Restaurant news: Meander’s Kitchen moving White Center locations

6:47 AM: Thanks to Jan for the tip: Meander’s Kitchen is moving again, ten months after relocating from West Seattle to White Center. Proprietor Miranda Krone announced overnight via Facebook that she’s moving to a smaller spot in WC, 9809 16th SW, which is less than two blocks south of where her restaurant is now. More than a month earlier, she had mentioned in another post that her restaurant was struggling because of her “rash decision” to move to a much-bigger space. Her new update says Meander’s will be “closed for the next couple of days” but should reopen in the new space Friday.

8:43 AM: Couldn’t quite place the address, so we went over to White Center to take a look, and have added a photo; the space was San Fernando Roasted Chicken until recently, one door down from the corner of 98th and 16th.

73 Replies to "Restaurant news: Meander's Kitchen moving White Center locations"

  • JoB August 28, 2013 (7:32 am)

    i hope this location is just right
    the larger space had to many unrealized possibilities
    now if only the parking is better :)

  • lml August 28, 2013 (7:33 am)

    We loved it when she was on California and hope the new location works. It’s still White Center though and regretfully, because of that, we will never go again.

  • monroe1200 August 28, 2013 (7:35 am)

    …keep this up and she’ll be in Burien before next Summer starts! Good luck in your new, new, (new?) spot.

  • Lfauntleroy August 28, 2013 (7:52 am)

    Love Meanders. We will follow them anywhere. So happy they are figuring out the growing pains!

  • Rick August 28, 2013 (7:59 am)

    After being in business in WS since 1978 I recently had to have to have 3 locations in 3 months. (Thanks developers) If you’re tough and have a good product you’ll survive. Best of wishes

  • annaeileen August 28, 2013 (8:42 am)

    I have been meaning to go there but thought it might be super crowded on the weekends but now that I know she is struggling, I will definitely go as soon as it’s open. Like every neighborhood, White Center has it’s flaws but it has great food and some really nice people!

  • miws August 28, 2013 (8:53 am)

    I’ll try to stop by and check out the new digs in a week or so!



  • lookingforlogic August 28, 2013 (9:19 am)

    I suppose she needs another kickstarter?

  • quiz August 28, 2013 (9:24 am)

    Still bummed that they bailed on the Morgan Junction area. So much support around there. But I suppose there’s that tasty fried chicken joint there now.

  • datamuse August 28, 2013 (9:43 am)

    Less of a wait for the rest of us, lml…

  • Paul August 28, 2013 (9:46 am)

    LML, what is wrong with White Center? There is wonderful food there, nice businesses, and its becoming a nice place to go. Granted there are still a few businesses that are not that nice….sounds a bit like you are too good for the area?

  • L@arborheights August 28, 2013 (9:49 am)

    Good Luck on your move! We love your food, but hated that last location, too dark and gloomy, and Please get more comfortable chairs! See you soon!

  • nyhopi August 28, 2013 (9:57 am)

    Yea it would be nice to have Meanders still in the hood but as someone eluded to it is pricy for any real space and White Center really benefits from a stable business. Plus you can swing over across the street and pick up your blue movies for the night!

    Because it’s in WC you will never go again?? What is up with that? Sad. Loves me some Rat City! La Fondita taco truck is one of the BEST in the land mmm!

    • WSB August 28, 2013 (10:07 am)

      Actually, there are “blue movies” right next door, no need to cross 16th. But for anyone who still feels uncomfortable about the WC street milieu in some spots … the block Miranda is moving to is actually quieter; no bar in the immediate vicinity, some empty storefronts further south, and the former Wall/Hang Around/GAME/etc. immediately to the north is still partly empty. WC is continuing to evolve, but already has lots of great spots; after taking the photo this morning, we headed back north a block and dropped by CaffĂ© Delia, the coffee shop that is open in the morning and early afternoon in the Proletariat Pizza storefront, which is a pleasant place to hang out as well as serving good coffee in downtown; among those also there when we stopped by, we found Lonjina from nearby Center Studio (which is a WSB sponsor). In fact, if you lament the densification of the heart of WS, take note that you won’t find a three-story building in sight in WC (few two-story buildings, for that matter). As south West Seattle residents, we’re glad to be close to great business districts in all directions :) – TR

