month : 08/2013 315 results

Lucha Libre wrestlers rock Duwamish Waterway Park

The coolest guy in a Mexican-wrestling mask at Duwamish Waterway Park last night wasn’t a wrestler – it was South Park community advocate Bill Pease, who thanked the community for rallying to make sure the Lucha Libre Mexican-style-masked-wrestling showcase could come back for a third year – so last night, it was an afterparty following up the afternoon-long Duwamish River Festival at the park.

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West Seattle sighting: 4 military helicopters pass Alki, Admiral

1:09 PM: Thanks to Danny McMillin for the photo of four military helicopters spotted passing Alki and Admiral within the past half-hour or so; we’ve seen Twitter mentions of sightings elsewhere around the city but don’t know yet if there’s a particular occasion, a VIP, or … ? We’re still checking around; please let us know if YOU have a clue!

1:21 PM: Could be a coincidence – but this is Boeing Family Day up at the factory in Everett, and the Chinook is Boeing-built.

8:31 PM: Still no official info. But an Alki Beach visitor got them on video:

The clip is by Ben Slivka. If we find out anything more about the choppers tomorrow, we’ll add an update here.

Also today: Gatewood playdate, with new principal

One more Sunday afternoon event called to our attention that didn’t make it into our calendar:

The second playdate to welcome new and returning families will be held on the Gatewood playground (today) 1-3 pm. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with friends and make new ones. As an added bonus, our new principal, Connie Aleman, will be there until about 1:45 pm to meet the Gatewood community.

5 highlights for your West Seattle Sunday afternoon

(Thanks to Bruce for sharing the Alki Point-area view from Saturday – busy on the water!)
The full list of what’s up today/tonight is on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – but before the morning’s over, here’s a quick 5-point highlights list for this afternoon:

CITY DOG MAGAZINE COVER DOG SEARCH: Once again this summer, West Seattleite-founded City Dog Magazine comes to West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) for its Cover Dog Search (which has had local winners in the past). Noon-3 pm; details in our calendar listing. (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)

OUTDOOR THEATER AT WESTCREST PARK: West Seattle-based theaterSimple presents “The Adventures of Owl and the Pussycat,” 1 pm at Westcrest Park in Highland Park! Details in our calendar listing. (9000 8th SW)

‘IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK’: We’ve previewed it multiple times, including earlier today – today’s the day to tour and learn about the 100-year-old North Admiral home that former mayor Greg Nickels and family have been restoring, as a benefit for the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. VIP event 1-3 pm, tours 3-5 pm. More in this morning’s preview, and on the SWSHS website. (1910 47th SW)

TOUR ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE: You’re running out of chances to see the hundred-year-old lighthouse this summer – tours only continue through the end of August. 1-4 pm today. (On Alki Point, where Beach Drive and Alki Avenue meet)

‘GUYS AND DOLLS’ FINALE: 3 pm at West Seattle High School Theater, the final performance of Twelfth Night Productions‘ musical. Details in the calendar listing. (3000 California SW)

Skies Over West Seattle, special edition: New star to look for

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Something new has turned up since Alice’s August edition of “Skies Over West Seattle!)

(Image © 2013 Alice & Jason Enevoldsen)

By Alice Enevoldsen
Special to West Seattle Blog

There is a new star this week in the tiny constellation Delphinus. It should be visible from West Seattle again tonight, but it has already begun to dim down, so by Monday you’ll likely need a pair of binoculars or a telescope to see it.

Before I explain more details, I’d like to set up your expectations. This may be the dimmest star you have ever tried to find. It won’t be the dimmest star you’ve ever seen, but I can’t think of another time that those of you who aren’t amateur astronomers will have looked for something this dim.

Above is an image I took the day it was found, that works decently well as a map of where you ought to look. You can see more images on my blog.

