West Seattle schools: Sanislo field trip to ‘Hana’s Suitcase’


Thanks to Sanislo Elementary librarian/teacher Craig Seasholes for sharing that photo as a followup to a lifetime-memory event from last month (WSB coverage here) – the day he and students hosted Holocaust survivor George Brady, his daughter Lara Brady, and Japanese museum curator Fumiko Ishioka sharing their story as told in “Hana’s Suitcase,” whose titular character was George’s sister. The book inspired a play that’s now at Seattle Children’s Theater downtown, where, Seasholes says:

Thanks to generous support from SCT and Biller Family Foundation, Sanislo Elementary School 4-5th graders got to see the SCT play today. It was a wonderful “encore” to the special events of last month. A Big Sanislo Thank You to all of you who helped make this memorable story come to life.

1 Reply to "West Seattle schools: Sanislo field trip to 'Hana's Suitcase'"

  • Ann Gustafson February 6, 2016 (10:32 pm)

    This story must never be forgotten. Every generation must come to grips with the inhumanity that will arise when children are hurt and no one is there to help them make sense of it. Adolph Hitler had many hurts from his oppressive society. He, in turn,  damaged many, many people because he never made any sense of his hurts.

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