  • JO August 28, 2013 (10:43 am)

    Meanders will do great, no matter where because it’s such good food! And speaking of great food and cool spots in White Center: Great little White Center “cheap eats” segment on Evening Magazine:

  • JoB August 28, 2013 (11:14 am)

    i knew i should have made more of an effort to get to the peruvian chicken place while it was there :(

  • Carmela Cuba August 28, 2013 (11:26 am)

    Meanders has the best, most heart-stoppingly delicious comfort food in town! I’m also a fan of the caring, lovely, genuine staff- it’s always a pleasure to visit, and I leave feeling full and happy in my belly AND heart. Althought some of that feeling may be from cholesterol abuse from their shrimp & grits… Yum.

  • Jason August 28, 2013 (11:30 am)

    Gotta love these people that are too afraid to go to WC. Fine with me. Leave WC to the rest of us, while you live out your cupcake-free days walking the safe streets of W. Seattle, with your concealed weapon.

  • BlairJ August 28, 2013 (11:32 am)

    Meanders fit nicely into that space in the 9600 block, but I wondered if they would ever be able to fully utilize the area toward the back. Their new digs will definitely be worth a visit, as the food and staff are terrific. Hopefully another business will be able to make a go of it in the vacated space. WC is on the upswing!

  • velo_nut August 28, 2013 (11:49 am)

    Meanders is Meandering….

  • I. Ponder August 28, 2013 (12:01 pm)

    White Center is a food mecca and lower rents allow for more diverse eateries with better prices. Seriously great Vietnamese and Mexican food. I think El Paisano Rosticeria is one of best Mexican restaurants anywhere. Same family that owns the butcher shop so food is fresh. Terrific ambience and service. There’s also Zippy’s. I’ve been going to White Center to eat for at least 15 years and its food scene just keeps getting better.

  • Rick August 28, 2013 (12:09 pm)

    Yeah, that pesky 2nd amendment keeps me out of many places. How ’bout I pick and choose your rights as I see fit?

  • West Seattle Wanderer August 28, 2013 (12:18 pm)

    It may be good food but we gave it 3 shots at the new location and had 3 bad experiences (exploding ketchup bottle, meat in a veggie omelette and a 50 minute wait for food with no communication from the waiter).

    I’m all for supporting small businesses but…

  • JoB August 28, 2013 (12:47 pm)

    this little old lady toddles down to white center regularly.. not only is El Paisano incredible… in my opinion the pizza can’t be beat… the pho is incredible, the cambodian at Queens affordable and really really good, i will go anywhere for zippys and the triangle tavern makes incredible reubens…

    did i forget meanders? nope..
    the move will mean getting my ice cream after at Full Tilt will include a little exercise ;->

  • monroe1200 August 28, 2013 (12:55 pm)

    I don’t get all of the comments about people not going to WC because of the reputation, I only see a couple of comments on here that mention that is the reason. I think most of you are just jumping on the “rat city/hipster/new Georgetown” bandwagon, “Look at me I’m cool cause I go to the ghettos”. Maybe the reasons people are deciding not to go have to do with other reasons, go figure! I can guarantee that one of the new reasons some people might not go is because of the next door business, not a place some might want their kids walking by. (Not me, me and my kids love b@@bies) :) IMHO

  • anon August 28, 2013 (1:05 pm)

    I have to admit that once she moved from Morgan Junction I stopped going. I don’t care about the White Center location, I can just walk to other places closer to wear I live. For me, that was part of the appeal when she was on California. Unfortunately I do think a lot of her original clientele was lost once she moved.

