month : 08/2013 315 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Man stabbed at ‘transient camp’

Seattle Police say no one’s been arrested yet in connection with a stabbing early this morning at what they describe as a “transient camp” beneath the Delridge Way offramp from the bridge. Via SPD Blotter, they report that Port of Seattle Police were first called to the parking lot of the Chelan Café around 2 am, but when it was determined the attack had happened at the “camp” across the street, SPD took over. The man who was stabbed says he was asleep under the offramp and woke up to discover a man he knows only as “Lazarus” was stabbing him. He was taken to the hospital (the call is on the 911 log as a “medic response,” not “assault with weapons”) and is expected to survive.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday updates; closures, changes ahead

(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
6:50 AM: Happy Friday! One more time, here’s a look ahead to closures/changes:

*Tonight/tomorrow morning, Highway 99 closures – details here
*Next Monday-Friday, Orchard/Dumar closes between Highland Park/Puget Ridge and Delridge – details here
*Prep work is under way there, so Metro Route 120 changes are already in effect – explained here

7:35 AM: Don’t know the severity (or lack of it), but Engine 36 is on a call described as “fuel spill” at 11th and Spokane, which would be just east of the low bridge. Also, Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry runs are about 10-15 minutes delayed because of the fog, per WSF; it started very early this morning – we were hearing the ferry foghorns starting around 1 am. On the other side of the West Seattle waterfront, just got this photo from Lise:

(The Spirit of Kingston is on the Vashon run today.)

8:42 AM: Fog effects continue on the waterways: The West Seattle Water Taxi is on time at last report, but one Vashon run has been canceled by both the fog and a “minor mechanical (problem)”; the three ferries on the Fauntleroy route are all running up to half an hour late now.

Around West Seattle: Midsummer night’s scenes

August 15, 2013 10:21 pm
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After a partly rainy day, the evening shaped up quite nicely:

Thanks to Jason for that photo from tonight’s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha event – Massy Ferguson joined by young fans. The rain stopped in plenty of time for the show to go on outdoors as usual (though the Hiawatha gym is always available as a backup), and Jason reports it was “a great show.” Next Thursday, Fly Moon Royalty! Meantime, two sunset scenes:

That one is from Carolyn, by Anchor/Luna Park on Alki Avenue, while further southwest, this one’s from Tim:

(added Friday morning) And Amy shared this view from over the Fauntleroy ferry run:

(back to original report) P.S. Sorry this site was inaccessible for a while earlier tonight. Still working on repairs and upgrades; we’re working to be readier than ever for whatever fall and winter bring. Luckily, a quiet night, but any time you can’t get us here, check the WSB Facebook page and/or Twitter feed, where we promise to get you the information about anything you urgently need to know, if the main site here is somehow out of commission.

Happening now: Luna Park Block Party, third annual edition

Get over to the west side of Avalon Way south of the bridge right now and check out the third annual Luna Park Block Party – bigger than ever, with more businesses having opened since last year, among other reasons. One of them is Duos Lounge, which opened last December, and is serving up paella tonight, along with Spanish music:

Outside Ola Salon next to Duos, you’ll find not only the My Violette retail truck, but also West Seattle Brewing Company, visiting from their brewery and future tasting room (reported here a year ago) in The Triangle. They tell us they’re hoping to open to the public by October 1st. Back to tonight: The fun stretches northward from Ola and Duos, too, including face painting at Luna Park Café. It’s all on till 9 pm.

$400,000 more violence-prevention patrolling for Seattle Police citywide

1:53 PM: At City Hall, Mayor McGinn just announced $400,000 will be added to the Seattle Police budget for violence-prevention patrols in trouble spots citywide. Obviously downtown is in the spotlight right now as one of those spots, but he stressed they’ll use data from around the city to decide where else to spend the money. It’ll largely go toward overtime for officers on the force now – Interim Chief Jim Pugel says that’s about 180 hours a month – though 30 more hires are in the SPD pipeline for the next year. The mayor is still answering questions at a live briefing right now; we’ll add the full announcement when it’s available.

2:11 PM: The mayor’s briefing is over. It was noted by at least one reporter in attendance that this came several hours after City Council President Sally Clark and Councilmembers Bruce Harrell and Tim Burgess – present and past chairs of the Public Safety (etc.) Committee – published an item on the Council Connection website in essence challenging the mayor to do more.

