Followup: Full Tilt release party for Mudhoney ice cream will also feature … Mudhoney, the band!

(WSB video: Mudhoney at Easy Street Records this past April)
Back on November 22nd, we mentioned the upcoming release party for Full Tilt Ice Cream‘s new Mudhoney flavor – 7 pm December 11th at Full Tilt’s flagship White Center store. At the time, a sweet surprise was being planned – an unannounced appearance by Mudhoney themselves. Now, we hear from FT proprietor Justin Cline, it’s no longer secret – so we’re getting the news to you too. Be there one week from tomorrow (party at 7, band at 8), for the ice cream as well as the music!

2 Replies to "Followup: Full Tilt release party for Mudhoney ice cream will also feature ... Mudhoney, the band!"

  • James December 3, 2013 (9:43 pm)

    This will be amazing. You must attend. You WILL have fun. That is all.

  • Mar-C December 5, 2013 (6:25 pm)

    Sweet! Figuratively and literally:-P

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