  • JanS August 28, 2013 (1:13 pm)

    Rick…that pesky 2nd Amendment doesn’t keep you out of anywhere except maybe schools(deal with it). If you have a permit to carry, you can. You don’t need to display it, of course….that’s why it’s called “concealed” – it’s not to make a point, right? Just a private thing with you to make yourself feel safer…right?.So, no one else needs to now….right? The people who are putting the signs up don’t have the law behind them, it’s just a desire, a suggestion, in my opinion.. So…go to Meander’s and other of the yummy places in WC, and enjoy yourself.You’ll be glad you did :)

  • datamuse August 28, 2013 (1:17 pm)

    monroe1200, people might still be reacting to earlier stories about Meanders’ move, when several folks did cite the neighborhood’s reputation as a reason not to follow. But I’m just speculating there. I live in Highland Park myself, so I actually get to Meanders more often now that they’re in the new location.
    I’ve been waiting for White Center to become the new Georgetown (itself the new Fremont, dontcha know) for about 14 years now–not necessarily looking forward to it, you understand, it just seems to be the way things are going. I just hope the Asian and Mexican groceries and Vietnamese lunch spots don’t disappear when it does.

  • JanS August 28, 2013 (1:20 pm)

    monroe1200…”ghetto”? really? Have you ever been to a ghetto? WC is not a ghetto..and many of us who went to the original Meanders still go to the new one, and will continue to do so. The new businesses in WC are topnotch…Full Tilt, Proletariat, Soul Kitchen, Company, Uncle Mike’s, 3.14 Bakery, Zippy’s…

    you really have a low opinion of your fellow community members, don’t you? We don’t go there because it’s “cool”…we go because it’s GOOD !

  • monroe1200 August 28, 2013 (1:54 pm)

    JanS – Actually, born and raised in ghettos, and yes, WC is a ghetto, nothing wrong with that. I also still go to Meanders. You are exactly what I’m talking about when I say that people are over hyping the whole “ewgh its WC” thing. I never said that there is anything wrong with WC or that I’m not going. But you making that comment to me only proves my point. :)

  • Kathleen August 28, 2013 (1:55 pm)

    Okay, admittedly a little off topic but the comments are leaning this way. I love El Paisano and Proletariat and Queens. What are your favorite Pho spots? Thai? Bakeries? Anything else interesting? I love heading to WC for the great and low key food options. Always looking for a new one to try. Thanks

  • gladly unarmed August 28, 2013 (1:58 pm)

    Poor Ricky doesn’t want to be around folks who are more afraid of people who feel they have to to be packing 24-7 than they are of “ghettos” like White Center.

  • A August 28, 2013 (2:02 pm)

    It was good for a short time in the old location (CA Ave). Then it got smoky and I had to shower and wash my clothes upon returning home to get rid of the smoky smell. No joke. I went twice after the move. Less food, not as good and I think the prices went up yet she’s still not taking CCs?! Plus going to WC – ick.

  • justme August 28, 2013 (2:14 pm)

    I personally don’t eat in WC because it visually squelches my appetite. It’s not because it’s scary or “ghetto” as some call it.
    Just my preference. Ive been waiting since the mid 70’s for it to clean up. It’s been a very slow process.

  • Rick August 28, 2013 (2:21 pm)

    Jan S – you’re way too funny. And I mean WAY! And I like the way you use your “authority” to tell me to “deal with it” when I have a constitutional right that you cannot usurp. So..”Deal with it”.

  • Love Peruvian food August 28, 2013 (2:45 pm)

    We love WC food but coming from the north end of WS, it’s 20 minutes on a good day. Is the San Fernando Chicken place gone completely (out of WC)? I believe their first location is over on Rainier, up by I-90. Great Peruvian chicken, and you can get your fix of Inca cola and Chica Morada, too!

