West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
Our toplines from last night’s Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council meeting:
CSO PROJECTS: It’s been about three months since Seattle Public Utilities started working on improvements to its two combined-sewer-overflow storage-tank sites in eastern West Seattle, one a few blocks east of Westwood Village, one on the east side of the Delridge/Orchard/Dumar intersection. Project manager Tara Wong-Esteban came to WWRHAH with updates. Both projects will be done by year’s end, she says. The one that’s in WWRHAH’s area of interest, CSO #3 at 22nd/Henderson, is is the midst of major work right now, including a diversion facility at Barton St./Barton Place. Soon an access path for city trucks’ maintenance access will be built; it will include paving stones surrounded by grass. The landscaping overall will make the area more open, she said. Here’s the design concept:
The project also is getting an art installation, as part of the Municipal Art Plan; artist Rebecca Cummins was introduced at the meeting. She’s going to use water valves like those found in CSOs to make cameras obscuras – you can see an image on this city webpage (scroll down to the bottom and click the image for a closer look). Two will be installed along the Barton side of the project, the smaller one intended for kids walking by.
ARBOR HEIGHTS MICROSURFACING UPDATE: As he had at last month’s Southwest District Council meeting, SDOT’s Art Brochet provided an update on this summer’s plan for more microsurfacing in AH.
Compared to chip seal, microsurfacing needs time to set and dry, once it’s put down. They’re still trying to work out logistics for the roads going into the Arroyos in southwesternmost West Seattle; the project is out to bid and the contractor’s not chosen yet, Brochet said, so that’ll be worked out once those details are finalized. He was asked about some other pavement issues in WWRHAH’s area, including the Westwood Village area, and promised to pass those along. WWRHAH co-chair Amanda Kay Helmick noted at that point that issues had arisen during the recent multi-agency walking tour around WWV (WSB coverage here) and they hadn’t received updates from the city reps who had participated, so she said she’d take Brochet up on his offer to help them find out where things stand.
WWRHAH meets on first Tuesdays, 6:15 pm, Southwest Library.
Thanks to Marilyn Mears for the photo and report:
Six senior girls, three each from West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School, were honored recently by AAUW (American Association of University Women), Seattle Branch, for their achievement in the areas of Math, Science, and Technology. The girls were chosen by their schools and received certificates and a small monetary award at an evening reception at the Best Western Executive Inn on April 22. The speaker at the event was Renee Agutsama, a former high school science teacher who is currently completing her PhD in Public Health Genetics, with a focus on Genetics and Arts Education.
West Seattle High School honorees included: Abigayle Riggins (Math), Annalisa Ursino (Science), and Kristine Le (Technology).
Chief Sealth International High School honorees included: Monica Harris (Math), Gabrielle Fillis (Science), and Thy Duong (Technology).
[L-R in photo above – Ursino, Riggins, Duong, Harris; Le & Fillis, not pictured]
AAUW is a national organization which advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.
Pet owners thinking about flouting the laws in city parks might want to think twice. Seattle Animal Shelter says it’s back up to full staff and so, as director Don Jordan puts it, “folks not only in Lincoln Park but around the city will see a more-concerted effort back in the parks again to (encourage) off-leash compliance and compliance with our licensing law.”
We contacted Jordan because of Jeannie‘s post in the WSB Forums, saying she’d heard from an officer who said Lincoln Park is now being patrolled. Concerns about off-leash dogs have been a frequent topic in the forums; we also published a report in March after hearing from a student researcher who’s been studying how off-leash, off-trail dogs have affected park restoration efforts.
Jordan says what’s happened is, “We’re finally back up to full staff” – 13 officers, after two years in which various staffing challenges dropped levels to barely half that, as low as seven officers. (If you’re cited for a violation, here’s the list of fees.)
Even more than off-leash violators, though, he wanted to talk about the importance of licensing. “It’s the right thing to do,” he said, pointing out, repeatedly, that licensing revenue supports SAS, and that it has other benefits. It’s estimated, Jordan said, that only about 30 percent of dogs and 15 percent of cats are licensed here (he cited a formula by the American Veterinary Medicine Association for that), “so we know there’s a great opportunity out there for pet owners to help us out.”
For one – if your pet is lost (a circumstance that touches our work via the WSB Lost/Found Pets page), a license provides a way for you to be found, once they’re found, without putting all your personal contact info on their tags.
Jordan says licenseholders also can contact SAS when they’re going on vacation, for example, to provide information on who’s watching your pet, in case it gets loose. Find out more about pet licensing here – and keep in mind there’s a $125 fine if you’re caught without it.
Back to the staffing; Jordan says SAS has “been able to recruit some really stellar staff members with a tremendous variety of backgrounds … vet technicians to wildlife experts to folks who have worked in large animal veterinary practices, a wide array of officers. Best crew I’ve had in the past 25 years I’ve been here.”