Finding the Nova

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Nickels home centennial today: Video sneak peek

One of today’s big events: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society benefit marking the centennial of a 1913 Craftsman home in North Admiral that’s been home for more than a quarter-century to former Mayor Greg Nickels and his family. It’s not just about the Nickels family and their home, but about the history that lies in so many homes around West Seattle, and inspiration/education to restore older homes, as they have done with theirs. The video above is a quick sneak peek inside the home, if you’re still making up your mind about whether to go today. The two-part event begins with a 1-3 pm VIP session including a presentation by Greg Lange, administrative specialist from the King County Archives, former staffer from the state’s Puget Sound Regional Archives, who’s an expert in how to research your home’s history; 3-5 pm, the house is open for tours; details on tickets and activities are on the SWSHS website.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Beware the siphoners

Starting to get a resurgence of gas-siphoning reports – here’s one out of the inbox tonight from Andre:

Gas was stolen from our car using the drain plug on the bottom of our gas tank. Our car was parked on the street on 20th Ave SW between Cambridge and Barton.

Remember that if you see suspicious activity happening NOW, potentially a crime, don’t hesitate to call 911.

Metro Route 120 driver tells his story of last week’s shooting

(8/12/13 photo from WSB reader KD: Route 120 bus with bullet holes in windshield)
We’re hearing for the first time from the Metro bus driver who was at the wheel of the Route 120 bus that an armed man boarded while on the run from shooting another driver downtown last Monday. WSB commenters that day had praise for the driver:

*Jay wrote: “…Our bus driver did a fabulous job.”
*Laura wrote: “… The driver of the 120 was great and is uninjured – as is everyone else on our bus.”

The 33-year-old driver, Justin Onedera, talked with Seattle Times (WSB partner) reporter Mike Lindblom, who tells his story here. Lindblom reports that Onedera says it all happened in a matter of seconds.

Photos: Hundreds enjoy Delridge Day 2013 during five hours of fun

(MORE PHOTOS added post-festival – scroll down!)

From Delridge Skatepark to Delridge Community Center, from Delridge Way to 26th SW, it’s on – Delridge Day 2013, presented by the North Delridge Neighborhood Council! New this year – the Green Zone:

More than 70 organizations and businesses have booths/tables at the festival, plus there are bouncy houses for kids, field games for all ages, ongoing skating competition, live music … see the schedule in our preview from earlier today, and c’mon down. More coverage to come; the festival continues until 4 pm.

12:42 PM: Sun’s out, festivalgoers are wandering! Or, in some cases, wading:

Speaking of water, next to our booth, the city’s Waterfront Seattle project has a booth, asking people their thoughts about the downtown waterfront’s post-Viaduct future. And over in the Green Zone, you can find out about RainWise, which could provide a rebate for green-stormwater treatment at your home – like a rainwater cistern – check ’em out.

Meantime, remember that this year’s Picnic at the Precinct is happening at Delridge Day – that means the SPD Mounted Patrol has officers and horses here:

The Bomb Squad’s shown off equipment, too. And police are offering free ice cream, same as they would when the event’s AT the precinct, which is a mile or so south of here. Speaking of frosty treats:

Those enterprising Girl Scouts (from Troop 40766) are selling snow cones at the festival. It’s an all-ages event – we’ve seen people from babies to seniors. And if you’re arriving by bicycle – check out DIY Bikes:

That’s Stu Hennessey, proprietor of Alki Bike and Board, who’s leading DIY Bikes and spearheading free minor repairs/maintenance – something DIY Bikes does in “work party” community mode at Youngstown (across the street from the festival site) every Sunday afternoon, but is doing here today for this weekend’s edition.

3:35 PM: We’ve been so busy talking to people, the time has flown – thanks to everyone who has stopped to chat, waved as they passed, etc. Less than half an hour left in what has turned out to be a sun-graced festival – more photos:

That’s the Twelfth Night Productions booth – they often perform at Youngstown across the street, but right now, their current production “Guys and Dolls” is in the West Seattle High School theater. Also here – Southwest Seattle Historical Society executive director Clay Eals:

His group is getting ready for the big event at Greg and Sharon Nickels’ home tomorrow (here’s our most recent preview). And The Whale Trail executive director Donna Sandstrom is here talking about orcas and more:

Back over at the “PIcnic at the Precinct” section of the festival – a mayoral visit:

Earlier, we photographed Community Police Team Jon Flores with a turn at the free-ice-cream stand:

More photos to be added – it’s been an afternoon of fun all through the park, as one big sprawling festival site, from the skatepark and the wading pool to the playground to the stage, the meadow where Bubbleman performed ….

