West Seattle art: See Trileigh Tucker’s photos at The Y

At least several times a week, our daily calendar-highlights preview here on WSB features a \wildlife photo. One frequent contributor, Trileigh Tucker, is currently sharing even more of her work with the community – some of Trileigh’s photos are on display right now at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), including images from outside West Seattle – as far away as Antarctica! – as well as local scenes. You don’t have to be a member to come in and see the display, Trileigh says (though it’s Y policy to check IDs for security). Hours are 5:30 am-10 pm Mondays-Fridays, 7 am -6 pm Saturdays, 10 am-8 pm Sundays, through the end of next month, at the Y’s headquarters in The Triangle (36th/Snoqualmie).

1 Reply to "West Seattle art: See Trileigh Tucker's photos at The Y"

  • Sonoma August 11, 2013 (9:20 pm)

    I love Trileigh’s photos, and I will definitely check out her exhibit.

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