(WSB photo: Endolyne Children’s Choir @ 2012 tree lighting)
It’s here – one of the biggest days/nights of the holiday season in West Seattle! We start today’s preview with the highlights from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:
PANCAKES WITH THE KIWANIS: Get your day going by letting somebody else fix breakfast in the most festive of ways. The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s 68th annual benefit pancake breakfast is on, NOW (it started at 7) until 11 am, at the Alki Masonic Center in The Junction. Kids under 10 eat free with a paid adult, and get free Santa photos too. Bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots if you can. Big fun all morning long. (40th SW & SW Edmunds)
OTHER PLACES TO FIND SANTA TODAY/TONIGHT: Santa Brunch at Salty’s on Alki (1936 Harbor SW; WSB sponsor); CAPERS in The Junction (4525 California SW); Westwood Village (info here); “Santa Al” at tonight’s tree lighting (scroll down).
JOE’S ART AND BOOK SALE: To benefit White Center Food Bank & First Place Scholars (K-5 school for homeless and at-risk kids), 9:30-5:30 at Joe Aprile & Julia’s home For Sale: framed & matted original art/photography, photo & art cards, original books of fiction, non-fiction & poetry. (8145 29th SW)
CLICK! TRUNK SALE AND BABY-CARRIER DONATION EVENT: Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) is hosting its second annual Sarah Loertscher Jewelry sample sale this Saturday Dec. 5 from 10am-5pm. Sarah will be selling samples and seconds at discounted prices and stocking us with a refreshed selection of Click! favorites. Sarah has been struck by the heartbreaking story of the Syrian refugee crisis and asked, “what can I do?” She found a nonprofit called Carry The Future, which collects baby carriers for Syrian parents to help safely carry their babies and toddlers on their journey. Do you have gently used baby carriers you’d like to donate? We’ll be collecting them on Saturday during the trunk show, and Click! will ship them to a collection point in California next week. Please read the FAQs first – they can only accept “soft structured carriers;” no slings or wraps, please. Sarah and Click! will also be donating 10% of sample sale proceeds to PSKS, a non profit that helps fight homelessness in Seattle. (4540 California SW)
HOLIDAY ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW: 6th annual show/sale in the Social Hall at Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 10 am-4 pm. “You’ll find original and one-of a kind gifts: jewelry, knits felted hats, paintings (watercolor and other media), designer bags and accessories, greeting cards and stocking stuffers, edible holiday goodies, glass art, fiber art and more. Plus free refreshments, and the event is free. Cash and checks only.” (7141 California SW)
HOLIDAY ART SHOW/SALE: Brace Point Pottery‘s 18th annual Holiday Art Show and Sale. Second day today, from 10 am to 5 pm. Joining Loren Lukens: Four additional artists in an exhibition of pottery, wearables, jewelry and prints. A Seattle Sampling event. (4208 SW 100th)
‘HOT CHOCOLATE SATURDAY’: Duwamish Longhouse Open House, 11 am-4 pm. “We will be playing holiday music all day. Enjoy hot chocolate or tea while sitting around our beautifully decorated tree. Still shopping? We have lots of choices under $25 & $15. Artist John Romero is featured in the Art Gallery. Enjoy a walk along the Duwamish River and amble thru a variety of NW native evergreen trees at Herrings House Park across the street from the Longhouse. Lots of holiday selfie opportunities.” (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
ART STUDIO SHOW/SALE & BENEFIT: Artist Carolyn Autenrieth is selling watercolor illustrations and pieces from a “unique spiky ceramic series,” and donating 20 percent of total sales to support the Smershes (backstory here). Noon-4 pm at her home studio. (6406 49th SW)
CHRISTMAS TEA : “Fresh brewed teas, sweets, savories, entertainment, door prizes, silent auction, and raffle,” 2-5 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church – follow the link to contact the church to see if tickets will be available at the door. (3050 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION HOMETOWN HOLIDAYS PARTY: 4-8 pm – before and after the tree lighting (see next item) – many Junction stores have specials, treats, and other reasons for you to spend your Saturday afternoon/evening shopping. See the list here.
WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION HOMETOWN HOLIDAYS TREE LIGHTING: Bigger than ever, with SW Alaska closed to increase the space for people to gather around the tree, which is on the south side of Junction Plaza Park. 5 pm is the official start time, but come early and enjoy treats. See the lineup/schedule here. (42nd SW/SW Alaska)
12 BARS OF CHRISTMAS: Third annual event in West Seattle. Starting in The Junction – latest venue/time details here.
And the non-holiday highlights from our ongoing coverage and the year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WESTSIDE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10 am-noon open house for prospective families at preK-8th grade Westside School (WSB sponsor) – details in our calendar listing. (10404 34th SW)
DELRIDGE GROCERY’S ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: 11 am-2:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Delridge Grocery Cooperative members are invited to find out about topics ranging from “funding, feasibility, and next steps” to a sneak peek of the DGC’s new logo. Lunch will be served. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
LIVE MUSIC: 9 pm, be at Parliament Tavern in The Admiral District to groove to Maurice and His Thing. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
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