West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
Along with development, we watch real estate – particularly commercial listings – for hints at where future development might turn up. Tonight, there’s a new listing in The Triangle: 4480 Fauntleroy Way SW, offered for sale for $895,000. It’s home to coffee, computer, and car businesses, and the flyer says that all are on month-to-month leases but all want to stay, while also touting the 6,300-square-foot site’s “great future development potential.” It’s zoned NC3-65 (explained here). Two nearby sites remain listed, as first reported here in August:
*The $2.6 million listing for 17,000-sf Fauntleroy Plaza on the northwest corner of Fauntleroy/35th says a sale is “pending.”
*The $2.4 million (down from $2.8 million in August) listing for 16,000-sf 4441 Fauntleroy Way SW describes it as “available.” Like newly listed 4480 Fauntleroy, it is zoned NC3-65.
Online city records show no current development proposals for any of the three aforementioned sites.
We start West Seattle Crime Watch with notes received today reporting two burglaries last night:
*A resident near 41st/Graham reports someone broke in while she and her husband were asleep: “Must have been a one-person job because they only took a 32-inch Vizeo TV and my husband’s $1500 Toshiba work laptop.”
*A resident near 49th/Brandon reports, “Our house was broken into last night. … They came in through the basement window. Police were here last night. They focused on money, prescription drugs, credit cards, and Seahawks jerseys!”
Checking trends, the Seattle Police crime map shows 16 burglaries reported in the past week – the 49th/Brandon break-in is one of them; the other one isn’t on the map yet:
Ahead, the list of dates/locations for the other 15 shown on the map – last Sunday was by far the busiest day of the week for burglars:
We don’t know for sure whether this is the same American White Pelican spotted hanging around Lincoln Park/Lowman Beach two weeks ago (as seen here), but it’s the first report we’ve received since this stormy weekend, so we’re sharing it. Jon Anderson spotted it during one of today’s sunbreaks, in a pond near the South Transfer Station. Their usual range in our state is around the Columbia River.
With First Lutheran Church of West Seattle pastor Rev. Ron Marshall in that photo is a newly dedicated statue he commissioned, as a tribute to Danish theologian/philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, whose bicentennial is being commemorated today at the church. It began with a lecture this morning and concludes with a mid-afternoon reception, including folk dancing and this array of treats marked with tiny Denmark flags:
Commemorative glass mugs are available:
And distinguished visitors are on hand, including musicians, a poet, and the Kierkegaard statue’s artist, Dr. Rita Marie Kepner of Marrowstone Island (south of Port Townsend):
A pamphlet about the statue includes her memoirs about the process of creating it. She explains that Rev. Marshall contacted her more than five years ago “about finding a student to create a small ceramic portrait” of Kierkegaard … but she herself became intrigued, learning about Kierkegaard’s connection with the Lutheran Church. As she wrote, like many people, he is remembered more “as the father of existentialism.” Talking with the pastor, she eventually realized “the project was important enough that we should do it in bronze, not ceramic.” The brochure, which includes many more musings on her artistic process, notes that she is not only an internationally acclaimed artist but also an appointed federal disaster-response reservist and licensed boat captain. First Lutheran, by the way, is at 4105 California SW, north of The Junction.
One of the organizations working right now with typhoon survivors in the Philippines is ShelterBox, which specializes in kits and portable equipment specially designed for rapid relief in disaster zones. West Seattleite Dave Nichols, who works as a response-team member for ShelterBox, visited Emeritus-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor) to talk with residents about how the nonprofit organization is helping not only with typhoon relief but also with recovery from the big mid-October earthquake. He showed a few of the items that ShelterBox provides, from cooking utensils to building tools to a school-supply box that can get school going again for up to 50 kids.
The components of one ShelterBox cost about $1,000, according to Nichols, and the organization is accepting donations to help with its work. So far, according to this online ShelterBox update, they’ve brought personnel and supplies with the potential to help up to 4,000 families.
Going grocery shopping in the next few days? You might not be ready to buy your Thanksgiving turkey yet, but it’s the perfect time to shop for one (or more) to donate to the West Seattle Food Bank – which has a special donation event coming up this Wednesday (November 20th) in The Junction. The announcement:
The West Seattle Food Bank is looking for 500 donated 10 lb. turkeys to help all of our clients in need have a delicious turkey on their table for Thanksgiving. It’s even more difficult now, with the recent SNAP (Food Stamp) cuts, for our clients to provide healthy meals for their families. Help us by bringing a frozen 10-pound turkey to Easy Street Records in the Junction, Wednesday, 11/20, 4-7 pm! No need to park – we’ll be outside, ready to grab your turkey, or donate cash and we’ll buy the turkey for you! PLEASE HELP US provide all of our clients with a happy Thanksgiving meal!