5:53 PM: We promised we’d add the announcement when the news release turned up – here it is.

Free to a good home! Conifers await West Seattle ‘adoptions’

Once upon a time, not that long ago, evergreen forest blanketed our peninsula. Now, aside from green havens such as the West Duwamish Greenbelt, Schmitz Park, Lincoln Park, etc., it’s a tree here, a tree there. But if you have room for a conifer – or more than one – the city can match you up with trees looking for good homes. It’s part of the Trees for Neighborhoods program we mentioned recently; Katie Gibbons contacted WSB again today to say, “We’re down to two tree species and we’d love it if more West Seattle folks adopted some conifers. Currently, we have Austrian pine and Oriental spruce available. Both are large conifers reaching an approximate height of 40’ and a spread of 25’ at maturity. We recommend that these trees be planted in yards as they do get quite large and are usually not appropriate as street trees.” The two species they have are the Austrian Pine (left) and the Oriental Spruce. Interested? Free trees, watering bags, planting/maintenance training, and more are offered by Trees for Neighborhoods – go here to apply, and/or send questions to

You can help! Lafayette, Roxhill volunteers needed ASAP

August 15, 2013 11:49 am
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Two local elementary schools need help getting ready for the new school year – if you can spare some time starting NEXT WEEK! Here are the two requests we’ve received – first, from Roxhill Elementary:

Roxhill Elementary School is in need of volunteers to help open the school and set up classrooms. Our teachers work so hard this time of year to get school ready and would appreciate your help!

We have a variety of opportunities:
Monday, August 19 – 9-3
Thursday, August 22 – 9-3
Friday, August 30 – 9-3
Tuesday, September 3 – 10-2

Come for the whole day or just a few hours! Projects include: painting, book organizing/leveling, bulletin board set up and much more! Please let me know if you are interested and the specific dates/times you can come. Contact Frances – for more information. Service hours available!

And from Lafayette Elementary, via kindergarten teacher Christine Boyll:

Lafayette is seeking volunteers for a new program we’re starting called JumpStart. JumpStart gives incoming Kindergarteners a chance to get to know the school, their new classmates, and the rules and procedures of Kindergarten before the first day of school. The program runs August 19-23 from 9-noon each day. We’re really excited about it, but we need a few more volunteers to help ensure it’s a success. As a volunteer, your primary responsibility would be to lead small groups of students through specific activities. Clear instructions and materials will be provided by the teachers. You can volunteer for the whole time or part of it. Please let us know if you are interested or if you have any questions at Thanks so much!

-Christine Boyll

Food, music, more: West Seattle Thursday highlights

Thanks to Stephen for sharing the hawk photo, taken southwest of The Junction, where, he says, Steller’s Jays sounded the alarm. Speaking of announcements – from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, highlights for tonight:

NEW RESTAURANT OPENS: It’s the official opening night for Pecado Bueno, the new taqueria-with-a-bar restaurant, first reported here in June. While their regular hours include lunch, they’ll officially swing the doors open at 5 tonight. (4523 California SW)

LUNA PARK BLOCK PARTY: As first reported here last month, it’s the third annual edition of the Luna Park business district’s big event, 6-8 pm – here’s our original preview.

DUWAMISH RIVER KAYAK TOUR: Community kayak tours of the Duwamish River are back this summer, with the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition and Alki Kayak Tours, and tonight’s tour leaves from South Park’s Duwamish Waterway Park at 6 pm – details here. (7900 10th Ave. S.)

MASSY FERGUSON AT HIAWATHA: This year’s fourth free show in the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series gets going on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center at 6:30 pm (if the weather doesn’t clear, the gym is there as a backup), and this time around, you’ll hear the music of Massy Ferguson.

‘TAPPED’: Water = good. Using billions of plastic water bottles to drink it = not good. “Tapped” explains why, and Seattle Public Utilities reminds us you can see it free tonight, 6:30 pm, at the Admiral Theater. (2343 California SW)

GENESEE-SCHMITZ NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: As previewed here, two major items are on the agenda for this meeting at 7 pm – the city process now under way to determine what to do with no-longer-needed substation sites in West Seattle and environs, including 50th/Dakota, and the ongoing issue of small-lot development. The meeting’s at West Side Presbyterian Church. (3601 California SW)

Delridge Day countdown: Saturday’s festival will be the wheel thing

Continuing our countdown to Saturday’s seventh annual Delridge Day festival – today’s updates are all on wheels!

