West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
A special West Seattle showing of the inspirational film “Girl Rising” is planned for 4 pm Monday, November 11th, at the historic Admiral Theater – but organizers have just a few days for ticket sales, so you need to buy yours ASAP by going here. The trailer’s on YouTube; see it here. In short, the film “directed by Academy Award nominee Richard Robbins journeys around the globe to witness the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world”; it will introduce you to the memorable girls you’ll glimpse in the trailer. Buy your ticket(s) by Sunday to help the organizers finalize the screening!
This year’s last Halloween hurrah is Saturday night at Chief Sealth International High School – and while it’s student-organized and publicized, it’s not just for high-school age youth – all ages are invited. Here’s the announcement:
This Saturday at 5 PM, Chief Sealth will be hosting a carnival/party to bring together and unify kids with and without disabilities. The event is also a fundraiser, with all of the profits going to Chief Sealth Club Unify! To get in, it costs $5, if you bring a cake or any other kind of dessert for the cake walk. Without a dessert, it costs $10. Kids under the ages of 10, get in for $3. There will be a cake walk, relay races, dancing, movies, and more! There will also be a costume contest (with prizes) so make sure to dress up! It will be a lot of fun and the more the merrier!! So spread the word to whoever and bring a friend! (:
(Light area is proposed Fairmount Elementary attendance area; click image for full-size view)
Seattle Public Schools has just released the third draft of its “Growth Boundaries” proposal. We’re going through it now but didn’t want to wait to put up the link so you can review it too. One key section starts with the map showing the proposed Fairmount Park Elementary attendance zone, which would take effect next school year. More later.
Five reader reports in this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup – starting with a business burglary. Louise at Life in Balance Physical Therapy and Pilates says:
Life in Balance was robbed last night and an assortment of items were taken including 2 laptops, iPad, iPod, Biofeedback and stim machines. A cervical traction unit, a printer and many other smaller items.
They’re at 5410 California SW. Further north, in The Junction, Marjorie at Ma’Ono Fried Chicken and Whisky reports vandalism/theft, with plantings taken from the tree wells outside the restaurant sometime Wednesday night/Thursday morning. “We had several succulents in our planting area stolen … It’s very sad that someone would do this.”
On to Lincoln Park, where Jesse reports a car prowl this week:
Just wanted to pass along that we had our window smashed out at Lincoln Park (Wednesday night) between 5 and 6 pm and purse stolen from the trunk. Someone must have been sitting in the lot watching us arrive and get out of the car, because they went straight for the trunk release and the purse we tried to hide. Definitely an unpleasant surprise but we’ve had exceptional service from 911, SPD, and the credit card companies. So, that’s a silver lining.
Janna e-mailed to report a burglary in Arbor Heights, near California/104th:
Tuesday (Oct. 22nd), sometime while we were at work (during the day), our house was robbed. When I arrived home we found the house completely ransacked, glass everywhere from the shattered slider, and the “guard dog” shaking like a leaf.
In the end nobody was hurt, they really didn’t take anything of value – house was staged, electronics were unplugged and all lined up – but we think they got spooked and ran off without the loot. They did get away with jewelry, cameras, change jars, and some other weird stuff…etc.
My concern, is them coming back. We do have an alarm system, but these thieves are smart and know how to avoid tripping the alarms. And gave the dog treats to keep her quiet, which ultimately made her super sick – not awesome!
And Meg in the 4200 block of Beach Drive reports vandalism and theft, with stolen items to watch for:
On Saturday, Oct. 19, I was leaving my condo building at about 5 pm and noticed that the right panel of the door buzzer system had been loosened (that’s the vandalism part) and was not secure. I attempted to correct it, but it came off in my hand, so I placed it inside the building. This was finally corrected Monday, Oct. 28.
In the meantime, a package was delivered by UPS on Tuesday, Oct. 22 and brought inside by my neighbor and placed on my doormat (which is not visible from any exterior door). My neighbor said it was no longer there when she left her unit on Saturday morning, Oct. 26. On Monday the 28, she came home to find the buzzer repairman working on the door unit, and saw the opened package down by our mailboxes (inside the front door). The package had been opened with a sharp instrument and the contents and packing slip removed (the burglary part). It contained one of a kind collectible stones and a metal specimen valued at over $700.
The seller will be sending me photos of the 3 stones and the metal specimen that I’ll provide to the police, but in the meantime I would appreciate anyone who may have received either offers to sell these to them or gotten them as gifts to be aware they are stolen property. I will offer a reward for their safe return.
