West Seattle Sunday: What’s up today (updated)

UPDATED 11:25 AM: Delayed because of site work, here’s our full event list for the day (previously published in brief on our backup site earlier this morning):

NOW UNTIL NOONWest Seattle Junior Football/Cheer pancake breakfast at Alki Masonic Center in The Junction. (40th/Edmunds)

NOW UNTIL 2 PM: West Seattle Farmers’ Market. (44th/Alaska)

NOW UNTIL 6 PM: Seattle’s first-ever San Gennaro Festival on South Angelo in Georgetown (first-ever Seattle version, presented by West Seattle’s Mascio family). Here’s our Saturday update. (Map to S. Angelo St.)

HAPPENING NOW: Friends of Morgan Junction Park cleanup at the small triangle park north of West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor). All welcome. (Fauntleroy/42nd/Morgan)

HAPPENING NOW: “The Kitchen Pantry Cookbook” book signing at CAPERS in The Junction with Chef Erin Coopey.

NOON-7 PM: Final day this year to swim at Colman Pool on the shore at Lincoln Park; here’s the schedule.

1-4 PM: Harbor Seal Day events presented by Seal Sitters at Alki Bathhouse, including sculpture dedication at 1:30 pm. (60th/Alki)

1-5 PM: DIY Bikes bike repair at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Details here. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

2 PM: “Adventures of Owl and Pussycat” presented by theaterSIMPLE at Westcrest Park. Details here. (9000 8th SW)

3 PM: West Seattle Cooking Club at Beveridge Place Pub. (6451 California SW)

6:30 PM-8:30 PM: “The Earth Cried Out” viewing of 9/11 (and afterward) luminaria bags from Alki Statue of Liberty, one night only, presented by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society at Alki Arts. (2820 Alki SW)

8 PM: Mark Pickerel, Christy McWilson and Blackie perform at A.A.R.F. benefit @ Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor). Details here. (6451 California SW)

2 Replies to "West Seattle Sunday: What's up today (updated)"

  • cs in hp September 8, 2013 (4:22 pm)

    Thank you for posting about the Owl and Pussycat at Westcrest- we only found out about it today from you and loved it, Highland Park is so lucky to have this in the neighborhood. theaterSIMPLE did an amazing job, and we already can’t wait for next year!

    • WSB September 8, 2013 (4:59 pm)


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