West Seattle coyotes: Sunrise Heights double sighting

Out of the WSB inbox this afternoon, from Ann Marie:

There’s a couple running around right now around 28th/27th & Kenyon. [map] I’ve seen them twice now this afternoon…bring your cats in!

As always – we share this “coexisting with coyotes” info including how to scare one off if you see one (or two!).

2 Replies to "West Seattle coyotes: Sunrise Heights double sighting"

  • kayo October 11, 2013 (6:32 pm)

    I saw one in the alley between my backyard and the golf course (26th and Hudson) on Tuesday afternoon. It was quite large and was completely nonchalant when I went out to my backyard to check out what it was up to (just a fence and about 10 feet between us). I think it was eating some manure in the neighbor’s backyard because there was a bag that was ripped open. It slipped through the fence and trotted out across the golf course after i watched it for about 5 minutes. Some Seattle City Light guys saw presumably the same coyote in the alley again yesterday. Anyone in the vicinity with kitties should be careful.

  • arborheightsfriend October 12, 2013 (11:01 am)

    i saw one in AH trotting down 40th at 106th toward the arroyos very late last night. rascal!

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