Here are photos she just sent – click any image to see a larger view:
(8/14 note: To check whether a business is still a current WSB sponsor, please go here)
Today we welcome West Seattle Women’s Health and Midwifery, PLLC, one of the newest WSB sponsors. As is traditional when a new local sponsor joins the team, we offered Dr. Shari Luchino the opportunity to let you know more about her work:
A Place for Women! Welcome to our lovely location in the West Seattle Junction. Dr. Shari Luchino, DNP, ARNP, CNM, Nurse Practitioner-Certified Nurse Midwife, is providing compassionate, personalized care for all women’s-health (gynecology), pregnancy, homebirth and birth-center needs, caring for women throughout their lives. Easy access, free parking, generous appointment time. Shari has raised her family in West Seattle and is excited to offer the supportive, woman-centered care of a Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Midwife to her community.
West Seattle Women’s Health and Midwifery, PLLC, is at 4727 44th Ave SW, Suite 207. Call 206-588-2976; online, find out more at westseattlewomenshealth.com.
We thank West Seattle Women’s Health and Midwifery, PLLC, for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
(Beautiful leaves that might not be on the tree much longer! Photo by Karen Sykes)
First, a “special weather statement” warned it might get windy … now, the National Weather Service has just upped that to a wind advisory, in effect as of 8 am tomorrow. It predicts south-southwest wind 20 to 35 mph, with 45 mph gusts possible. See the full alert here.
Seattle Parks has just announced the new list of priorities recommended by the Citizens Advisory Committee that’s looking at a possible parks-funding ballot measure for next year. The Parks and Green Spaces Levy approved by voters in 2008 is expiring, so a ballot measure potentially would pick up where it leaves off. The proposed list – split into three parts – can be seen here; note that the top of the list is maintenance, which was not part of the PGS levy plan. You can give your thoughts in person at a public hearing next Thursday, November 7, at Miller Community Center on Capitol Hill (330 19th Ave. E.), signups at 5, hearing at 6, or e-mail your comments to parkslegacy@seattle.gov.
In the center of that photo is Mark Small, a West Seattle High School graduate and former Major League Baseball player who died last week at age 45. The photo was shared by Jeff Jones, who’s at right in the photo (with Jim McCall at left, Joel Snow behind him). In e-mailing us about Mr. Small’s passing, Jeff said, “West Seattle lost a legend … Mark Small was a West Seattle grad in 1986 and went on to play in the big leagues for the Houston Astros. There are not words to describe how big a personality he was; everyone loved him. My heart goes out to his family and everyone lucky enough to have met him.” Mr. Small’s full obituary is published at SeattleTimes.com (WSB partner) and says that a celebration of his life is planned for 11 am this Sunday (November 3) at Alki Community Center, 5817 SW Stevens.
(WSB photo, added 2:56 pm)
The biggest nonprofit project under construction in West Seattle right now, DESC‘s 66-unit Delridge Supportive Housing building at 5444 Delridge Way SW (map), has an official name: Cottage Grove. It was announced at this week’s meeting of the project’s advisory committee, and was among the names suggested by community members; committee co-chair Pete Spalding notes that it’s the historic name of that area of North Delridge. We asked DESC’s Nicole Macri about the current timetable for the $14 million project’s completion:
We’re aiming to open the third week of December. We will host a daytime grand opening event and an early-evening open house one day prior to tenants moving in. Neighbors are welcome to attend either event, but the latter is specifically intended as an opportunity for neighbors to see the building and meet the staff.
The advisory committee also will meet again before the opening; the meeting is currently scheduled for November 20th. It’s been almost two and a half years since word of the project first emerged at a North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting; construction began just over a year ago. Our coverage along the way is all archived, newest-to-oldest, here.
Seattle Public Schools has just announced that five more schools in West Seattle are offering free full-day kindergarten – as in, no extra fees charged to families – effective immediately. We first heard about this thanks to a parent whose school is circulating a letter announcing this, and now there’s a news release from the district. The West Seattle schools are Alki, Arbor Heights, Gatewood, K-5 STEM at Boren, and Pathfinder K-8; five other area elementaries already had free full-day K. Read on for details in the official announcement:
Read More
The West Seattle Big Band is a mainstay at events around the area – from the annual Hi-Yu Concert in the Park to collaborative events with local schools, and more – usually as a guest, but this time they’re organizing an event and personally inviting you to come help support an urgent cause. From WSBB’s Jim Edwards:
From time to time the West Seattle Big Band strays from its mission statement of supporting public-school music programs in West Seattle, and devotes a concert to some other need. A year ago our piano player Brooke was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She asked the band if we would be interested in doing a concert in support of the MS Society. We wholeheartedly agreed.