(Photo by Holli Margell)
One person who just stopped by our booth remarked on what a great venue it is.

ADDED: More photos – this one’s by Holli Margell:

As noted in the comments – groms division 1st-place winner Finn Pope!

Back to the festival grounds – also among the 70+ organizations and businesses, Delridge Grocery, which is signing up co-op members as its 2014 opening gets closer:

Find out more about the project at

Video: West Seattle sunset, in a minute

Before we get going with the rest of today’s coverage – Danny McMillin, whose photos have appeared on WSB from time to time (especially birds!), made a time-lapse video of last night’s sunset and offered us the chance to share it. In just under one minute, his time-lapse travels all the way to dusk. Thanks, Danny!

West Seattle Saturday: Delridge Day; Duwamish River Festival; ‘Bill & Ted’ & food drive @ Outdoor Movies; more…

August 17, 2013 9:04 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Friday morning photo by Don Brubeck – port cranes and Seacrest fishing)
These aren’t the last big events of the summer, but this is the last mega-big DAY of the summer:

UPDATE – HIGHWAY 99 REOPENS: Updated from the original note here – WSDOT sends word that ALL parts of the overnight Highway 99 work zone are open again as of 9 am, even the part that was supposed to be closed until noon.

SECOND STAGE CONSIGNMENT DROPOFF AT FIREFLY CAFE: Today’s the day! In advance of the impending opening of Second Gear Sports cosignment shop, in Morgan Junction. Firefly Café and Creperie (WSB sponsor) in The Junction is hosting a dropoff event today for anything you’d like to consign (or donate) to Second Gear, continuing until 4 pm. Details are on the Firefly Facebook page, including a Firefly discount if you drop something off! The truck will be behind Firefly at California/Genesee.

WEST SEATTLE CYCLERY GRAND OPENING CONTINUES: 10 am-5 pm today, grand-opening weekend continues for WS Cyclery (WSB sponsor), with details here. (4508 California SW)

DELRIDGE DAY: 11 am-4 pm at Delridge Community Center/Park/Skatepark – our final preview, with the schedule for games, live music, skating contest, etc., is here. (Delridge/Genesee/26th)

PICNIC AT THE PRECINCT @ DELRIDGE DAY: The annual Southwest Precinct event presented by the Seattle Police Foundation is co-located with Delridge Day this year, along the east side of the festival area. (26th south of Genesee)

DUWAMISH RIVER FESTIVAL: Noon-4 pm in South Park:

More details on the musical acts are in the preview on our partner site The South Park News.

DUWAMISH ROWING CLUB OPEN HOUSE: 1-4 pm, also in South Park, but its programs are open to area residents including West Seattle – if you’re interested in rowing on the river, check it out! Details in the listing.

CROSS-COUNTRY CYCLISTS: Celebration at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor) starting at 3 pm for the “Spokes of Green” bicyclists who are finishing a cross-country ride. Details here. (1936 Harbor SW)

TRIVIA CRAWL IN THE JUNCTION: Starts at 3 pm, but the locations are secret until you sign up – hurry! Details in the calendar listing.

LUCHA LIBRE IN THE PARK: One more South Park event – 6 pm at Duwamish Waterway Park, the third annual masked-Mexican-style-wrestling (Lucha Libre) event, including a title match! (7900 10th Ave. S.)

‘BILL & TED’ AT WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES – WITH A FOOD DRIVE! As previewed here last night, there’s a donation drive for the West Seattle Food Bank as part of tonight’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies. Courtyard opens at 6:30; movie at dusk, which should be around 8:40 pm. (4410 California SW)

NIGHTLIFE: Tonight’s listings include “West Side Glory” at Skylark Café and Club and the Hondo II single-release party at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – see those and other listings on the calendar.

