(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:38 AM: No incidents in or from West Seattle so far this morning.
‘WALK-INS’ REMINDER: If your route takes you past a public school, you might see one of the “walk-in” gatherings over the next two-plus hours. Teachers, staff, parents, and community members are gathering to show support for schools and for fully financing them. Here’s our list of West Seattle plans. It’s not a march, so no traffic effects are expected, and all schools will start on time as participants “walk in” together before the bell.
7:52 AM: Still an incident-less commute. Our standard reminder, if you see something worth an alert – and are *not* behind the wheel – let us know so we can help alert others, 206-293-6302, text or voice.
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