(Female Anna’s Hummingbird, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
A selection of what’s up for today/tonight:
TODDLER EGGSTRAVAGANZA: Still time to get to High Point Community Center for this 10 am Easter-time little-kid fave. Details in our calendar listing. (6420 34th SW)
WINE AND BUNNIES: From South Seattle College (WSB sponsor):
1-5 PM at South Seattle College’s Northwest Wine Academy student-produced wines and Pastry Arts student creations will be on sale. From egg-shaped cakes to chocolate bunnies and hot cross buns, South will have you covered!
Tomorrow too. (6000 16th SW)
COMMUNITY ORCHARD OF WEST SEATTLE: Drop-in volunteer opportunity every Thursday, 5-7 pm, explained here. North end of SSC campus. (6000 16th SW)
DESIGN REVIEW X 2: Two projects go back to the Southwest Design Review Board for second-round Early Design Guidance reviews – 3824 California SW (30 townhomes/live-work units) at 6:30 pm, 4505 42nd SW (45 apartments) at 8 pm. See our preview of both hearings, including links to the “packets” with renderings and info, by going here. (Both meetings are upstairs at the Senior Center, California/Oregon)
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL BOARD MEETING: 7 pm at Alki UCC, but a location change: “Because of Maundy Thursday service in the Parlor, we will meet in the Choir Practice Room on the third floor next to the church office.” Board-meeting format but all welcome. (6115 SW Hinds)
FLASHLIGHT EGG HUNT: No, teens are NOT too old to hunt for eggs – this special event starting at 8:15 pm at Hiawatha Community Center is just for them; details in our calendar listing. (2700 California SW)
NIGHTLIFE: Multiple West Seattle venues have listings on our calendar!
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