West Seattle coyotes: Halloween sightings, and more

Two coyote reports this Halloween: Paul tweeted about one in Fauntleroy, at California/Director, and we got a text about a “skinny coyote” near California/98th in Arbor Heights. Other reports in the past week or so include another one in Arbor Heights last Sunday, in which a coyote was interrupted while killing a cat (39th/100th); Upper Morgan (38th/Morgan); Puget Ridge (18th/Myrtle). If you’re new or haven’t seen these reports before, over the past six years we have received reader-reported sightings just about everywhere in West Seattle. This information from the state Department of Fish and Wildlife explains what to do if you see one (short answer – scare it away). Our previous coyote reports are archived here.

11 Replies to "West Seattle coyotes: Halloween sightings, and more"

  • 6buck October 31, 2014 (10:10 pm)

    I saw a coyote today (Friday) just before 4pm at 34th and 108th. It was smaller and skinnier than those I’ve seen in the past. The coyote continued westbound through the trail to 35th.

  • WS Me October 31, 2014 (10:36 pm)

    Although I hate the thought of any animal going without food, PEOPLE don’t let your pets be their next meal!! Bring those pets in after dark! I would ask that you always have them inside but know that is not very realistic. PLEASE!! It breaks my heart every time I hear of a cat or dog being devoured by a coyote. WHAT can be done to keep these animals away from ours!?

  • Cris Seattle November 1, 2014 (7:22 am)

    I think we live in a city and some things are not conducive to that; mobile homes, farm animals, tractors going slow on our streets, and wild animals like puma or coyotes. What will we feel like when they are harming humans? Their population is growing and our city habitat cannot support that. We need a removal plan now.

  • payrollgirl November 1, 2014 (7:50 am)

    I agree with WS Me>>>>keep your pets inside, it’s hard and more time consuming for yourself to have to walk your dog to go to the bathroom and to clean cat box but less heartbreaking to you and your family if that coyote got your pet.

  • Marianne November 1, 2014 (8:58 am)

    Cris Seattle- A removal plan for some people is a great idea!

  • Karen November 1, 2014 (3:20 pm)

    This morning we heard chickens clucking at someone’s house on 28th Avenue SW, we think.

    At 2:45pm today my husband was out doing yard work and saw a coyote jog by with a chicken in its mouth. The coyote was not afraid — it just kept going while looking at my husband as it passed by. He later saw the coyote head back up the street toward 28th again. We’re at 27th Avenue SW and Othello. We don’t hear the chickens anymore.

  • lookingforlogic November 1, 2014 (6:34 pm)

    Coyotes are native, pets squirrels and chicken are not. It is your responsibility to provide a safe home for your animals. Chickens need secure coops, dogs should not run loose and need a secure, dry location, cats are, well cats. Birds of prey steal eggs and small chickens, coyotes fight dogs and eat cats, rats are attracted to feed, eat eggs, hatchlings fruit, termites, raccoons fight dogs, are attracted to feed, eat fruit and insects and eggs.

    Get your property secure, there are other living creatures on this planet and it is our duty to exist with them not annihilate and exterminate, genocide is for cowards.

  • AJ November 1, 2014 (9:03 pm)

    Lookingforlogic; Coyotes re NOT native to Western Washington-they are an invasive species. They do not belong here. Removal or extermination-either one works for me.

  • Peggy November 2, 2014 (8:39 am)

    The skinny coyote near 98th in Arbor Heights is ill, suffering from mange; not dangerous, scare away but do not approach. Meanwhile, unless you are native indigenous American, you are not native either AJ so get over it. We need to coexist with wild life, and with each other.

  • AJ November 2, 2014 (12:57 pm)

    I don’t care for the “get over it” argument. I do not agree, and I don’t need to “get over it”. Coyotes do not tend to “coexist” with anything that they can kill. Remember the foxes at West Seattle Golf course; they are no longer there because of the coyotes, The beaver in Longfellow Creek? Killed by coyotes. Not to mention all the cats, dogs, chickens and bunnies. Maybe they should “get over it”? Oh, that’s right, they’re dead.

  • rob November 2, 2014 (8:21 pm)

    As far as i know the protection of my property is my right. if my pets are in jeapordy by a dangoures animal it is my right to dispatch the threat

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