Delridge Day today! Final preview – what’s where

August 17, 2013 7:22 am
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle festivals | West Seattle news

The countdown is over and the festival is here: Delridge Day 2013, 11 am-4 pm today at Delridge Community Center/Park/Skatepark (Delridge/Genesee/26th). First, here’s another look at the schedule of events:

And here are key points of where you will find activities/participants, including the more than 70 organizations/businesses who’ll be boothing:

LIVE MUSIC: Just north of the Community Center building.

FAMILY GAMES: Just north of the music!

GREEN ZONE WITH RAINWISE: Genesee/26th, northwest corner of the festival area.

OTHER BOOTHS: Just south of there.

FOOD TRUCKS: In the turnaround outside the Community Center entryway.

SKATE COMPETITION: At the skatepark (Delridge/Genesee), northeast corner of the festival area.

PICNIC AT THE PRECINCT: Along 26th SW on the west side of the festival area.

See you there!

West Seattle weekend scenes: 34th Dems’ garden party

Just a few of the sightings at the 34th District Democrats‘ annual Garden Party in the bright Friday night sunshine at West Seattle Nursery: Above, guest auctioneer and City Council President Sally Clark with the 34th Dems’ hospitality chair Mike Heavey; another of the elected officials on hand, 34th District State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon:

The 34th DDs’ State Committeeman Chris Porter was decked out in the spirit of this year’s party theme, “Fiesta”:

Busy weekend for the group – they plan to table at today’s Delridge Day festival, along with more than 70 other organizations and businesses (including us!).

Donation drive for West Seattle Food Bank @ Saturday movie

Coming to West Seattle Outdoor Movies tomorrow (Saturday) night? Bring food – for the West Seattle Food Bank! It’s the nonprofit beneficiary this time around. The movie is “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure,” and in addition to collecting non-perishable food, the WS Food Bank will also benefit from this week’s raffle … movie maven Lora Swift from Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (screen location, 4410 California SW, and WSB sponsor) says a food donation will get you a raffle ticket, too. So go looking for those donatables in your cupboard, and/or go shopping Saturday to get some items to bring – protein, for one (peanut butter, beans, etc.). The courtyard opens at 6:30 pm – bring your own chair/blanket – and the movie’s at dusk (probably 8:40ish this time).

SIDE NOTE: This is the second-to-last WSOM of the season; the grand finale is Saturday, August 24th, another comedy classic, “This Is Spinal Tap.”

West Seattle High School band members: Get ready for ‘camp’

August 16, 2013 9:45 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

(WSB photo of the WSHS band at a game in January 2013)
Less than three weeks until Seattle Public Schools (and many others) start a new year of classes. Tonight, West Seattle High School music leader Ethan Thomas has a message for his incoming and returning band members:

Attention West Seattle High School Band Students. We will be hosting a band camp at the Southwest Athletic Complex on September 7th and 8th for students involved in the WSHS band in the 2013-14 school year. Please check the West Seattle High School website for complete details and registration information (

That’s the weekend after the first day of school (which this year is September 4th).

Crash at 35th and Thistle sends 1 to hospital

Thanks to Tony for the photo from the scene of a crash at 35th and Thistle earlier this evening. Medics and investigators worked quickly to help keep the busy intersection from being blocked for too long – we got texts about it but it was already in the process of final clearing by the time we arrived. A car and motorcycle were involved, and the motorcycle rider is reported to have been taken to the hospital by private ambulance, which means no major injuries (if they had been, the intersection also would have been closed for a much-longer investigation).

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Donald Plute charged in pickup theft/car-ramming case

(August 6th photos by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
Donald Maxwell Plute is now charged in connection with the pickup theft and car-ramming incident that unfolded across the peninsula a week and a half ago. And his bail in this case alone will start at $250,000 – if police can find and arrest him.

Plute is the 23-year-old Top Hat man who was let out of jail the day after his arrest last week as first reported here, because District Court Judge Johanna Bender didn’t find “probable cause” to hold him. Compounding matters at the time, a warrant for his arrest was issued the same day, related to another case, but somehow it wasn’t brought to the judge’s attention. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office told WSB at the time that charges still might be filed – and today, indeed, they have been.

