Our toplines from last night’s Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council meeting:
CSO PROJECTS: It’s been about three months since Seattle Public Utilities started working on improvements to its two combined-sewer-overflow storage-tank sites in eastern West Seattle, one a few blocks east of Westwood Village, one on the east side of the Delridge/Orchard/Dumar intersection. Project manager Tara Wong-Esteban came to WWRHAH with updates. Both projects will be done by year’s end, she says. The one that’s in WWRHAH’s area of interest, CSO #3 at 22nd/Henderson, is is the midst of major work right now, including a diversion facility at Barton St./Barton Place. Soon an access path for city trucks’ maintenance access will be built; it will include paving stones surrounded by grass. The landscaping overall will make the area more open, she said. Here’s the design concept:

The project also is getting an art installation, as part of the Municipal Art Plan; artist Rebecca Cummins was introduced at the meeting. She’s going to use water valves like those found in CSOs to make cameras obscuras – you can see an image on this city webpage (scroll down to the bottom and click the image for a closer look). Two will be installed along the Barton side of the project, the smaller one intended for kids walking by.
ARBOR HEIGHTS MICROSURFACING UPDATE: As he had at last month’s Southwest District Council meeting, SDOT’s Art Brochet provided an update on this summer’s plan for more microsurfacing in AH.

Compared to chip seal, microsurfacing needs time to set and dry, once it’s put down. They’re still trying to work out logistics for the roads going into the Arroyos in southwesternmost West Seattle; the project is out to bid and the contractor’s not chosen yet, Brochet said, so that’ll be worked out once those details are finalized. He was asked about some other pavement issues in WWRHAH’s area, including the Westwood Village area, and promised to pass those along. WWRHAH co-chair Amanda Kay Helmick noted at that point that issues had arisen during the recent multi-agency walking tour around WWV (WSB coverage here) and they hadn’t received updates from the city reps who had participated, so she said she’d take Brochet up on his offer to help them find out where things stand.
WWRHAH meets on first Tuesdays, 6:15 pm, Southwest Library.
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