Thus was born this new event, Dance MS.
On the evening of Saturday, November 2nd, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the West Seattle Senior Center, we will be performing a concert of great swing-band music with our 18 piece band. All proceeds will go to the MS Society. The band will provide food and refreshments. The suggested donation is $15.00.
Since announcing this event, we have been surprised at how many people we have talked to who know at least one person stricken with this disease. MS is an autoimmune disease that damages nerves and can impair vision and mobility. It can also affect thinking and memory. The occurrence of MS in the Pacific Northwest is about triple the level in the Southern United States and many more times higher than elsewhere in the world.
Now you may know MS as that disease that Annette Funicello had, or maybe you read about Ann Romney or Montel Williams living with it. Perhaps you’ve just seen advertising for the annual MS Walk. But when it strikes someone you know, it takes on a bigger meaning. When you read about the disease and it’s effects on the human body, it takes on a new urgency.
Our Brooke has a background in medical sciences and is better suited then most to know what will work to help slow this disease. So we anticipate her being around the band for a long time to come. But she has helped us to appreciate the need to support the MS Society, and to help find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.
So come Dance, or just come watch and listen. We will be playing all your favorite big band hits, including vocals from both our vocalists Jeff Carter and Sarah Ackers. We hope you will come join us Saturday.
RSVP to WSBBdanceMS@gmail.com
Halloween holdovers and Dia de los Muertos observances highlight the selections from our calendar – as well as literature, film, and charity – on a day that began with another beautiful sunrise, photographed by Carolyn Newman:
PAINTED SKULLS AUCTIONED FOR CHILDHAVEN: At Matador-West Seattle (and Ballard, if you happen to find yourself out that way), you can bid today on painted longhorn skulls with “Day of the Dead” themes, as a benefit for Childhaven. Matador provided this photo of Alki Beach Tattoo’s Ian Duca working on one of the skulls:
Matador also is featuring themed food/drink specials during the auction hours, 5-11 pm today. More details in our calendar listing. (4546 California SW)
PETER STEKEL @ WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: The new monthly series of West Seattle author readings/appearances continues with its second installment today, with Alki’s Peter Stekel at Barnes and Noble/Westwood Village, 4-6 pm:
From the announcement by Southwest Seattle Historical Society, which organized the series:
Peter Stekel, noted outdoor adventure writer, photographer and reporter from Seattle, specializes in feature articles and photography of the Sierra Nevada. In his new book, “Final Flight: The Mystery of a WWII Plane Crash and the Frozen Airmen in the High Sierra” (Wilderness Press, September 2010), Stekel uncovers the real-life mystery of the famous mummified WWII Airmen.
The event is free; books are available for purchase. B&N is on the SW Barton side of the shopping center.
HIGHLAND PARK CORNER BAR: Extra-special edition tonight, Dia de los Muertos theme, at Highland Park Improvement Club:
DJ Rich brings the Funk from 6-7:30 pm, then Accidental Rhino will perform vintage acoustic jazz from the 1920s and ’30s!
In the spirit of Día de Muertos, we will have an altar de muertos upon which you may place a small memento of someone who has passed that you would like to remember. This can be a (small) photo, a poem, or just their name. Between sets of the band (8:30 or so) people can come up to the mic and share a short (30 seconds) remembrance. This can be merely saying their name, a humorous story, or whatever you would like others to know about this person. It should be a celebration. Barry, our master of ceremonies, will read something for you, if you desire. … Kids welcome until 9 pm. There are toys and games set up on tables.
Starts at 6 pm at HPIC. (12th/Holden)
SKELETON THEATRE: 6-9 pm, it’s your second and last chance to catch this year’s edition of Skeleton Theatre, 6-9 pm (directions and show info here). The animatronic skeletons are back, reprising the space-themed “Ulna 13” from last year with updates. Shows “roughly on the hour and half-hour.” (36th/Hanford)
AVALANCHE PREVENTION & FILM PREMIERE: At Mountain to Sound Outfitters in The Triangle tonight, legendary big-mountain skier/guide Dean Cummings appears to speak about avalanche safety and premiere his new movie. Full details on M2SO’s website. (3602 SW Alaska)
‘DIARY OF ANNE FRANK’: The West Seattle High School Drama Club production – previewed here earlier this week – opens tonight, 7:30 pm, at the WSHS Theater. Details in our calendar listing. (3000 California SW)
SKYLARK’S MASQUERADE-BAND BASH: Skylark Café and Club, 7th annual “Come as You Aren’t” battle of the bands, starting at 8 pm, free – here’s the lineup:
Friends and Family as DANIEL JOHNSTON
In Cahoots as HEART
Gibraltar as LOU REED
Wiscon as G.G. ALLIN
Post Adolescence as PLACEBO
The Fantastic Fish Club as DISNEY’S THE LITTLE MERMAID
Werebearcat as TALKING HEADS
Robotic About Us as THE FLAMING LIPS
Snaketopus as RAMMSTEIN
(3803 Delridge Way SW)
Remember to set your clock back Saturday night if it doesn’t automatically change, so you’re not out of synch with the calendar on Sunday morning!