SKATE COMPETITION: Organizers have just announced the prizes:

The skate competition committee just added a great new feature to round out this already amazing event! Groms 12 and under open clinic/skate jam for new skateboarders from 10 am-11 am. This is sponsored by Skate Like a Girl! The best part is, the top skaters will be entered into the skate competition without a fee. Parents must be present for release-form signage.

*Prizes for the Pro/Am portion of the competition are: 1st place: $300, 2nd place: $150 and 3rd place: $50.

*Prizes for the Master’s competition for ages 40+: 1st place: Arbor Longboard, 2nd place: Tony Alva Signature complete skateboard and 3rd place: a padset.

*Prizes for Women’s 13+ competition are: 1st place: Arbor Zeppelin Longboard, 2nd place: Pruno complete skateboard and 3rd place: clothing from Casual Industrees.

*Prizes for Men’s 13+ are: 1st place: DB Duch DH Longboard, 2nd place: Pruno Complete skateboard and 3rd place: skate deck and Casual Industrees t-shirt.

*Prizes for Groms 12 and under are: 1st place: Creature complete skateboard, 2nd place: skate deck and Casual Industrees t-shirt and 3rd place: skate deck.

Not registered for the skate competition yet? Signups on site on Saturday will start at 9; competition starts at 10.

DIY BIKES: Ride your bike to Delridge Day! Alki Bike and Board‘s Stu Hennessey sends an update on DIY (Delridge Inspires Youth) Bikes, which usually has a bike-repair work party at Youngstown on Sundays, but this weekend will instead be at the DD festival on Saturday – you can bring your bicycle(s) for basic maintenance, cleaning, and lubing, Stu says.

Delridge Day is lasting longer this year – 11 am to 4 pm (but as noted above, skating begins at 10) – in and around the Delridge Community Center/Park/Skatepark, between 26th SW and Delridge Way, south of Genesee. See the schedule for entertainment and family games by going here; you’ll also find more than 70 community groups and businesses with booths and tables in the park (including WSB, since we’re a festival co-sponsor; see you there!).

Friday night: 34th District Democrats’ Garden Party fiesta

August 15, 2013 9:15 am
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(WSB photo from August 2012: Part of the crowd at last year’s Garden Party)
It’s a summertime staple – the annual Garden Party fundraiser for our area’s biggest political organization, the 34th District Democrats – and tomorrow (Friday) is the night, West Seattle Nursery‘s the place. This year’s theme is “Fiesta,” with a Tex-Mex buffet and live music, and some of the auction items even fit the theme – including a week in Sayulita, Mexico. Also up for grabs to the highest bidder(s):

* a half-case of wine from the Vashon winery,
* a yachting tour of Lake Union with Dow Constantine
* a week on the island of Majorca, Spain in a luxurious condo,
* cocktail party at Rep. Eileen Cody‘s home, co-hosted by County Councilmember Joe McDermott

This year’s guest auctioneer is Seattle City Council President Sally Clark, and the event’s always a draw for other local political leaders, so you never know who you’ll get a chance to chat with. Tickets are $34 individual/$60 couple; the event starts at 6 pm Friday at WS Nursery (California/Brandon).

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Watching what’s up for Thursday

(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
As we keep an eye on what’s happening today – with your help – we’re also looking ahead, so here are two reminders:

*Friday night/Saturday morning, Highway 99 closures – newest details here
*Next Monday-Friday, a key road closure between Highland Park/Puget Ridge and Delridge – details here
*For that road closure, Metro Route 120 effects start TODAY – explained here

8:21 AM: The stalled semi mentioned in comments has been cleared from the westbound lanes of the low bridge, per SDOT. A possible truck problem is now mentioned in e-mail from Nicholas: “A semi missed the turn on Andover to Nucor, and now appears to be stuck on the hill heading back up to Avalon.”

9:28 AM: If you take the 1st Avenue South Bridge on 99 northbound, note that there’s a big SFD callout on East Marginal Way north of the bridge (map) right now, listed as hazmat/spill/leak – no details yet but the callout is likely to affect 99 traffic in that area between bridges, so be forewarned.

