In West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight:
ROBBERY SUSPECTS: First, an update on the three men whose arrests we covered late last night in Arbor Heights, believed linked to other crimes around the city: They were not booked into jail until midday today, so their bail hearing isn’t until tomorrow afternoon. We haven’t turned up any information on criminal records yet, but the authorities have access to more tools than we do, so we should find out something definitive when probable-cause paperwork is available tomorrow.
BUSY DAY FOR BURGLARIES: The SPD map, tweets, and scanner traffic total up to (at least) eight burglaries reported in West Seattle today, more than three times the average:
4000 block SW Maryland
4100 block 54th SW
4600 block Beach Drive SW
4700 block 49th SW
5600 block 36th SW
1600 block SW Austin
8300 block 46th SW
5400 block 31st SW
The only victim we’ve heard from directly so far today is Robert, reporting a burglary from Tuesday:
I want to let your readers know that our house was burglarized on Tuesday. They broke a window in the back and swept through taking only high priced items like computers and Ipad, etc. A neighbor reported that someone came to her house asking for water because their car overheated. The police said this was most likely the lookout and that they were probably checking to see if anyone was home. Lots of people home but nobody else noticed them so they must have been pretty quick about it. Our house is near 51st and Grayson.
CAR TO WATCH FOR: With the caveat that we don’t know which of the above-mentioned cases – if any – might be linked to this car, we do need to note that we heard from two people in different neighborhoods this afternoon about police looking for a gold Cadillac possibly linked to local burglaries, and we heard it mentioned a time or two on the scanner as well. We have tried to find out more directly from SPD but so far have not received any official information. The license plate, according to one reader, is believed to include a Z. If you see a car like this (or any vehicle, for that matter) in suspicious circumstances, let police know. We’ll be trying again tomorrow to find out more.
STOLEN BIKE: Tweeted by Bradi: “My BMX Bike stolen from our house early 8/22 AM. Red Mongoose w/tan seat, slicker tires, bell, BRAKES and KICKSTAND! Please help find Bikey!” This happened, she replied to our followup question, in North Delridge.
FOUND BIKE: Anyone missing this bike?

If you are, and have filed a report – leave a comment; it’s been found but the finder is leery of someone just going and helping themselves to it.