Now that it’s November – it’s time to talk about the holidays. WestSide Baby is first in with a giving idea:
This holiday season, WestSide Baby expects to serve more than 1,500 local children who are in need of diapers, warm coats, hygiene items, strollers and pants.
Host a Joy Donation Drive to collect items anytime between November 1 – December 15 to help us keep local children safe, warm and dry during the coldest months of the year!
Sign up today to receive a handy donation toolkit that includes:
A How-to Guide for in person or online drive
Posters to promote your event
Tips to make your drive a fabulous successContact our Community Engagement Coordinator, Tara Bartlett, at tara@westsidebaby.org to sign up or for more information.
(East-facing camera on the West Seattle Bridge; see other cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Welcome to November!
We start the morning with two weekend notes:
BIKE PATH CLEANUP: In case you missed the announcement on Thursday – or need a reminder – you’re invited to join in a cleanup along the western stretch of the bike path alongside/beneath the West Seattle Bridge, 9 am-11 am tomorrow (Saturday), organized by Dave Winters of Swedish Automotive (WSB sponsor) – details here.
CITYWIDE TRAFFIC ALERTS: This weekend’s stadium events and more, in this roundup from SDOT.
Also remember that NEXT weekend, Friday night 11/8 through Monday morning 11/11, is scheduled for the next Alaskan Way Viaduct/Highway 99 closure, as first reported here a week ago.
ADDED 4:32 PM: Reminder from Metro, if you catch the bus downtown:
From Monday, November 4 through Tuesday, November 12, the bus stop westbound on Columbia St just east of 2nd Av will be closed at all times, due to construction.
During those times, board or exit the RapidRide C Line & route 125 to Westwood Village, and routes 21 Express to Arbor Heights, 55 to the Admiral District, 56 to Alki, 57 to the Alaska Junction and 120 to Burien at the temporary relocated stop southbound on 3rd Av just north of Columbia St.
Once leaving the stop on 3rd Av at Columbia St, southbound Viaduct buses will operate non-stop via their regular routing, with no other stops affected.
November is here and Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month is over. Thanks to West Seattle Be Prepared for a month of instructions on how to put together THE “Go Bag“/kit that can be a literal life-saver for you and your family if disaster strikes. Over the weekend, we’re going to put together one big recap with all the advice and links, but for now, from WSBP’s Cindi Barker:
You get a treat today! Whatever you gave away for Halloween, you probably have leftovers, so dump some of that Halloween candy into your bag. The calories have been removed; you’re welcome. I have been reading the comments as the month has progressed, and thank everyone for their additional ideas and suggestions. I am very interested in how many of you built or are well on your way to completing an emergency bag, so please give a comment on how you did.
And if you’re still getting around to getting started – hey, just get a bag, and pick a random place to start! Everything’s archived, newest to oldest, here.
All over West Seattle, diabolically decorations dotted neighborhoods as night fell on Halloween 2013. Above, that’s a photo shared by Dotti, explaining that Halloween is her husband’s birthday. For many others, you might as well subtitle it Candy Day – along with the Admiral District trick or treating we featured earlier, Westwood Village welcomed treat-seekers in the early evening – we photographed this one outside Giannoni’s Pizza:
Also at Westwood – check out the furry trick-or-treater at Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor):
In the Genesee area, “Nightmare on 44th” drew crowds – almost 200 visitors, tweeted creator Dave – a yard full of elaborate effects, with animatronic skeletons amid lights, sound, surprises:
That’s where we found these pumpkins, from cheery to eerie:
One more Halloween scene: Tim at The Kenney (WSB sponsor) shared this photo of their own “Golden Girls”:
Since Halloween fell on a Thursday, our event guide still has listings for Friday night and even Saturday – check ’em out!