10:11 AM: As discussed in comments – here’s what SFD has tweeted about the East Marginal incident: “… a report of 1 patient who felt dizzy & nauseous after opening envelope. … Medic evaluating 1 patient. Envelope islolated. Workers in building being sheltered in place. HazMat team will evaluate envelope.”

‘House party of the century’: Three days to Nickels home’s centennial celebration/education events

(1930s photo, taken for King County Assessor’s Office)
As an e-mailed reminder puts it, it’ll be the “house party of the century”: This Sunday is the day you’re invited to the North Admiral home of Greg and Sharon Nickels, for either or both parts of a two-part event: “If These Walls Could Talk: The Centennial of Hizzoner’s House.”

(July 2013 photo by Jean Sherrard)
They’ve lived in the 100-year-old Craftsman for more than a quarter century, and in addition to working extensively on its restoration, have hosted many a gathering…with visitors including Al and Tipper Gore

… and supporters from the former mayor’s own campaigns …

As explained here, the entire afternoon is a fundraiser for the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, starting with a 1-3 pm VIP event including talks by the Nickels and a presentation on how to research your home’s background; reservations are required. For the 3-5 pm event, including tours of the restored home, admission will be collected on a walk-up basis. (Again, full details are here.)

P.S. You can get ready for the big day by checking out the backstory, as told on the Log House Museum website by Brad Chrisman, and also checking out the preview in “Now and Then from last Sunday’s Seattle Times, as well as the extras added to that story on the website that is co-authored by Paul Dorpat from “Now and Then.”

Seattle Storm’s Ashley Robinson visits Chief Sealth campers

August 14, 2013 9:38 pm
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The second-through-ninth-grade girls and boys spending the week at Chief Sealth Basketball and Life Skills Camp got to meet a pro athlete today – Ashley Robinson, who has just returned to the Seattle Storm, after a season with the Washington Mystics that followed more than six years with the Storm.

Sealth boys’ head coach Colin Slingsby, who heads up the camp program, had told participants yesterday that Robinson would visit today, so they had a chance to come up with questions for her. And they had plenty:

Robinson, who plays center and just turned 31, acknowledged that it’s fun to travel around the world, while pointing out that she wouldn’t be where she is now unless she had worked hard in high school and college, getting good grades and having a vision for what she wanted to do in the long run. Besides memories of meeting and talking with her, campers also got Storm posters. The team’s next game, by the way, is tomorrow night, against the visiting Chicago Sky; the Storm is 10-12 so far this season. The Sealth camp, meantime, has one more weeklong session this summer, the first ever “advanced concepts” version for sixth-through-ninth graders, starting next Monday.

West Seattle development: 2 sites for sale in The Triangle

Our latest check of West Seattle commercial-real-estate listings – which can be precursors to future development – shows two Triangle sites are new on the market:

4441 FAUNTLEROY WAY SW: The current Elliott Tire/Goodyear site has just been listed under the heading “West Seattle Development Site.” It’s zoned NC3-65; NC stands for “neighborhood commercial,” without a size limit for most uses, while 65 means up to 6 stories. (City records show a 6-story proposal for this site was canceled in early 2011.) Listing price: $2.8 million.

4151 FAUNTLEROY WAY SW: At the very tip of The Triangle, northwest corner of 35th/Fauntleroy, this strip mall has just been listed for $2.6 million. The marketing flyer linked to the listing calls it a “trophy property with a gateway location” and also reveals a bit of new information – a line item shows Zaw Pizza – organic take-it-and-bake-it – as a future tenant. We’ll be checking on that.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Pickup driver pleads not guilty

Following up on last month’s deadly rollover at Delridge/Kenyon: The allegedly drunk pickup driver, 43-year-old William K. Edmon, was in court today and pleaded not guilty to vehicular homicide and reckless-endangerment charges. Michael Fisher, also 43, died after being thrown from the back of the pickup Edmon was driving when it rolled after running a red light clipping an SUV late the night of July 27th. As reported here and elsewhere, Edmon was driving without a valid license – as had happened at least 13 times before, according to his long record, which also includes two DUI convictions. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says the judge is keeping Edmon’s bail at $1 million; his next hearing is tentatively scheduled for August 29th.

