Three reader reports of note:
Another broken business window on California SW. Unlike the one at the Discovery Shop earlier this week, the circumstances here aren’t clear, but we’re sharing it as an FYI. It happened at White Crane Wellness (3435 California SW) sometime Saturday, according to massage therapist MJ, who reports “stopp(ing) by to pick up something from work at 5:45 pm (Saturday) and saw that our window had been broken. It is double paned. Luckily only the outer pane was broken but there was still broken glass at the scene. Management has been contacted. Don’t know if it is related to the Discovery Store vandalism or a separate incidence.”
Ahead – trespasser or prowler? and a door-to-door report:
From Sarah in Highland Park:
A friend of ours stopped by our place to check on our dog and there was a man in our boat and his car was in our driveway. When she questioned him, he said that it was his friend’s boat, which was obviously not true. He was trespassing.
The car was a teal Buick, license plate starting with AKT.
Finally, in the Puget Ridge area, around 16th/Myrtle, a door-to-door report from Richard:
Just before 7 pm (Friday) I had 2 teens knock on my door. I asked them what they wanted & they said they were soliciting donations for their school football team. Not knowing if their activities were legitimate or not, I asked for identification of their program … they got very nervous, argumentative, & when I pressed them for more info they both took off running. I snapped a quick picture of the two of them & called 911. Again, I have no idea if their intentions were sincere but when they ran off the way that they did I figured I’d let the police handle it. No idea what transpired, if anything.
If you are involved with or know of a legit door-to-door campaign happening in the area, a heads-up is always good – – we’d be happy to mention “xx is canvassing in the area” in daily previews, as we’ve done in the past when notified.