Tonight’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup starts with an incident late today in Morgan Junction: We received several messages about a guns-drawn police response in the California/Beveridge vicinity; here’s the explanation from Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams:
An adult male was arrested after he allegedly pointed what appeared to be a handgun at an adult female victim. The suspect also was reported to have verbally threatened to shoot the victim. Southwest Precinct patrol officers arrived quickly and arrested the suspect. A weapon that appeared to be a handgun, but actually was a pellet gun, was recovered from the suspect’s person. The suspect was booked into King County Jail for Felony Harassment.
We have (updated) four reader reports to share tonight too. Matt e-mailed this morning to say:
I noticed there is a string of car break-ins reported recently. Last night our Honda Accord had the driver-side window smashed in. They didn’t take anything as there was nothing to take; however, it did look like they rifled through the car. We live on Beach Drive, near Lowman Beach Park.
Steven reports a theft over the weekend from his home in Highland Park:
My garden zombie and doormat were stolen. Also, a black skeleton hanging from the house. These items cannot be seen clearly from the road, unless you are looking from neighboring streets. I am including a picture of the garden zombie, and it should be easy to locate should it be outside.
Also, the doormat is easily identifiable as it says “Oh sh** not you again”. If you have seen any of these items please let me know. I have filed police reports already.
And a followup on the Infiniti reported stolen from 35th SW early Friday:
So Seattle Police found my Infiniti last night in the International District. No obvious damage. Outside is ok; inside is trashed and needs extensive detailing. In it, I found many comfort items (clothes, cooking pots, mechanical radio, phone chargers) of an urban nomad, it seems, including a crack pipe. Gas level was at E.
ADDED: One more reader report, from Joel, shortly after we published this. He reports an attempted burglary at his Gatewood home in the 8300 block of 39th SW, second time in three months, with a burglary attempt at his neighbors’ home on SW Rose as well.