West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
On partner site White Center Now, we’re covering the investigation of a shooting death in White Center’s Greenbridge neighborhood. The victim was found in the street just after 9 pm at the intersection of 9th SW and SW 100th. Not many details yet but we just talked at the scene with King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West and that’s part of our coverage.
One more high-school basketball playoff game involving a local team tonight: The Seattle Lutheran High School girls lost their second consecutive Tri-District Tournament game, falling to Neah Bay, 43-35, at Evergreen Lutheran in Tacoma. They play Mount Rainier Lutheran for fifth place in the tournament at 10 am Saturday.
(4801 Fauntleroy Way rendering by David Foster Architects)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The Southwest Design Review Board gave its final OK – with conditions – to the first of two projects it’s considering tonight.
This was the second and final review for 4801 Fauntleroy Way SW (just south and across Edmunds from the south side of The Whittaker). It passed each of the two Design Review phases on the first try – Early Design Guidance back on July 23rd, the Recommendations phase tonight. Primary concerns involved the colors and materials proposed for its exterior, since it has such a prominent spot in the Junction/Triangle transition zone.
All five board members were present for tonight’s review – chair Todd Bronk, Matthew Zinski, T. Frick McNamara, Don Caffrey, and Alexandra Moravec. (Read more about them here – click “Southwest” to open the list with photos and short bios. Board members are confirmed by the City Council and are uncompensated volunteers.) Planner for the project, Katy Haima, was present as well. The full “packet” with design renderings is on the city website here.
Here’s how the review unfolded:
(WSB photo: WSHS #30, Lexi Ioane, and #4, Kelsey Lenzie)
6:11 PM: A formidable opponent for the West Seattle High School girls’ basketball team this afternoon at Bellevue College – top-ranked Bellevue HS. While the Wildcats hit halftime with a five-point lead over the Wolverines, an intense third quarter ensued, and Bellevue pulled ahead, ending with an eight-point victory in the district-playoff game, 58-50. West Seattle will play next for third place in districts, 1:15 pm Saturday vs. the winner of tonight’s Mercer Island-Bishop Blanchet game. We’ll add more from today’s game later.
ADDED 9:56 PM: Scoring for the Wildcats – 17 points for #30 Lexi Ioane, 10 for #3 Izzy Turk, 9 for #20 Grace Sarver, 8 for #32 Lydia Giomi.
We now know their Saturday opponent will be Mercer Island.
During the campaign for West Seattle/South Park’s first-ever City Council District 1 seat, Lisa Herbold promised to keep regular hours in the district. She’s just announced when and where she’ll do that for the first time. From her latest e-mail update:
I am happy to announce that I will soon be starting my District 1 office hours. Every other week I will be holding office hours from 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm; the in-district office will rotate to help best serve all communities in District 1.
I’m still working on finalizing a schedule and locations, but I do know that my first office hours will be at the Southwest Neighborhood Service Center (2801 SW Thistle St) on March 4th from 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
I’m including evening hours for folks who want to stop by after work. These will be open office hours for anyone to stop by; additionally, you’re welcome to schedule a meeting with me through my scheduler, Alex Clardy (alex.clardy@seattle.gov). There likely will have to be adjustments as we move forward, but I’m eager to try this out and see what works and what does not. Your input is welcome!
Just before the now-over 16th SW standoff broke out, we were working on this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup, including a followup on the previous gunfire incident in the area. But first:
RECOGNIZE THIS BICYCLE? Scott shares the photo and report:
Found this bike dumped at Roxhill Park Thursday morning 2/17. We have it at Seattle Parks Maintenance Headquarters at Lincoln Park. Call 684-7457 or 423-2174.
SHOOTING FOLLOWED BY A RE-ENACTMENT? We have just obtained the police-report narrative filed after the gunfire incident we covered late Tuesday night outside the Highland Park 7-11. It says police responded after multiple 911 reports of hearing gunfire, and, as we reported that night, they found one shell casing. As police investigated, they were told a person described only as a “white male” went into the store and bought a beer around 11:20; someone else came into the store and started speaking to him just before he left. The two then asked the clerk if they had a cigarette; he said no, and the two left together. The gunshot was heard shortly afterward.
