(East-facing camera on the West Seattle Bridge; see other cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:11 AM: For starters: The below-freezing air has finally arrived. The Boeing Field temp, usually the closest to ours, was 27 at the top of the hour.
7:40 AM: Jana reports a crash on the eastbound bridge, “red lights everywhere.” Nothing on the 911 log so far.
8:04 AM: Per scanner, there’s debris – “ladder, boxes, some wood” – on the eastbound bridge. No specific spot mentioned yet. Also, a report of a crash at Delridge/Andover, with the drivers possibly in some kind of post-crash argument.
8:31 AM: Also from the scanner, police heading to check out a report of an incident/crash possibly involving a Metro bus, California/Edmunds. (Update: Thanks to NanC for an eyewitness report in comments below.)
9:13 AM: Thanks to Mike Jensen for the Twitter update on the bridge debris – he says a crew is out cleaning them up, which is/was blocking the left lane of the eastbound bridge.
Three advisories today:
BRIDGE LANE CLOSURES: Today through Friday, the city plans to install LED streetlights on the high-rise bridge, and that means lane closures, starting with sections of the eastbound right-hand lane 10 am-4 pm today. Here’s the advisory we published Tuesday.
42ND SW ALERT: The half-block closure of 42nd SW between Alaska and Edmunds continues today, according to an advisory from Andersen Construction, which is working on the two-building mixed-use development at 42nd/Alaska/California.

They’re connecting sewer lines and expect the closures to continue daily through Friday and again next Monday-Friday, 7 am-3:30 pm. Access is maintained to 42nd SW businesses, but you can’t take a right turn when leaving Jefferson Square.
SW GENESEE ALERT: The prefab-townhouse project continues today on SW Genesee west of 26th SW, and that means a lane is blocked at times. Here’s our coverage from Tuesday.