FOLLOWUP: More sightings of the West Seattle turkey – or, turkeys?


Since we first reported on sightings of an apparent turkey around West Seattle, we’ve continued to get reports in just about every one of our messaging channels, from comments to texts. The newest photos arrived via e-mail today from Emily, who saw it by Alki Elementary this morning while taking her daughter to school. Some wondered how the turkey has managed to range so widely across the peninsula, from Lincoln Park to Pigeon Point, if not beyond. Some have worried that it might be in danger of getting hit by a car or attacked by, oh, say, a hungry coyote. (Emily also photographed it crossing the street by the school.)


In light of those concerns, we checked today with Seattle Animal Shelter director Don Jordan, who replied: “Yes, we are aware of this turkey and according to my staff, there may be more than one.”

Aha! Anyway, Jordan continued: “Our best guess is that this turkey has gotten loose from someone’s private flock. While we don’t advocate anyone trying to capture it, if someone does, they can certainly turn it over to the Seattle Animal Shelter. Also, citizens can contact the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife if they have concerns or questions, as this would fall within their jurisdiction. If someone does capture it and turn it over to SAS, we would look to either reunite with the owner or adopt it to someone with property outside of Seattle whereas it could live out its natural life.”

We’re pretty sure that means, beyond Thanksgiving.

P.S. You might not have to worry about it too much – earlier this morning, when Julia spotted it in the Alki area, it “flew or jumped” up on a roof …


… and then down again.

26 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: More sightings of the West Seattle turkey - or, turkeys?"

  • Overthere May 10, 2016 (1:49 pm)

    This could be the new mascot for the City of Seattle just like Kauai has the rooster as their unofficial mascot.

  • 56bricks May 10, 2016 (1:55 pm)

    And it’s not even November!

  • Miles May 10, 2016 (2:21 pm)

    Not sure if it’s the same turkey, but we saw one fly right by our dock and land on the shore at Three Tree Point last week.  Very odd sight indeed! Our dog was hoping it was Thanksgiving…

  • Kayla May 10, 2016 (2:23 pm)

    Actually, turkeys are very strong.  When I live in Montana our turkey fought off a bear to protect our sheep.  They can fly and they have very strong wings.

  • lox May 10, 2016 (2:34 pm)

    This guy was running around Pigeon Point the other day. My little one said “I just saw a beautiful bird outside. Just like a flamingo!” ha.

  • newnative May 10, 2016 (2:40 pm)

    Why did the turkey cross the road? 

    • 56bricks May 10, 2016 (3:29 pm)

      In this town, probably to vote.

    • AMD May 10, 2016 (7:45 pm)

      To get to Proletariat for their new brunch offerings?

  • clulessinws May 10, 2016 (3:19 pm)


  • waikikigirl May 10, 2016 (3:35 pm)

    Someone should do a comparison of all the pictures to see if in fact this is just one bird or if there are several running (flying) around WS, I’m sure they must have their own distinct feather markings???

    • Alan May 10, 2016 (4:20 pm)

      Great idea! Thanks for volunteering!

  • D. Radke-Bogen May 10, 2016 (5:12 pm)

    We don’t advocate catching a turkey…

    From Wikipedia “when fighting off predators turkeys may kick with legs using their sspurs as weapons, bite with their beaks and ram with their bodies.  Sometimes turkeys behave aggressively with humans and chase them off. To avoid injuries keep your distance.” Also they can cudgle with the bones in their wings hitting with the force of muscles strong enough to get a 30lb. bird airborne. Escaped or not they are wild animals which I think Mr. Jordan underestimated. His focus may have been on animal protection but maybe some people protection is in order instead of suggesting someone might catch one.

    If anyone is thinking of this think again, sharp darting beak, flailing wings legs with spurs and feet with claws. Maybe not as tough as a Racoon but I wouldn’t want to find out.

  • waikikigirl May 10, 2016 (5:26 pm)



    I should had also said “but not me I know nothing about distinct feather markings”! :>)

  • earlybird May 10, 2016 (5:59 pm)

    i was leary of the validity of these turkey sightings until this morning, when walking back towards the city from alki, around 5:45am, myself and another wide eyed early morning individual photographed a turkey on the south side of alki ave just west of anchor park. 

    strolling around like it belonged there!

    (and maybe it did, but it made my dog cock her head at a funny angle as if to say, “what is t-h-a-t?!/i’ve never seen anything like t-h-a-t before!”)

  • Katie McGinn May 10, 2016 (6:22 pm)

    Yes I saw this turkey on Dakota St. headed towards Delridge on Friday. I didn’t want to come too close to it because I had my dogs and I didn’t want to scare it into traffic. By the time I finished walking my dogs, the turkey was gone. Glad to hear I’m not crazy!

  • Jwws May 10, 2016 (7:58 pm)

    Turkey apocalypse?  From my once hometown, and soon to be again after 30 years in WS.

  • M May 10, 2016 (10:21 pm)

    If only turkeys could talk…

  • pelicans May 11, 2016 (4:47 am)

    You could safely say this is a “Turkey About Town.”

  • 56bricks May 11, 2016 (8:26 am)

    Probably a new Amazon employee.

    • MsD May 11, 2016 (5:55 pm)

      Nah, they’re not allowed out of SLU during daylight hours.

      • 56bricks May 11, 2016 (8:47 pm)


  • Marlin May 15, 2016 (10:37 am)

    My mom saw a turkey on Pigeon Point this morning (the 15th). It was a female. Must be the same one.

  • jennie May 16, 2016 (2:35 pm)

    it was at the Federal Center South building  slightly north of the 1st ave bridge today!

  • Jeff May 26, 2016 (1:11 pm)

    It’s not just West Seattle; I believe I spotted one in Wallingford this morning:

  • Anna May 26, 2016 (5:44 pm)

    The turkey made it to Fremont! (As of 5pm on 5/26). I saw a turkey outside of UW medical center on it Monday (5/23), too. Probably the same one making its way across town.

  • Edwin Staples May 26, 2016 (6:43 pm)

    He crossed 46th street in heavy traffic today at 6:10 (ish), headed toward the zoo, then made his way on top of the parking garage just due west of the gas station, between Fremont and Evanston Aves. He seems pretty adept at dodging cars.  5/26/2016.

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