West Seattle power outage: Parts of Arbor Heights, Brace Point

(Outage zone, screengrabbed from City Light map)
12:29 AM: Thanks to Kevin and Jason for initial tips (editor@westseattleblog.com) – the City Light outage map now confirms an outage in Arbor Heights and Brace Point. They both reported an explosion-type sound preceding the power problem (for Jason, it’s out; for Kevin, it flickered). City Light says 134 households are affected and estimates restoration by 3 am (remember, it’s always more of a “guesstimate” at this point).

1:29 AM: The map now blames the outage on “tree” and estimates power back by 9 am.

9 AM NOTE: Jason says in comments that the power returned around 4:45.

4 Replies to "West Seattle power outage: Parts of Arbor Heights, Brace Point"

  • lamont June 24, 2014 (1:14 am)

    I live over in the central district and my power is currently out. The guys who were out here earlier said that they’ve been responding to 3 to 4 crows taking out transformers a day for the past couple of months. in our case out was real obvious and the dead crow was right on the side walk under the transformer.

    • WSB June 24, 2014 (1:27 am)

      We did have one of those recently. Did this happens after dusk? Always seemed to me the crows went away somewhere when it got dark. … Meantime, the City Light site now blames this one on “tree.”

  • Jason June 24, 2014 (5:13 am)

    We got power back around 4:45 or so.

  • lamont June 24, 2014 (2:33 pm)

    Happened to us 6pm, so dusk-ish. They had to replace the whole transformer because it was so old, so we didn’t have lights back on until 1:30am

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