  • kgdlg August 28, 2013 (2:53 pm)

    We love Meander’s and will definitely follow them here.

    Funny story, the more dangerous part of WC for my family is the walk between Proletariat and Full Tilt, where my daughter invariably stops in the Stan’s window display to ask “what is in the bottle, Mom, shampoo?” (it is lube, of course, which one just cannot explain well to a 3 year old)

  • monroe1200 August 28, 2013 (3:16 pm)

    kgdlg – Should be a fun time explaining the neighbors of the new spot to your 3 yr old. :)
    Disclaimer – I’m in WC daily, that’s probably why I call it like it is. Love the place, but that’s cause I love the GHETTOS! (That one was for you JanS ;)

  • datamuse August 28, 2013 (3:20 pm)

    Kathleen, try the 88 Restaurant on Delridge–some of the best Vietnamese food I’ve had in a neighborhood with plenty of options to choose from. Also, the deli next door to Full Tilt has good and seriously cheap banh mi for lunch.
    What do people think of Uncle Mike’s? I’ve tried it a time or two and thought it was just okay, but it’s been a little while. I usually go to MorningStar on 9th and Henderson for my bbq fix.

  • Lisa August 28, 2013 (4:08 pm)

    Why do Peruvian restaurants not do better in Seattle? My sister in law is from Peru and I can say that Pereuvian food, both fancy and not, is awesome! Yet Peruvian restaurants never seem to stay in business.


  • clinker August 28, 2013 (4:12 pm)

    White Center has good food. So does Tacoma’s South End, but if it’s in a depressing location where I have to worry about my kids’ safety (like the current one), why go in the first place?

    If they had moved to a more reasonable location, like Morgan or anywhere North of it, they would attract more families.

    Last time we went to Proletariat and Full Tilt, we saw a fight outside of a bar and someone else throw themselves in front of a car. In the space of about 15 minutes.

    Just not worth it.

  • JanS August 28, 2013 (4:22 pm)

    monroe and Rick…and you think I’m funny? wow, listen to yourselves. Monroe…I was commenting on your statement ‘ I think most of you are just jumping on the “rat city/hipster/new Georgetown” bandwagon, “Look at me I’m cool cause I go to the ghettos”.’ I totally disagree with that…but that’s another thread in another place…and, Rick, not out of your “cold, dead hands”, huh…or maybe you *are trying to make a point”. If I carried, I doubt I’d ever tell anyone, I’d just do it.

    Love Meanders, wish Miranda the best of everything, and hope this location really works for her…

    datamuse…love their Banh Mi there..gotta take the jalapenos off, though…way too hot for me otherwise…but tasty…yummmm

  • Wes C. Addle August 28, 2013 (4:26 pm)


    I respectfully think Uncle Mike’s also is not very good. I do love their sides though. The meat always tasted boiled and finished on a BBQ or Smoker. I enjoy the BBQ Schact in Sea-Tac if that’s not too far for you.

    I always wanted to try the Peruvian Chicken Place. Hopefully it pops up somewhere close also.

    I am one that thinks Meander’s did not improve with the move to WC. I didn’t mind smelling like the smoke in the old place. It’s just flavor! ;)

  • cwit August 28, 2013 (4:26 pm)

    monroe1200 – Are you talking about Taboo? I don’t recall that place having any display windows or really anything racy at all – unless you consider wood paneling sexy. So I wouldn’t think there’d be too much explaining to do.

  • AJP August 28, 2013 (4:46 pm)

    Fair enough, north-enders, I don’t visit your restaurants all that often either. Morningstar Deli has THE BEST BBQ–if you manage to catch it when it’s open. And don’t go looking at the menu and expecting that something on it will be there. Just go ask what’s good that day. I like pho from Pho 99 on 14th, across from Zippy’s. Another best kept secret in White Center: you can buy tortillas (and chips and other stuff) at the tortilla factory office for wholesale prices. Finally went to Meander’s after multiple tries on weekends, we went on a Friday night, we were the only ones in there. The food was, indeed, amazing, but the space was on the dark side and there were some creepy masks and dolls around.

