(Photo by Machel Spence)
Happy Monday! Three highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, where you’ll find more of what’s happening today/tonight:
TWO MORE WADING POOLS OPEN TODAY: First day of the season for Delridge and South Park wading pools starts at noon; Delridge is open until 6:45, SP until 7 pm. They are not open every day; in this area, only Lincoln Park’s wading pool is, as is the Highland Park spraypark. Full citywide schedule (including addresses) can be seen here.
ADOPTION/FOSTER CARE INFORMATION: Ever thought about being an adoptive or foster parent? Families Like Ours is at the South Park Library tonight for an informational session, and it’s the only one planned right now in this general area. 6:30 pm. (8604 8th Avenue South)
FINAL DESIGN WORKSHOP FOR ‘STEPS AT STEVENS’: The proposed “neighborhood-connectivity project” leading into West Seattle High School from California SW has its third and final design workshop tonight, 7 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church next to the school – details in our calendar listing. (California/Hanford)
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