Another customer then entered the store and reported the gunshot. As you can see in our photo, those who came to investigate included an officer from the SPD Gang Unit. About an hour later, after police had left, 911 got a call to say that two males were back at the scene, in the intersection, and “appeared to have bene re-enacting the shooting while displaying a ‘finger gun’. The males were seen looking around the area and appeared to be looking for shell casings. They were last seen westbound on SW Holden; police came back but couldn’t find them.
MAIL THEFT: Harry and Mongo report: “On Sunday 2/14, during our regular morning Neighborhood Watch patrol, we scared away a mail thief from the Explorer West Middle School (area). He left a pile of mail, from around the 10000 area of 30th Ave SW. We have dried out what we could salvage and are sending the remnants on to our neighbors.”
Thanks for sharing the news so we can help get it out peninsula-wide – once you’ve reported to 911, let us know via editor@
12:18 PM: Seattle Police say they’re investigating reports of gunfire in the 7900 block of 16th SW (map) and that’s blocked the road from Elmgrove to Holden. We’re en route – more info to come.
12:24 PM: This is reported to have happened outside a house. No indication so far of anyone having been hurt.
12:32 PM: Again, this has blocked off part of 16th SW, and that’s causing backups, so please avoid the area TFN. There’s at least one TV helicopter in the area, and more police reinforcements are arriving. Side note: While there is no information on whether this is or isn’t related, you’ll recall the most-recent confirmed-gunfire incident in our area was nearby, 16th/Holden, two nights ago.
12:49 PM: No change in the situation but Metro has now announced that Routes 125 and 128 are routed off 16th SW – use stops north of Holden or south of Trenton. A lieutenant at the scene confirms that this started with someone firing a shot outside a house, then apparently going back inside.
1:12 PM: Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis is at the scene.
1:27 PM: Police are – audibly, even from the distance that media is being kept back for safety – trying to make contact with the person they believe is in the house.
1:46 PM: Per scanner, a man has come out of the house; our crew confirms they can see a person in handcuffs.
2 PM: A lieutenant at the scene confirms to us that the suspect is in custody and has provided information that should enable them to recover the gun. No damage, no injury.
UPDATE: The suspect was booked into jail for investigation of unlawful firearm possession.
(Harlequin duck, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Highlights of what’s up for the rest of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you can always look ahead – days, weeks, even months):
BUSINESS CONSULTING: Open house at Delridge Library, 2-4 pm, with consulting and other free resources for small local businesses, whether you’re starting one or growing one. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS: 3 pm at Bellevue College, the West Seattle High School girls play Bellevue HS, while at 6 pm, the Seattle Lutheran HS girls play Neah Bay, at Evergreen Lutheran in Tacoma.
DESIGN-REVIEW DOUBLEHEADER: At the Sisson Building (Senior Center), two projects will be reviewed tonight by the Southwest Design Review Board tonight: At 6:30 pm, second meeting for 4801 Fauntleroy Way SW, currently described as a “four-story 53-unit apartment building with one live-work unit and 2,575 sq. ft. of retail,” no offstreet car parking, 20 bike spaces planned. See the packet here. At 8 pm, the first (Early Design Guidance) review for 3039 SW Avalon Way, described as 71 apartments with 21 offstreet parking spaces. See the packet here. Public-comment periods are part of both reviews. (California SW/SW Oregon)
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: 7 pm at Alki UCC, the February Alki Community Council meeting includes City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, Department of Neighborhoods District Coordinator Kerry Wade, and an update from Sandee Spears of Action Alki Alliance regarding SolTerra’s “Perch” development plan on Alki. (6115 SW Hinds)
UNPLUGGED! Acoustic open-mic on third Thursdays, co-presented by the Seattle Classic Guitar Society, at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7 pm. (5612 California SW)
ALAUDA BELLY-DANCE SHOWCASE: Shake things up! The free monthly all-ages belly-dancing showcase at The Skylark is tonight, 7:30 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
LIVE MUSIC: Johnny and The Moles, 8 pm at Parliament Tavern. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
(Rendering courtesy West Seattle YMCA)
It’s time for your comments on part of the soon-to-start West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) expansion project – one that isn’t part of the building itself. This announcement from the Y explains:
As part of the West Seattle YMCA’s upcoming Expansion and Renovation project, the Y is coordinating the process for the proposed Triangle Festival Street designation on SW Snoqualmie between 36th & 37th Ave SW.