  • miws August 28, 2013 (5:48 pm)

    Yes, Huang Xua’s Banh Mi rocks!



  • Celeste17 August 28, 2013 (6:11 pm)

    I think parking will be better on this block then it is on the current block. Since the marijuana dispensaries are all on the block Meander’s is currently located I often have a hard time finding parking on that block and notice this block seems to have more parking.

  • Sonoma August 28, 2013 (7:12 pm)

    Celeste 17, you make a good point. I’m all for legalized marijuana, but seems like there are way too many pot shops (aka “potholes”) in White Center. And I’m all for small businesses making a go of it, but eeps – do we need so many pot shops? Then again, they pay for the ads that keep The Stranger and The Weekly afloat, along with the escort ads.

  • Ollie August 28, 2013 (8:31 pm)

    Meander’s….I love everything about you so please move back to West Seattle. JanS…..what Vietnamese restaurants puts jalapenos on a Banh Mi?–I think you have your cultures confused. If not, please give me the name of the restaurant since it sounds like something I would love!

  • lml August 28, 2013 (8:32 pm)

    Here is WC, on a Saturday about 7pm:

    Man taking with his pants down, squatting, taking a pooh outside across from that Mexican food truck by DSH, bakery still open for junkies to buy their smak, porn shops, crack heads… Need I go on? Granted, Meander is breakfast but why assault your senses with the energy of that? I just choose to not spend mornings with my family, reminded of the sadness I feel when I go to WC. And btw, we get Prolateriat and Zippy all the time – TO GO!

    Sorry – never ever, have I had a gun or would ever consider it.

  • Silly Goose August 28, 2013 (8:54 pm)

    Oh Meanders you had it so good on California Ave, I think you are learning the grass isn’t always greener. Hopefully you will find a spot that makes you happy.

  • datamuse August 28, 2013 (9:13 pm)

    I keep not hearing about these Peruvian places until after they close. They’re a big thing in the DC area now and I’ve gone to a few the last couple of times I’ve been back. Seriously yum.

  • miws August 28, 2013 (9:41 pm)

    Ollie, the Vietnamese restaurant is Huang Xua, next door to the south of Full Tilt. It’s door is pretty much right inline with the mid-block crosswalk.


    BTW, I’ve had Banh Mi at a few different restaurants, mostly all in WC, and I’m pretty sure jalapenos have been on some of them, besides Huang Xua.



  • JanS August 28, 2013 (10:16 pm)

    fresh jalapenos, not pickled ones….what Mike said, Ollie :)

  • Love Peruvian food August 28, 2013 (10:20 pm)

    Peruvian food lovers – San Fernando Roasted chicken is still open at 900 Rainier, and also up in Lynnwood. Outside of this, your best bet is to drive to Portland.

    Bahn Mi always has jalapenos – you have to request to have them removed. Woe be the person who bites into one unexpectedly! Try Pho Aroma on Delridge. Amazing!

  • AJP August 28, 2013 (11:34 pm)

    Clinker–what kind of families are you talking about? Because White Center is full of families. Parents and kids are walking all over the place down here. Do more families live north of Morgan?

  • Ray West August 29, 2013 (5:20 am)

    I really like Meander’s but I didn’t follow them to White Center. There are certainly many fine businesses in WC, and it’s an area in transition, but that’s not really the issue for me. The reality is it’s an area still struggling with higher crime rates, drug activity, guns, gangs, etc., despite it being “full of families.” I just prefer to avoid going there. Good luck to Meander’s in their new location, and I hope it is as successful as their California Ave. location.

  • cwit August 29, 2013 (9:39 am)

    LML – Are you saying the bakery sells smack? Interesting.

