(Lincoln Park photo by WSB Flickr group member Biankat)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (and the inbox), eight highlights/notes for today/tonight:
SPYDER MOWER IN ACTION: Seattle Parks shares the heads-up that you will see a piece of heavy equipment known as a Spyder mower in action clearing overgrowth/invasives today at West Seattle Golf Course and Rotary Viewpoint Park (best known for its totem pole, at 35th/Alaska).
SALUTE TO SOUTH: With the school year starting next Monday at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor), today is the annual celebratory community reception, and you’re invited. SSCC president Gary Oertli and faculty will be there, too. Northwest Wine Academy on campus, light refreshments including some of NWA’s student-produced wine, 3:30-5:30 pm. (6000 16th SW)
HAVE DESSERT AT CAMP LONG: As previewed here Wednesday, tonight’s the dessert auction/live-music benefit at Camp Long Environmental Learning Center, 7-9 pm – bring the kids for an optional nature program. (5200 35th SW)
DOGPADDLE: Day 3 of the “dogs in the pool, without people” post-season fundraiser at Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club, 5-7 pm, details in our original preview. (11003 31st SW)
(added) LAFAYETTE PTA: First meeting of the year at Lafayette Elementary, and Curriculum Night too – 6:30-8 pm. (California/Lander)
WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL PTSA: As previewed here on Wednesday, the WSHS PTSA’s first meeting of the year is tonight, 7 pm, in the school library. All welcome to take a look at the year ahead! (3000 California SW)
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Tonight’s 7 pm monthly meeting in the parlor at Alki UCC will include a Seattle Police briefing on the summer season that’s wrapping up – more agenda notes are on the ACC website. (6115 SW Hinds)
FULL MOON: Tonight’s the official full moon for this month, as noted in the most-recent edition of our monthly special report “Skies Over West Seattle.” Moonrise is just about concurrent with sunset, right after 7 pm – you can find the exact times of moonrise, moonset, sunrise, and sunset on the WSB Weather page, any time.