and pretty wiggly. The Officier looked annoyed. The boys didn’t seem concerned or seem to grasp this as an issue. My 4 year old exclaimed “Mommy! They’re getting a ticket for being bad drivers. Woo hoo!” Hahah

  • TheKing October 12, 2016 (1:26 am)

    I remember the good ol days when that area used to be just….road. What a concept. 

  • ClayJustSayin October 12, 2016 (6:32 am)

    … and speaking of wrong turns, there is the recent traffic revision at Endolyne.  I witnessed somebody in a blue Subaru properly follow the road to the right, which is the new direction, then at the last second swerve rapidly left to duck between the prominently displayed red DO NOT ENTER signs.  Thank GOD nobody was hurt.

  • Bradley October 12, 2016 (3:31 pm)

    We may laugh at this, but it WAS stupid for SDOT to put a concrete slab in the middle of the street where a concrete slab shouldn’t be.

  • rob October 12, 2016 (6:25 pm)

     parking has gotten so hard to find down there you got to park somewhere

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