Plute is now charged with first-degree robbery, two counts of second-degree assault, and attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle. As we reported during and after it all happened on August 6th, the pickup truck he is accused of stealing from outside Cactus on Alki was pursued by an Audi containing two men including the pickup’s owner. While calling 911, they followed the pickup to Upper Alki, where it reverse-rammed the car, then took off. It was spotted again in Morgan Junction, where a police car pursuing it was also reverse-rammed on southbound California just south of Fauntleroy. The pickup was ditched nearby in Gatewood and Plute was arrested hiding under a deck at a nearby home.

The charging document filed today says that evidence developed since last week includes fingerprints from a phone that was in the pickup when it was stolen, as well as witness identification of Plute. The documents also say Plute has had five warrants out for his arrest in the past three years, with convictions including hit-and-run and another case of attempting to elude police; his record goes back to age 15, with juvenile convictions including theft, assault, car prowl, and possession of a stolen vehicle. The charging documents tell the tale of many citizen witnesses who spotted the suspect on the run in Gatewood and also note that the damage to the police car alone will cost more than $11,000 to fix. Again, Plute is now charged, but is not in custody; if and when he’s arrested, $260,000 in warrants are out for him.

ADDED 1:38 AM: Went back through our photo archives and found a full-face photo we took at the arrest scene after Plute was taken out of a patrol car to be checked out by arriving firefighter/medics summoned when he complained of pain.

According to a close-up view on the Facebook page a commenter mentioned, the neck tattoo says “FEAR ME.”

West Seattle Cyclery: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

The three-day grand-opening celebration has begun for West Seattle Cyclery, one of WSB’s newest sponsors, now that both its retail and service operations are up and running. Here’s what proprietor Brad Loetel would like you to know about his new business:

(From left, West Seattle Cyclery’s Brad, Catherine, Sawyer)
We are a new full-service bike shop in West Seattle. Our mission at West Seattle Cyclery is for our customers to love cycling as much as we do. We will support our customers in that effort by hiring dedicated, smart, and professional staff who will use their knowledge and experience to ensure that our customers purchase the bikes and equipment which best meet their needs.

Our customers have said that they really appreciate that West Seattle Cyclery is a locally owned shop with both an owner and staff from West Seattle. Our customers also appreciate that we understand that they prefer to be riding their bikes instead of waiting for their bikes to be repaired. Our goal is to complete most repairs within 2 days. Occasionally it will take longer, but we will make every effort to minimize the delay.

The customers who seek us out are happy we are in their neighborhood. A few have had bad experiences at other shops and want to find a new shop. The staff at West Seattle Cyclery have been in the business for many years. We know you don’t get loyal customers by providing poor customer service. We also know there is competition from other bike shops around the Seattle area, and the Internet has definitely made an impact on the bike industry. So it is in our interest to make sure you get great customer service, because we love cycling and want you to enjoy riding your bike.

Catherine, Sawyer and I used to work together at another shop. Recently, a former customer from that shop came in to West Seattle Cyclery. He was really excited to see us because he did not know that we were the people behind West Seattle Cyclery. He bought his first bike from us to train for the STP a few years ago. Now he is doing four to five 100=mile rides a year and no longer has to take his diabetes medicine. He looks forward to having us work on his bikes to prepare him for his next big ride.

Regarding community involvement – we have talked with West Seattle Bike Connections to see how we can help them achieve some of their goals. We also want to make West Seattle safe for cyclists of any age. We look forward to supporting many other local organizations. Community is an important part of why we are here, so we plan on giving back when we can.

West Seattle Cyclery is at 4508 California SW, 206.557.7267, online at The grand-opening celebration continues through Sunday!

