Wednesday is National Walk to School Day. Anything special at your school? First one we’ve heard from is Schmitz Park Elementary, one of West Seattle’s most populous grade schools. Dave Allen shares this announcement:
Lace up those shoes and be part of National Walk to School Day this Wed., Oct. 9.
Parents will lead six different “walking school buses” this year. Join the walking school bus near you or simply walk on your own. Parents can drop off their kids with the walking school bus, or join in.
It’s easy, fun, and a great way to start your kid’s day with exercise and a “high five” for the environment. Walkers never get stuck in the morning school traffic, so walking is more reliable than driving – and often quicker.
Live too far to walk? No problem – just park several blocks away and walk from there. You’ll still get exercise and avoid the traffic jam.
The walking school buses will converge on the school in a formidable show of feet, then all walkers will meet at the flagpole at 8:25 am for a group pic.
Dave Allen
SchmitzParkPTA@gmail.comP.S. Other schools have walking school buses which are regularly scheduled throughout the year – saving parents a ton of time. Hmm. That’s something to talk about…
The “walking school bus” routes for Schmitz Park on Wednesday can be seen here.