As noted in our coverage of last night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, car prowls remain one of our area’s most common crimes. If it happens to you, be sure to report it – then please let us know too. From the inbox today:
CAR PROWL: Jan reports from Upper Alki: “Yesterday morning near 57th and Admiral, our son’s car window was smashed in and two backpacks taken. The smaller backpack was returned to us later in the day by a neighbor who noticed it sitting in the back of her garage. The larger hiking backpack is still missing.” She says it’s Gregory brand, red and gray.
BROKEN WINDOW: Don’t know if this was a car prowl or pure vandalism, but Seth spotted it early today: “Came out of my home at 5:30am and saw a black SUV with its rear passenger window smashed. Across from the 7-11 on Avalon.”
STOLEN MAIL, TOSSED: Via e-mail: “Mail theft has been a problem on 17th Ave SW and 18th Ave SW for a couple weeks. I found fistfuls of mail on the ground between Kenyon and Henderson. This morning it was on 17th & Kenyon.”
One more note:
NEXT CRIME/SAFETY MEETING … is the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network, 6:30 pm next Tuesday (February 23rd) at the Southwest Precinct. WSBWCN’s Karen Berge just sent news their guest is confirmed: the new Seattle Police director of transparency and privacy, Mary Perry.