If you would rather give money than a turkey, WSFB’s Judi Yazzolino tells WSB that $10 is their approximate cost for a 10-pound turkey. They’re asking for that size because “we have a lot of single people and small families, and it’s easier for us to store.” (You can also donate $ online – just go here.)
Mark your calendar for a free movie at the historic Admiral Theater – Thursday, December 5th. This isn’t a fundraiser, but rather an awareness-raiser. We learned about it from Dawn Clark, who says her high-school-senior daughter Keely and friend Angelica are so concerned about the captive killer whale known as Lolita – the last surviving Puget Sound-captured orca – that they are renting space at The Admiral to show a documentary made about her, “Lolita: Slave to Entertainment.” Here’s the trailer:
Activists around the world have been campaigning for Lolita to be set free. The awareness campaign even succeeded in getting a ferry being built right now at Vigor Shipyard on Harbor Island to carry her previous name, Tokitae. You can support the students’ efforts by coming to the movie on December 5th; doors open at 6:30 pm, movie at 7 pm. It’s not a movie for young children, so they’re promoting it for teens and adults; if you need an incentive besides free admission, they’re offering free desserts. “We’re not raising money, only awareness for her,” says the announcement Dawn shared. “Her story will touch your heart. There is a sanctuary waiting for her in the San Juan Islands. Help us get the word out.” (You can read about the proposed retirement sanctuary on the Orca Network‘s website.)
(Sanderling in the surf at Alki, by Danny McMillin, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
Happy Sunday! Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
KIERKEGAARD BICENTENNIAL AT FLCWS: First Lutheran Church of West Seattle and its pastor Rev. Ron Marshall celebrate Danish theologian/philosopher (and more) Søren Kierkegaard every November, but this year is special, marking the 200th anniversary of Kierkegaard’s birth. Today, the church has a slate of commemorative events starting at 9 am, featured on this page of its website and in our calendar, where you’ll see the scheduled times for music, a statue dedication, folk dancing, more. (4105 California SW)
NORTH DELRIDGE CLEANUP: 10 am-noon, join the North Delridge Neighborhood Council‘s cleanup of the bike path near Skylark Café and Club, which is full of fallen leaves. Meet at Skylark. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
HOLIDAYS AT WEST SEATTLE FARMERS MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, it’s the weekly West Seattle Farmers’ Market, now starting to get into the holiday mood. (44th/Alaska)
BUY PANCAKE BREAKFAST TICKETS FROM THE KIWANIS: On the east side of the Farmers’ Market, near the back of KeyBank, look for the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle – whose members will be happy to sell you advance tickets to their annual Pancake Breakfast, coming up 7-11 am December 7th (details here).
FAUNTLEROY FINE ART AND HOLIDAY GIFT SALE CONCLUDES: 11 am-2 pm is your last chance to shop the annual event at the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall, with 16 local artists/crafters/artisans showing and selling their creations. (9140 California SW)
SEAHAWKS SALUTE ARMED FORCES Today’s 1:25 pm Seahawks-Vikings game at CenturyLink Field is the annual tribute to the U.S. Armed Forces. West Seattle native Mycle Wastman sings the National Anthem. We’ve checked the team’s official preview of the tribute and did NOT see any flyby plan listed, but if you do happen to see military aircraft in the area about that time – you are hereby forewarned.
FREE ORGAN CONCERT: Sunday afternoon music at Hope Lutheran Church, 2 pm, details here – no admission charge! (42nd/Oregon)
WEST SEATTLE COOKING CLUB: Today’s theme for the West Seattle Cooking Club – tofu, tempeh, meat substitutes. Make a recipe with one or more of those ingredients and bring it to the 3 pm meeting at Beveridge Place Pub. (6419 California SW)
PHILIPPINES TYPHOON RELIEF CONCERT/SERVICE As previewed here earlier this week, Holy Rosary Catholic Church is hosting a concert and service at which a free-will donation will be taken for typhoon relief in The Philippines; details in our calendar listing. 7:30 pm. (42nd/Genesee)
… and there’s more for today, tonight, and days/weeks/months ahead, on the calendar!