    Ollie – I’ve always known banh mi sandwiches to come with jalapenos. Only recently, I guess with their increased popularity, have I noticed that more places are leaving them off. I wished they’d at least give you the option or maybe I just need to remember to ask to have them on.

    Those places already mentioned are good and if you’re not big on venturing into the WCZ (White Center Zone), there’s Sub Sand in the ID that has some good ones (with jalapenos), too.

  • Kayleigh August 29, 2013 (9:44 am)

    We love Full Tilt and the Salvadorean Bakery. But be honest: White Center is still pretty dicey. It has gotten a little better since I was a kid, but not much.
    We think pho is disgusting and there are plenty of pizza places here in WSEA, so we haven’t tried other food places in White Center. Though we enjoyed the Peruvian place (in the old Wendy’s Hamburgers on Ambaum) before it went away.

  • Ray West August 29, 2013 (10:51 am)

    I don’t care how great any business is–food or otherwise–I don’t patronize White Center because of ongoing problems there.

  • lml August 29, 2013 (10:58 am)


    Unfortunately, my uncle is a lifelong drug addict, that’s how I know. My aunt tries to ‘help’ him but it only ends up enabling him. I do not know which bakery for sure – only that its in WC.

  • nighthawk August 29, 2013 (12:40 pm)

    I finally went to Meander’s the first time a few weeks ago. I’d driven past a lot but didn’t know anything about it. A friend on FB posted that they loved it and they were struggling and encouraged their friends to try it out and we did. We had a really good meal and they are very kid friendly. The cash thing is a minor annoyance but it’s not the end of the world.

    I have to say that I love when people start dissing WC because it brings it’s fans and they start posting recommendations about their favorite spots. I’m going to have to try the El pasaino everyone is talking about now. Thanks.

  • Ray West August 29, 2013 (3:14 pm)

    The move from West Seattle may, in the long-run, be fortuitous. The Morgan Street area is rapidly changing, and I can see that small cluster of buildings where Meader’s was located being razed in the near future for more “development” and the current occupants being tossed out on the street. At least Meander’s found a new location that sounds like it’s the right fit. I hope it all works out for them.

  • Ray West August 29, 2013 (4:58 pm)

    Nighthawk, no one is dissing White Center as a community, its residents, or the businesses, but there is a certain element that continues to infiltrate WC and contribute to some long, ongoing issues. That has discouraged me from patronizing the shops and restaurants. There have been improvements over the past decade, mostly by the better quality businesses that have moved in.

  • JoB August 29, 2013 (5:42 pm)

    try the broasted chicken at El Paisano too…
    literally finger licking good

  • Meander August 29, 2013 (11:49 pm)

    I absolutely adore the new space. It’s bright and cheery, and has far more room to devote to food preparation, while still seating 50 (fewer than the space we’ve been in, but more than the space in Morgan). I also absolutely adore White Center. And I adored the Morgan Junction, and I miss many of our neighbors there. I’m glad it sounds as if Bruce over at Harry’s is taking damn fine care of you all. It absolutely bums me out when people say they won’t come anymore because we’re in White Center, but I like it here.
    Yep, we do have some visibly poor people in the neighborhood, and all of the usual issues that come with that. I live five blocks away from the shop, and my neighbor and I joke about the coolest discards we’ve found in our yards. I think that this is pretty much par for the course in an urban area, and not much different than what I found when I lived on Capital Hill, or what you might come across in Belltown. But I can afford commercial rent here, and I’ve discovered a wealth of community on my way to get a burger, pick up a pint of ice cream, swing by the produce market, or stop at the butcher shop. I went to White Center Market for coriander, and got an armful of things I haven’t eaten in a while (durian!), and a great conversation with the woman in line with me and the checker.
    I really like it here, and I’m a little mystified that people who live 3 or 4 miles further down the road can’t still be neighbors.

  • miws August 30, 2013 (7:42 am)

    Thanks, Meander, you bring up some very good points.