Highway 99 closures: Updated information on Friday/Saturday plan

August 14, 2013 2:26 pm
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If you’ll be out driving late Friday/early Saturday – you should know that the plan for Highway 99 closures has changed a bit. The work is part of the Spokane Street Overcrossing project, rebuilding an elevated section south of the West Seattle Bridge. Here are the newest details from WSDOT:

Northbound SR 99 closures: 10 pm Friday to 8 am Saturday:

· All lanes closed between S. Nevada and S. Royal Brougham Way
· East Marginal Way off-ramp is open
· West Seattle Bridge ramp to NB SR 99 closed

Southbound SR 99 closures: closures: 10 pm Friday to 8 am Saturday:

· All lanes closed between S. Atlantic Street and S. Nevada Street.
· Drivers heading to the West Seattle Bridge will be detoured to E. Marginal Way South at the S. Atlantic Street exit.

Southbound SR 99 closures: 8 am to noon Saturday:

· All lanes of southbound SR 99 will be closed from just south of the West Seattle Bridge exit and S. Nevada Street.
· Drivers heading to the West Seattle Bridge will be able to use the West Seattle Bridge exit.

Again, these closures/changes are for THIS Friday night/Saturday morning (August 16-17). When this work is done – shifting traffic from one side of the highway to the other – here’s what it will look like.

Tire-d of beach blight? Check this West Seattle cleanup scene

Several groups have taken West Seattle beaches under their wing lately and organized cleanups – but none quite like this one. In late July, an Eastside company called announced volunteers from its staff planned to come clean up West Seattle beach spots marred by washed-up tires, apparently on the suggestion of a company employee who lives here. It sounded almost too publicity-perfect to be true – but they’re now sharing pictorial proof, including the photo above (note the edge of the overlook at Luna/Anchor Park) that we’re republishing with permission. Their tire-removal tale is here, and they’re planning to try it again soon; if you know of a beached tire that needs removal for recycling, e-mail them at

West Seattle outdoor entertainment ahead: Massy Ferguson; 85th St. Big Band; ‘Bill and Ted’

Separate from our ongoing festival previews for this weekend, here’s what’s ahead for the weekly free summer entertainment events this week:

SUMMER CONCERTS AT HIAWATHA: Massy Ferguson (seen above in our clip from the Hiawatha series two years ago) performs tomorrow (Thursday) night, 6:30 pm, in the fourth of this year’s Admiral Neighborhood Association-presented concerts (with co-sponsors including WSB) on the east lawn at Hiawatha (along Walnut Ave. south of Lander).

CONCERTS AT THE MOUNT: The 85th Street Big Band takes the stage on the south side of the Providence Mount St. Vincent (4831 35th SW; WSB sponsor) campus, 6 pm Friday. On the menu for (optional) dinner at 5:30 pm – steak, potato, and coconut-cream pie!

WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES: Second-to-last screening of this summer’s series (with co-sponsors including WSB), so if you haven’t been yet … the classic “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure(trailer above) is this week’s feature, Saturday at dusk (just after 8:30 pm; gates open at 6:30) on the big screen next to Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW; WSB sponsor). Bring $ for concessions and raffle, both of which support local nonprofits.

From WWRHAH: Planning TLC for Roxhill Park; traffic safety updates

It has a new playground … a new skatepark … and now, Roxhill Park is in line for a big day of TLC from neighbors, led by the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council (WWRHAH). The nascent plan is one of many topics tackled at last night’s WWRHAH meeting, per the detailed meeting notes published by council secretary Joe Szilagyi. As it has been throughout the council’s months of existence, traffic safety was high on the discussion list too, particularly SW Roxbury issues. If you’re in the WWRHAH area, make plans to be there in person next month (usually the 1st Tuesday – this month was an anomaly – watch for meeting updates).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Photo plea; electric-bike theft…

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch – two about thefts, with a request that you be on the lookout for the stolen items; third, what might have been a car-theft attempt.

First, from Becca:

We just had a bunch of stuff stolen from our house … and the most important things were a camera (Samsung) and two Apple Computers that had a lot of baby pictures from our child’s first year. I don’t care how they come back, but I would love to get the pics. I don’t even need the computers, but the pictures are really important to me.

If anyone buys a computer or camera from Craigslist or a pawn shop or anything like that, no questions asked, send it anonymously or however, but please consider giving me back my pics of my kid.

