Video: Ice Bucket Challenge at Holy Rosary, and who they’re passing it on to

That’s the first “Ice Bucket Challenge” clip called to our attention by a local school. This one features the staff of Holy Rosary School and the parish’s pastor, Father John Madigan. HR principal George Hofbauer starts with challenges to other local Catholic schools, and Fr. Madigan adds a challenge to Seattle’s Archbishop Peter Sartain. (In case you’ve missed it somehow, the IBC has been making the rounds for weeks to raise awareness and money for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.) P.S. First day of school at HRS is next Tuesday.

4 Replies to "Video: Ice Bucket Challenge at Holy Rosary, and who they're passing it on to"

  • Cãrlãinthãbãrrã August 29, 2014 (9:36 pm)

    That was so cute!!! Love the pastors comment!!!!

  • JoB August 29, 2014 (9:50 pm)

    Kudos to Holy Rosary
    i know some people think this challenge overdone
    but the truth is that for the first time a lot of people have an awareness of the challenges of ALS
    and the foundation has raised enough to seed an exploratory research project or two..
    but most important.. people who have ALS finally feel that someone cares about them.
    i’d take a bucket of ice over my head for that

  • Covenant August 29, 2014 (10:01 pm)

    Kudos! One victim of ALS was Joseph Honan, former parishioner of Holy Rosary and a former resident of West Seattle, who passed away on July 18, 2014 after a courageous ten-year battle. I’d like to think he’s smiling from his perch up there.

  • G August 30, 2014 (8:02 pm)

    Gruesome disease, though are some promising research trials going on that might, hopefully, offer treatment. I think I remember it being a new drug approved for epilepsy that might be repurposed for ALS, if it works in humans.

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