    Also, thanks to you, and the other White Center business owners that have had the courage and taken the risk to locate your businesses in White Center, which can only improve the area. If nobody had taken that risk, White Center would have devolved into the scary place—–the “ghetto”—-that, sadly, so many perceive it to be.



  • Ambria August 30, 2013 (6:17 pm)

    Wish Meanders the best of luck! Like their food, but really hope they give the new place a good scrubbing before moving in. Loved the first place, but the second place left me with an icky greasy feeling. And yes, I’m from White Center and adore White Center businesses!

  • Rockhills August 31, 2013 (12:15 pm)

    Hope the new space works out for you! I live in Highland Park so didn’t check you out until you moved to White Center. I would love to see more good businesses come in to the area. I do get the not traveling thing; as prices go up and food quality decreases in the AK Junction area, I find myself headed that way much less often; it’s just not worth it. There is a lot of really good food much closer to home.

    Oh, and btw, there is a White Center as “ghetto” thread for those of us who want to keep debating that issue.

  • i'mcoveredinbees August 31, 2013 (2:40 pm)

    I thought the Morgan location was too smoky! Despite it being walking distance, I’ve made the “trip” to WC dozens of times to eat at Meander’s. I did feel like something was lost in the first WC space. It was too big and I could tell Miranda was being spread too thin. The food, while still good, did not have her signature wow factor. Despite all that, I still routinely got the best breakfast in West Seattle, in White Center.

    I find the passive aggressive comments on here interesting and self serving. And entitled. White Center is my home away from home and I routinely take my kid there. I am not interested in bringing my son up in some sheltered white-bread, homogenized culture, that is what West Seattle is rapidly becoming. Yes, there are drugs and yes there are fights occasionally, but I have never witnessed one. It gives us a chance to talk about drugs and he gets to see what that really looks like. He also gets a chance to to experience other cultures rather than talking reading about them in a book. The creativity and passion and diversity of the businesses in White Center far outweigh the downsides. I patiently await the Nativity scene, in the porn shop window every year.

    I consider Miranda an artist, with food being her work. And like any artist, she lives, learns, makes mistakes, and fixes them. The people who want her to cater to them, to fulfill some expectation they have about how she should run her business, are insane. Literally. Clearly you do not appreciate creativity and good food.

    And if you think crime is worse there, you are sadly mistaken. Poverty is worse there.

    I ate at Meander’s at the new location yesterday and was pretty shocked at how well things were going since they had just finished moving in the night before. Despite there being a huge table of moms and babies, we were served immediately. The new location has the feel of the space on California, but without the smoke. It kinds of reminds me of Goldilocks and it looks like Miranda has found her porridge.

    Congrats Meanders! Thanks for the energy and passion you bring to your food. We wish you the best!!

  • miws August 31, 2013 (5:01 pm)

    i’mcoveredinbees, you are also coveredinwisdomandcommonsense. ;-)



  • Null August 31, 2013 (6:24 pm)

    Anyone who talks badly about WC either never actually lived here or is a classist. It may not be visually the most beautiful or up to date but, coming from someone who lives there, it’s actually a ton safer than most of those supposed “nicer” neighborhoods. Look at crime rates. I walk around here all the time and I’ve never had a problem. It’s a very convenient place to live too. And unlike in your neighborhoods where you are paying many multiple times the rent for the same sized place that I am living in here, people you randomly encounter will kindly greet you rather than turn their nose up because you’re not wearing the right clothes. On second thought… all you rich snobby people can stay out of here for all I care, maybe WC will remain good that way. I don’t want your neighborhood either.

  • i'mcoveredinbees August 31, 2013 (8:13 pm)

    Thanks a lot Mike. :)

    @Null, I agree completely. I actually feel much safer walking around White Center too!

    I also wanted to add, but forgot: the food yesterday was awesome!

Sorry, comment time is over.