Biggest event of the day, the continued very-warm weather, likely back into the 80s. Our showcase image above is from Christopher Boffoli, who explains: “Just thought I’d share an image I grabbed yesterday from Richey Viewpoint (beach) that demonstrates a ‘superior’ (or cold water) mirage resulting from warm air over the cold water of the Sound which creates a strange lens effect – in this case – on the tree line in the distance behind the Fauntleroy ferry. Cliff Mass mentioned this effect too in an image he posted on his weather blog yesterday.” Now, on with calendar highlights:
POOL SCHEDULE: As featured in our story last night looking ahead to summer swim season, city-run Southwest Pool is open to the public year-round, so if the expected high in the 80s has you looking to cool off in the water, see the schedule for today/tonight here. (2801 SW Thistle)
MATH BUDDIES: Drop-in help for K-5 students at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 4-5 pm, thanks to teen volunteers. More info here. (2306 42nd SW)
EVENING BOOK GROUP: 6:30 pm at High Point Library; this month’s title is “Bucking the Sun” by Ivan Doig.
WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: If you have neighborhood crime/safety concerns, this is the monthly chance to take them directly to local police. Local crime trends and concerns comprise the first part of the 7 pm meeting at the Southwest Precinct; then there’s a spotlight topic, which is scheduled to be “parking enforcement” this time around. All welcome. (Delridge/Webster)
TRIVIA FUNDRAISER: 7:30 pm, fundraising trivia at the Senior Center of West Seattle, hosted by Phillip Tavel from the longrunning Wednesday night trivia at Talarico’s. Make your reservation ahead of time and get a discount – info is in our calendar listing. (California SW/SW Oregon)
LOTS MORE for today/tonight, on our complete calendar!