We asked if they’re working beats – is someone permanently assigned to Lincoln Park, for example? He would only say that they schedule in advance, and might have to “modify” when something comes up at the last minute – someone out sick, testifying in court, etc. They’re trying “to spread our efforts out, (especially) among the larger, heavily-used parks. Folks should know we’re here to help – call us if you have problems in the neighborhood. We’ll be deployed as much as we can with the leash law and licensing law this summer,” among other things. The SAS animal-control hotline is 206-386-7387 (that’s 386-PETS).
Image by Wonderlane, published to Flickr, licensed for use via Creative Commons)
The forecast for Saturday – the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, with 340+ sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle – just keeps getting better; now it’s sunny with a high in the upper 70s or maybe even 80. (Good thing we have multiple spots offering drinks – lemonade and coffee, in particular.)
Both forms of the sale map are now available – the clickable, searchable online version, which you’ll find here, and the printable sale list/guide/map, a 21-page PDF you’ll find here.
If you have a minute to print out a poster for sale day and stick it on the bulletin board at your workplace, school, favorite coffee shop – here’s one (one-page PDF, 8 1/2 x 11).
Today’s highlights – benefit sales listed in the registrations!
#1 – proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
#15 – proceeds to NW Parkinson’s Foundation
#27 – benefit for West Seattle Food Bank
#46 – at and benefiting Dance! West Seattle
#69 – benefiting Delta Kappa Gamma
#79 – stop by and donate at this “un-garage sale”
#132 – benefiting Chamwino Connect in Tanzania
#200 – Girl Scout Troop 41989
#228 – benefiting AAU JV basketball team
#229 – portion of proceeds to Providence Portland Cancer Center
#233 – benefiting Evergreen Homeschool Science Olympiad team
#251 – Girl Scout Troop 44028, helping Tent City
#270 – benefiting West Seattle High School Grad Night
#272 – benefiting Beat The Bridge team
#300 – Amethyst Chapter #138, Order of the Eastern Star
And there are sales AT nonprofits/volunteer-run efforts:
#33 – Solstice Park P-Patch
#52 – WSUU
#109 – West Seattle Veteran Center
#182 – West Seattle Eagles
#192 – Log House Museum
#335 – West Seattle Tool Library
Any fundraiser/benefits we missed in the list? garagesale@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
(Photo courtesy of ‘Barnyard Musical Mystery’ production advisers)
It’s not just a school play – Lafayette Elementary‘s production is an original musical written by a West Seattle resident. Here’s the announcement – and even if you’re not associated with the school, we’re told, you are by all means invited to come cheer the student performers and their grownup helpers:
This year’s Lafayette school play is “The Barnyard Musical Mystery,” presented May 7, 8, and 9 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium at Chief Sealth International High School.
The award for Best Exhibit at the County Fair is a shiny new tractor, and Miss Lucy hopes to win it by exhibiting her prize carrots. But something’s afoot: a spooky creature is haunting Miss Lucy’s garden, scaring away her farmhands and keeping them from tending the crops! To solve the mystery, Miss Lucy calls in Hamhock Holmes and Dr. Dachshund, the famous pig detective and her canine assistant. Holmes and Dachshund investigate the case, with help from dancing bees, timid rabbits, sassy singing hens, crooning raccoons, and prankster goats.
Meanwhile, at the farm down the road, Farmer Jacky and his minions plot to make sure Farmer Jacky’s beloved giant pumpkin will win the prize instead.
Will Holmes and Dachshund find an explanation for the mystery? Who will win the shiny new tractor?
Written by Laurie Utterback and directed by Melia Scranton, Laurie Utterback, and Joel Oltyan, The Barnyard Musical Mystery features an enthusiastic cast of 81 Lafayette students in grades 3 through 5. Admission is free, with a suggested donation of $1 per ticket to help cover production expenses.
Chief Sealth IHS is at 2600 SW Thistle.
(WSB photo from this morning’s announcement event)
11:23 AM: We are on Beacon Hill, where Mayor Murray is announcing the revised transportation levy. The West Seattle headline: The Fauntleroy Boulevard project is now part of the levy. More to come.
CM @CityhallTom says June 2nd public hearing on this. He thinks WS will 'get behind' the levy w/ these changes pic.twitter.com/KHky9R8c2X
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) May 6, 2015
11:56 AM: Councilmembers Tom Rasmussen – longtime advocate of the Fauntleroy Boulevard project – and Mike O’Brien also spoke. Various notes: $35 million more for sidewalks in the revised levy (we’re looking for proposed locations). The total package to be funded is now up to $930 million – $30 million more than the first draft – but the city says that is not from an increase in the proposed tax level, but from additional revenue they expect will be generated as “assessed value of new construction” rises. Lander Street Overpass – touted as key for freight as well as for surface-level travel between West Seattle and SODO – is still in the package, and the Delridge corridor is shown on the highlights map, too. Rasmussen said the first council consideration of the revised levy will be on May 12th; a public hearing is planned June 2nd. More to come.
1:52 PM: If you’d like to see how the mayor framed this, here’s the news release. Meantime, we’ve added a few of our photos from the announcement event, and here are a few more notes. The amount of money allotted for the Neighborhood Street Fund also has increased. We’ve sent a followup question to CM Rasmussen’s office to ask whether the Fauntleroy Boulevard proposal that’s now in the levy is the with-undergrounded-utilities or without-undergrounded-utilities version, and will add the reply when we get it.
