(8/14 note: To check whether a business is still a current WSB sponsor, please go here)
Today, we welcome a new WSB sponsor: Skin Butik. New sponsors are invited to introduce themselves to you, so here’s what they would like you to know:

(From left, Skin Butik’s Donna Mansfield and Sara Lowe)
Skin Butik offers you European skin care, without leaving West Seattle. Clients are happy to choose Skin Butik for reasons such as our absolutely gorgeous and private space with convenient parking in Morgan Junction. We cater to one client at a time here; they are delighted to find the entire spa all to themselves and enjoy private, and very personal, one-on-one, first-class service at Skin Butik. Also, we are enthusiastically connected to the West Seattle community and a great resource for referring people to other fantastic local businesses in the area!
We often hear from clients how happy they are that they discovered us, some of them as many as 15 years ago! Skin Butik clients are so happy they don’t have to travel downtown, pay for parking, pay too much money for only a mediocre experience and deal with a large staff; they love the European quality of the services we provide. The majority of our business happens through word of mouth, and we could not be more grateful for our referrals! The best part of our job is that we are as much inspired by our amazing clients as they are by us. We discuss everything here, from overall health, diet, and lifestyle, to the latest trends in fashion, to worldwide travel. Our clients keep coming back for the ultimate relaxing experience and optimum aesthetic services and care, including the best European facial Seattle has to offer. Seriously.
Our community involvement includes being part of the WestSide Professionals BNI organization in West Seattle, a BNI organization that meets every Wednesday morning to network, and grow each other’s businesses in our community. We look forward to growing our business and want to thank all of our amazing clients for their support all these years! Here’s how to contact Skin Butik, including online appointment requests, or call 206-938-7714.
We thank Skin Butik for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.