West Seattle snow? Alert level changes to Winter Weather Advisory

The National Weather Service has changed the alert for possible Friday morning snow to a Winter Weather Advisory, in effect 1 am to 1 pm – read the alert here. One to three inches of snow is possible before it changes to rain in the afternoon. The alert changed after the Weather Service’s midday “forecast discussion” noted that while precipitation is undeniably on the way, “everything else related to snow vs. rain, snow accumulations, and start and end times remains in the Holy Moly zone of uncertainty.” Updates as we get them …

9 Replies to "West Seattle snow? Alert level changes to Winter Weather Advisory"

  • sam-c December 19, 2013 (2:01 pm)

    that report is funny. glad they are allowed to have a sense of humor (in the report).

  • Robert December 19, 2013 (2:10 pm)

    Will be interesting to see what the school do since SPS is one hour early and some private schools are doing half days.

  • Steph December 19, 2013 (3:25 pm)

    I predict right now that SPS will close tomorrow. Place your bets!

  • Gina December 19, 2013 (4:10 pm)

    Beer, milk, disposable diapers, fireplace logs, toilet paper and frozen pizzas. Items that people panic buy in Seattle.

  • C-Town Clown December 19, 2013 (5:15 pm)

    Time to go buy another sled for Ctown Hill! Woo Hoo! FYI – SDOT has entrusted me with putting out the hill closure signs up and I will be doing so as soon as I see accumulation. Wax up your sleds people! Oh and kids, no bonfires in the middle of the road this year please. ;). Be safe everyone!

  • Genesee Hill December 19, 2013 (8:37 pm)

    Hope for no snow.

    By the way, TR, I cannot comment on some of the latest posts.

    I can’t even sign in on the forum…

    Was I finally booted off?

    Can’t say I blame you if I was….

    • WSB December 19, 2013 (9:08 pm)

      Ghill, haven’t had to boot anyone in a while. The forum has been more cantankerous this week. Cache-clearing might help. It is six years old which in software terms is something like 100 in dog years. Some say we should euthanize the software; we are instead trying to find an expert and it ain’t easy. Apologies.

  • sam-c December 19, 2013 (9:30 pm)

    cliff mass updated his blog, and still calls for snow… but by my sniff test when I went to the car late tonight, it didn’t ‘smell like snow’

  • Friend O'Dinghus December 20, 2013 (4:42 am)

    Just in case you haven’t looked outside…it IS snowing…and accumulating. Cliff Mass’ magical, mystical mathmatics computator has ruled the day!

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