3:36 PM: CM Rasmussen says $16 million will be earmarked for Fauntleroy Boulevard. While that isn’t the full amount that would need for undergrounding, he says, they are working with Seattle City Light on “cost-sharing.” He also adds that he is “thrilled” that the project made it into the revised levy and says it’s evidence the mayor listened to community members, and him, who said they wanted it included. (It dominated the discussion during SDOT director Kubly’s visit to the Southwest District Council a month ago, for example.)
(Photo courtesy Thunder Road Guitars: L-R, TRG manager Dan Miles, Bass Shop owner Chad Beeler, TRG owner Frank Gross, guitar fixer Sam Tyner)
Back in February, we published a note from Thunder Road Guitars owner Frank Gross, asking for help finding a bigger space for the shop. He found it – and is officially announcing the impending move, as well as a new partnership:
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we will be moving to the heart of the West Seattle Junction this summer, taking over the 4736 California Ave space previously occupied by The Sneakery. As many of you know we have been busting at the seams in our current location for some time now and given the size of this new location it will triple our current square footage. What does this mean? More of what we do! More fine vintage and used guitars and amplifiers. More pedals from the innovative brands we carry, and more accessories. We will also be expanding to offer guitars lessons from some great local teachers.
On top of moving we are also thrilled to announce a partnership with fellow West Seattlite Chad Beeler of The Bass Shop and Bass EFX. Chad has worked in the musical instrument field for over 25 years and co-owned / co-founded Bass Northwest in Pioneer Square, one of the national leaders in bass guitars and amplifiers. Chad will be showcasing his exclusive inventory in Thunder Road Guitars and in turn will significantly bulk up the bass selection in the store. Our collective goal is to be a one stop shop for guitar and bass enthusiasts throughout the region.
The 4736 California location has a bit of sentimental value to me. When I was a kid, it was a print shop named Liberty Bell Printing. I have memories of my dad taking me there when I was a young teenager to print artwork for my first band’s CD. After all these years, music is taking me back to that same spot. We are so excited to be part of the West Seattle community and can’t wait to open our new location in the Junction.
Expect to see us open the end of June!
Thunder Road Guitars was an online-only business until two and a half years ago, when they opening the storefront they’ll be leaving at 3916 California SW. The Sneakery closed its Junction shop last month and consolidated back into its original location in Ballard.
(WSB photo: Bainbridge ferries and fog in the distance, seen from Duwamish Head this morning)
Looking ahead to what’s up for the rest of today/tonight:
BABY STORY TIME: 11:30 am, bring your 4- to 12-month-old to High Point Branch Library for story time. Free. (35th/Raymond)
HOW ABOUT A WALK ON THE BEACH? 1:09 pm, low tide is out to -1.5 feet today.
ADMIRAL WAY PROJECT @ SOUTHWEST DISTRICT COUNCIL: 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, the Southwest District Council is scheduled to hear about the Admiral Way Safety Project, proposing road changes along Admiral west of California, as presented to the Admiral Neighborhood Association last month. Also on the agenda, an update on the status of “Walking on Logs.” Public welcome. (Oregon/California)
FREE BICYCLE-COMMUTING CLINIC: 6:30 pm at Cycle U – if you’ve been thinking about getting to work on two wheels, come hear tips and ask questions – details here. (3418 Harbor SW)
NEW TIME FOR FRISBEE PICKUP GAME: West Seattle Ultimate Family Frisbee is now playing at Fairmount Playfield at 6:30 pm, half an hour later than before. (Fauntleroy/Brandon)
BELLY-DANCING CLASS: 7:15 pm, new class series begins at Delridge Community Center. (4501 Delridge Way SW)
‘ANGRY HOUSEWIVES’: 7:30 pm, a new week of performances starts at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. Check ticket availability here and buy yours online. (4711 California SW)
AS ALWAYS, YOU’LL SEE EVEN MORE if you take a moment to browse our calendar.
Perfect weather for Bike To School Day, and Alki Elementary students were joined by a special guest: Mayor Ed Murray, who lived in the area when he was a kid. He caught up with the “bike train” that left Anchor (Luna) Park. Once they got to school, some time to chat before classes began:
An awards ceremony also was planned for the student riders, to celebrate safety achievements such as “Most Visible Rider.” Bike To School Day is part of Bike Month, which also includes Bike To Work Day on May 15th, one week from Friday.
Due to malfunctioning city cameras as of early this morning, we’re starting with a different roundup this morning. Meantime, we want to remind you that it’s Bike To School Day – at least one local school has big events planned; Alki Elementary students are riding in two “bike trains” this morning, and one is expected to be accompanied by former Alki resident Mayor Ed Murray. Later in the morning, he’ll be announcing some big transportation news – the revised version of the proposed “Levy to Move Seattle.” Once that’s out around 11:15 am, we’ll report back on any changes regarding its West Seattle specifics (here’s what we reported when the first version was unveiled in mid-March).
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