From Danielle:

My husband just recently bought a brand new Prodeco Genesis electric bike as a means of transportation to/from work (he is in the military). He locked it up Thursday night after work in the bike room of our secured access garage at our apartment complex. He didn’t need it for the rest of the weekend until (Monday) night when we went to the bike room to grab the bike (we had just gotten a new rack for our car) and noticed it was gone. He had secured and chained the bike in the bike room Thursday night and it was stolen at some point this past weekend. We are not sure if this was an act of someone in the apartment building or someone sneaking through the garage gate from the outside street while it was open letting a car in/out. Again, the bike is a brand new Prodeco Genesis electric bike (silver in color with black fenders). It may be easy to spot because of the large battery pack on the pack of the bike. He also had 2 stickers on the bike, one was from a band called “Being as an ocean” and the other from a band called “Heart to Heart.” The bike was stolen from the Residences at 3295 (intersection of Avalon Way and 35th Ave SW in West Seattle).

And from a Subaru Forester owner who didn’t want to be identified – they discovered a theft (or break-in) attempt that happened at 47th/Admiral early Saturday evening:

At 8:30 pm I went out to my car and saw that the driver’s-side lock had been what looked to me like drilled or hammered. There was a small scratch on the body. Must have been scared off by people, it was still light and kids playing at the house next door.

If you have information on any of the above – or any other crime – contact police.

West Seattle Wednesday: Songs, schools, skygazing, more…

August 14, 2013 8:57 am
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(Thanks to Diana for sharing her owl photo from Lincoln Park, taken earlier this week)
We’ve made it to Wednesday, and another summer weekend is in sight – but first, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, highlights of what’s up today/tonight:

AFRICAN SONG/DANCE: Interactive performance in which all ages are welcome to participation, 2 pm at Delridge Branch Librarydetails in the calendar listing. (5423 Delridge Way)

HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN FARM STAND: Fresh summer produce, grown steps away, on sale 4-7 pm at the garden (more info here).

REMEMBERING LARRY KELLER: As noted here last week, friends will gather at Yen Wor Village in the Admiral District tonight at 6 for a party in honor of Larry Keller, killed in a collision last month. (California/College)

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS CONCERNS? With big district decisions ahead including “growth boundaries” and the future of West Seattle’s first STEM school (whose community-generated proposals are updated here), tonight you can talk with West Seattle’s school-board rep Marty McLaren, 6-7:45 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library. (2306 42nd SW)

SKYGAZING: From this month’s edition of Skies Over West Seattle by Alice Enevoldsen for WSB – tonight’s the first-quarter moon, and if the sky’s clear, it should be a beautiful sight in the early evening sky.

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: Our area’s largest political group meets at 7 tonight at The Hall at Fauntleroy; chair Marcee Stone-Vekich says the agenda highlight is a discussion: “Republican War on Women – could Washington State become the next Texas?” with a panel including State House Rep. Eileen Cody, Janet Chung of Legal Voice, and Rachel Berkson of NARAL Pro-Choice Washington. See the rest of the agenda here. (9131 California SW)

Lots more on the calendar, here!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday updates

(Live view from the west-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
7:46 AM: Nothing out of the ordinary to report so far, as we head toward the peak of the morning commute.

11:03 AM: Thanks to Jonathan and Jan for tips that the Admiral Way exit from the westbound bridge was closed – supposed to have reopened by now, but we’re making note in case you’re wondering what it was about: SPD says they were assisting SDOT with some kind of brief cleanup that required closure of the exit.

ArtsWest announces new logo, closure until late September

More changes for ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery, which is undergoing a leadership transition. For one – see the new logo at left, explained by interim managing director Laura Lee: “”Our new logo tells the ArtsWest story. The square of our old logo is still visible, as we are not rebuilding a completely new ArtsWest, but instead heading into the next stage of our growth with more confidence and maturity. The square is now a three-sided box, representing the three facets of ArtsWest – our theater, gallery and education programs – and is also the physical shape of our thrust stage. The open fourth side invites us to consider the fourth wall as our audience, our community and possibilities yet to be defined. Our lettering is purposefully moving us outside of the box. The word ‘Arts’ is highlighted in orange – a bright, in your face color – just as we too fall into that realm, and the word ‘West’ is to the literal west, reminding us all of our location and roots in West Seattle.” Meantime, ArtsWest is updating its gallery/theater spaces at 4711 California SW, Lee says, and will be closed until September 26th, when she promises that “a more contemporary, cleaner and fresher ArtsWest will greet the public.” (Tickets for upcoming productions are still on sale online and by phone during the closure.)