Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports tonight, starting with video of a package-taker who reportedly was in for a surprise:
‘LITTER BOX’ PACKAGE TAKEN: Megan says her surveillance-camera video shows a woman taking a box from her porch in Greenbridge (near 8th/Roxbury), with a surprise inside: Used kitty litter. The bait box was taken just after noon today, according to Megan, who says neighbors report seeing this woman in the area before.
Two more Crime Watch reports to share tonight:
BIKE STOLEN: Josh reports a black Trek 830 Mountain Track mountain bike with red shocks on the front was stolen from under the deck/carport at his home on a dead-end street near Lincoln Park. He initially noticed because “one of the motion sensor lights was out. It was unscrewed, which made me believe someone was trying to get to our cars.” The cars were fine, he reports, but the bike was gone.
CAR PROWL: After our long list of car prowls in Crime Watch here last night, Steve wanted to make sure the one that happened to him two weeks ago was on the record here too (it’s long since been reported to police): “Night of Jan. 25 into morning of Tues., Jan. 26, perps smashed out passenger-side front window of my Audi and took my 64-gig iPad mini and didn’t touch anything else.” This happened in the 10000 block of California SW in Arbor Heights.
CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL NEXT WEEK: Just another reminder that you can talk with police, and hear their updates on local crime trends, during the next West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, 7 pm Tuesday (February 16th) at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster).