West Seattle wildlife: It’s ‘watch out for goslings’ season

April 18, 2015 11:42 am
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 |   West Seattle news | Wildlife

Headed for the water? The baby Canada Goose photo and reminder are from David Hutchinson:

Three goslings were hatched recently on the pilings north of Salty’s. A couple years ago, their father was taken to PAWS by Seal Sitters. He had been attacked by a dog and suffered a severe bite while trying to protect his goslings near the Don Armeni boat ramp.

It would be thoughtful if you come across them while walking your dog (which is hopefully on a leash) to keep at a distance. If approached, they will panic and try to scramble over the rocks to escape to the water. Often, the small goslings will fall into the crevices and become trapped. People have been pretty considerate in the past while driving on Harbor Ave by stopping and allowing them to cross the road – the grass is always greener on the other side.

This is the eighth year David has shared at least one gosling photo via WSB. From the archives:

*First 2013 photo
*First 2012 photo
*First 2011 photo
*First 2010 photo
*First 2009 photo

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