The idea for a community festival street came out of the city’s 2009 – 2011 Triangle Planning Committee. The Y Board decided to incorporate the concept in our expansion planning by shifting the Y’s entrance to SW Snoqualmie and incorporating some key improvements in the right of way, access and utilities.
The Festival Street designation allows closure for community events throughout the year (most will be in summer, on weekends or evenings). All adjacent landowners have given their support to the proposal.
Most of the time, this will be a regular street with cars driving, bikes, parking, and pedestrians on sidewalks. When active, the Triangle Festival Street could host outdoor concerts, dances, games, festivals and other community events.
A public presentation with opportunity for questions and public comment will be held at the Southwest District Council meeting on March 2nd, 6:30 pm at the Senior Center, 4217 SW Oregon St. As part of the designation process, the SWDC could vote on the proposal two weeks after the presentation, which then would go to the SDOT director.
You can review more detailed information and submit online comments at OurNewY.org until March 18th.
9:13 AM: Outside at least 10 West Seattle schools this morning, teachers, staffers, and parents were gathering to send a message to lawmakers. The mini-rallies were billed as “walk-ins” – with gatherings outside school entrances, and participants walking in together before the first bell. Above, Denny International Middle School‘s gathering started just after 7 am, outside the front door. In our video below, principal Jeff Clark declared his support, and the Seattle-King County NAACP’s education chair Rita Green urged teachers to engage and collaborate with parents:
Also at 7, a show of support outside West Seattle High School:
Thanks to Jennifer Hall for the photo.
We also stopped by Gatewood Elementary, where students joined in writing messages on “vision boards” that will eventually be taken to Olympia and placed in State Capitol hallways as a reminder to legislators (photo added):
We also welcome photos from other walk-ins – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
ADDED 10:53 AM: We made it to the last one of the morning, outside Louisa Boren K-8 STEM in the 9 am hour. They offered drive-up board-signing in the dropoff zone:
And over by the fence, students were joining in:
We’ve also received a photo from Sanislo Elementary:
ADDED 4:28 PM: Thanks for sharing more photos! First, from Alki Elementary:
Thanks to Angela Powell for that photo; Alki parent Amy Cooper sent this one:
From Alison at Schmitz Park Elementary:
And thanks to Elise Olsen at Arbor Heights Elementary for this:
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:38 AM: No incidents in or from West Seattle so far this morning.
‘WALK-INS’ REMINDER: If your route takes you past a public school, you might see one of the “walk-in” gatherings over the next two-plus hours. Teachers, staff, parents, and community members are gathering to show support for schools and for fully financing them. Here’s our list of West Seattle plans. It’s not a march, so no traffic effects are expected, and all schools will start on time as participants “walk in” together before the bell.
7:52 AM: Still an incident-less commute. Our standard reminder, if you see something worth an alert – and are *not* behind the wheel – let us know so we can help alert others, 206-293-6302, text or voice.
Caucus season starts this Saturday, with our state’s Republicans holding pooled precinct caucuses. To find out how the process works, we went to Wednesday night’s monthly meeting of the 34th District Republicans, who moved their regular meeting spot from Burien to West Seattle last year.
About 30 people were there. 34th GOP chair Chuck Rangel explained that while you can declare a presidential preference on Saturday, the delegate allocation will be determined in the May 24th primary vote, so Saturday’s caucusing is really about starting the process of choosing delegates for the district, county, and state conventions.
There are two locations this year – West Seattle High School (3000 California SW) for everyone north of Cloverdale, the Evergreen Campus in White Center (830 SW 116th) for everyone south of Cloverdale. As Rangel explained it, doors open at 9 for registration; bring a government-issued picture ID and your voter-registration card. If you don’t have your card, people with laptops will look you up to check your status.
Caucusing will start at 10 am, with the rules explained until 10:30, when discussion begins. By 11:30, caucusgoers have to start choosing people to advance to the next round, the district convention. Results will go to the county Republican Party offices. Dates for the ensuing conventions, all the way up to the national one, are here.
If you’re wondering about eligibility to participate, that’s explained here.
(Democrats start caucusing March 26th; we covered early info in our report on last week’s 34th District Democrats meeting.)