West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
Thanks to Ann Anderson for the view (from Seattle & Sunset in North Admiral) of tonight’s smoky sunset. People are still finding it hard to believe, but it’s true – what you see and smell is all smoke from the wildfires raging around the state, mostly to the east. We featured moonset and sunrise views this morning along with Cliff Mass‘s explanation and the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency‘s forecast for the wind to “reverse” tomorrow”; the National Weather Service says tonight that changing flows might not clear it out until late Sunday. More photos to add later!
Goodies for a good cause, tomorrow – the photo and preview are from Carey:
Gwen and Muriel, Madison 6th graders, are putting their love for animals to work again through their third annual Humane Society bake sale! Delicious cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and more! They’ll be back at the corner of 36th and Dakota this Sunday, August 23rd, from 10 am-3 pm. The girls are also sponsoring a barrel from the Humane Society to collect cat or dog food (wet or dry), animal toys, or new scratching posts. Cash and check donations are very welcome; all proceeds go to Seattle Humane Society.
Here’s a map.
That’s one of dozens of short poems on cards lining a path into Camp Long as you enter this weekend’s Arts In Nature Festival, presented by the Nature Consortium. It’s on until 9 tonight and again from 11 am-6 pm tomorrow, and it’s a chance to immerse yourself in art experiences of many kinds, from words to music to ethereal creations woven between tree branches:
You might find performance artists wandering the grounds, like this otherworldly duo:
We first encountered them by a work in progress that’s unfolding all weekend long:
The painting started between two trees and will grow, we were told, to show how the built environment is obscuring nature and greenspaces; go see for yourself by the cabin between the north end of the meadow and the south side of the pond. Some of the comforts of civilization, though, are lining the central meadow – food trucks including the vegan Luchador Taco Company:
There’s a beer garden behind Camp Long’s historic lodge, too. Wander the grounds and you’ll find something to see, do, or hear, almost everywhere – at the small amphitheater on the south side of the meadow, we found these musicians:
Be sure to take several turns around the festival grounds – you might miss something behind a curtain or around the bend, first time you pass. Here’s the full schedule; ticket information is here – online sales are over but you can pay at the tent just past the gates of the park, which is at 5200 35th SW.
Out of the WSB inbox, from Wolfe:
We found a bike at the old Denny School park this morning 30th and Cloverdale. It’s an older Peugeot. It can be claimed by calling 206-940-0696 and telling us what color it is.
We also advise that found bicycles be reported to police – bikes are often stolen, used to get from one crime scene to another, then abandoned.
Three reports of orcas off our shores – most recently, just before 2:30 pm, off Beach Drive in the Me-Kwa-Mooks vicinity, headed southbound. As always, we hope you’ll let us know (comments or text/voice 206-293-6302) if you see them!
(Friday night photo by David Moya)
Yes, that’s wildfire smoke coloring our skies – yellowish haze right now, last night’s moonset (above), today’s sunrise (below) …
(Saturday morning photo by Craig Young)
If you’re sensitive, you probably have even noticed a smoky smell in the air – two people messaged us last night from different areas of West Seattle, wondering if there was a major fire close by. You can find many images and explanations on the Web, but the most comprehensive combination we’ve found so far is from weather analyst Cliff Mass, who published this update on his site, headlined, “Large Smoke Cloud Heads for Puget Sound.” (Puget Sound Clean Air Agency expects the wind to change tomorrow, improving the air quality here.) For information on specific fires, InciWeb is a good source (other suggestions welcome!).
From today’s list … arts-and-crafts creators of all ages are at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) until 3 pm. Early-early holiday gift, maybe? Or just something for yourself, a loved one, a friend – see which creations catch your eye.
Browse inside and out, at 5612 California SW.
Looking ahead to fall’s first festival in West Seattle – Holy Rosary School’s WestFest, four weeks away, is putting out a call for volunteers to entertain festivalgoers. Tiffany (a volunteer herself) is in charge of lining up stage entertainment and says, “We could use bands, musicians, magicians, etc. WestFest is Friday, September 18th, 6 pm-10 pm, AND Saturday, September 19th, 10 am-10 pm.” If you’re interested, please e-mail Tiffany at westfeststage@outlook.com.
(Ravens photographed over The Arroyos by Lon)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
HAPPENING NOW – ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR AT C & P: Find a treasure during this one-day craft fair at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) featuring local artisans. Continuing until 3 pm. (5612 California SW)
HAPPENING NOW – PUGET SOUND BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION KIDS’ DAY: Happening until 1 pm at the West Seattle Bee Garden, as previewed here. (31st SW & Graham)
HAPPENING NOW – ARTS IN NATURE FESTIVAL: The Nature Consortium‘s weekend of art, music, and nature at Camp Long is on! Until 9 tonight, and 11 am-6 pm on Sunday. You can plan your visit via the schedule on the festival website. (5200 35th SW)
HIAWATHA WADING POOL’S CLOSING DAY: Noon-6:30 pm, last day of the year at the Hiawatha Community Center Park wading pool. (SW Lander & Walnut)
ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: Free summer-weekend-only tours continue this afternoon, 1-4 pm (last tour starts at 3:40 pm) with US Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers. (3201 Alki SW)
FREE BACKPACKS: 2-5 pm at Delridge Skatepark, West Seattle Baptist Church is giving away backpacks, with the event to be followed by a free concert. (Delridge Way SW & Genesee)
TWO PERFORMANCES OF ‘SIGNAL’: Performance artist Rachel Green‘s work for Duwamish Revealed will be performed at 3 pm and 7 pm at T-107 Park in West Seattle – details in our calendar listing. (4250 W. Marginal Way SW)
SALSA ON ALKI: Admission includes the dance lesson at 4:30 pm, followed by dancing until 10 pm, at Statue of Liberty Plaza. (61st SW & Alki)
‘ROCKY HORROR’ AT WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES: This is it – sixth and final West Seattle Outdoor Movies event of the year – and it’s the audience-participation “cult” classic, “Rocky Horror Picture Show” (rated R, if you’ve somehow never seen it). Birdseed provided – no rice, please. Gates open at 6:30 pm at the courtyard by Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), so come get your space early; bring your own chair/blanket. Admission free but if you can bring some $, you can help local nonprofits via the concessions (Southwest Seattle Historical Society) and raffles (Furry Faces Foundation and AARF are this week’s beneficiaries). Movie’s at dusk, which is likely around 8:30 pm this time around. Series sponsors include WSB and a long list of local businesses and organizations you can see on the right sidebar of the official WS Outdoor Movies website. (4410 California SW)
MOVIE UNDER THE STARS EN ESPANOL: “El Padrecito” will be screened tonight at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center, 8:30 pm – details in our calendar listing. (1321 SW 102nd)
PUNK, LIVE! AT THE SKYLARK: 9 pm, three bands at The Skylark in North Delridge. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Sorry the daily highlights are late today – some technical upgrades got in the way of prep time, but are good news for the future, speaking of which: You can always get a major jump on the day, the week, the month by going directly to the calendar.
Two road reminders:
HIGHWAY 99 CLOSURE: From the Battery Street Tunnel north to Valley Street, 99 is closed both ways all weekend, for realignment onto newly built roadway. The Viaduct is open but if you’re heading northbound, you’ll have to exit at Western (as shown in the “live” webcam image above); if you want to use it southbound to West Seattle, you’ll have to get onto it (or back onto it) south of the tunnel.
ALKI BEACH 5K TOMORROW: Alki and Harbor Avenues will be off-limits to vehicles for about three hours Sunday morning before and during the Alki Beach 5K, a benefit for breast-cancer patients.