(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
In case you missed meeting them here back in March, from left with their sponsor banners are this year’s West Seattle Hi-Yu Senior Court candidates Hang Thao, Nina Coluccio, and Lorelei McFadden, with reigning queen April Davis. After talent performances at the breakfast event, the candidates are continuing with judged events leading up to the big celebration you’re invited to attend: Two weeks from today, Sunday, May 18th, coronation and tea! It’s a festive afternoon tea service at The Hall at Fauntleroy; chair Danette Carufel shared a table-setting photo:

(Photo courtesy West Seattle Hi-Yu)
You can still get your ticket(s) for the 2-5 pm tea/silent auction event on May 18th – $25/person, or bring your friends and fill a table of 10 for $250, supporting this all-volunteer nonprofit community organization – by contacting Danette at 206-935-6517 or via e-mail.
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