We thank West Seattle Cyclery for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle development: 2 projects apply for master use permits

Two of West Seattle’s in-progress mixed-use developments have just applied for their master use permits, which triggers a new comment period (through at least August 28th):

(Click image for larger view)
3210 CALIFORNIA: It hasn’t appeared in the city’s “land-use information bulletin” yet, but a spokesperson for the developers, Intracorp, tells WSB the master-use permit (MUP) application has been submitted for this five-story project with about 150 units, 168 parking spaces, and 4,200 square feet of commercial space. Its status is verified by the project page on the city website. That was facilitated by the project passing the Early Design Guidance phase of the Southwest Design Review Board process June 27th (here’s the city’s report on that meeting; our detailed notes are here). The image above is from the size/shape renderings shown at that meeting. This project still has at least one more SWDRB meeting ahead; no date announced yet, but the spokesperson believes it’ll be in October. Comments can be sent to

And on the east edge of The Junction:

4745 40TH SW: This also recently passed Early Design Guidance, and has now applied for a MUP, while awaiting at least one more Design Review meeting. The project is listed in city files as eight stories, but part of the building will be shorter; units will total about 150, while parking spaces are projected around 116, and retail at about 1,000 square feet. It will be adjacent to a new city park to the north, which in turn is across the street from the west side of the 4755 Fauntleroy Way (aka Whole Foods) project. Here’s the city report on the July 11th meeting; for comments on the project, e-mail

What the ‘No Parking’ signs on Admiral are for: Rescheduled portable-classroom move

August 16, 2013 2:56 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

When a reader note first alerted us earlier this week to “No Parking” signs for a few blocks of Admiral around 49th, they were marked for the time frame in which two double-portable classrooms’ move from Boren to Schmitz Park Elementary was supposed to happen. However, after another reader pointed out that the signs are still there and now dated today/tomorrow, we checked back with Seattle Public Schools – and it turns out the move is rescheduled for TONIGHT. So portables will be making their way from Boren to Schmitz Park overnight tonight, somewhere between midnight and 6 am.

Seattle City Light to start installing LED streetlights on arterials, too

When Seattle City Light started converting streetlights to LEDs around its service area, the focus was on non-arterial streets because of concerns about how the new lights would handle the needs of major streets.

(WSB photo from 2010: Side-by-side residential test of LED vs. sodium streetlights)
Now, after testing, City Light is getting ready to start swapping out arterial lights too. We talked with SCL’s Scott Thomsen after we spotted a published notice about the call for bids.

He says SCL expects to award the contract for fixtures on August 26th, getting the components sometime in October, and beginning installation shortly thereafter. According to Thomsen, they hope to get as many as 1,800 LED streetlights installed on arterials by year’s end, before the weather gets too bad.

That will include 88 lights in the White Center Business District, by request of the WC Chamber of Commerce, he said, but otherwise, they will be focusing on a northern area, with “selected lights chosen by SDOT,” strategic placements with easy access while the weather remains workable. After that, the installation pattern will be much the same as the one that’s been followed for residential-street LEDs, going north first before heading south. And, Thomsen adds, they’re still finishing up the residential installations.

It’ll take up to six years to get all the arterial lights/fixtures replaced. The advantages, in case you were wondering, include that they last three times as long, use less electricity, waste less light on non-targeted areas (which means less “light pollution”), have a better “depth of field” so that more objects are illuminated, and show colors more truly, particularly helpful for police trying to get accurate descriptions of vehicles, suspects, etc.

West Seattle Crime Watch: U-Haul to look out for

From Jamie: “On August 14th a 20′ U-Haul van containing ALL of a newly stationed Coast Guard member’s belongings was stolen from SW Hudson and 38th Ave SW. The license plate of the van is Arizona AE28808. Hopefully it will be recovered somewhere with a few of the person’s belongings inside.” If you see it – or have any information – call police.

West Seattle Friday: Music, movie, theater, Elvis…

Thanks to Kristian for that view of last night’s sunset with fog on the water – others have also shared great photos you can see here on WSB and on the WSB Facebook page – thank you! Send us photos any time via Now on with today/tonight highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar

FIRST, A TRAFFIC REMINDER: If you’re heading off-peninsula late tonight and/or Saturday morning, the Highway 99 closure might affect you.

WEST SEATTLE CYCLERY GRAND OPENING: As previewed here earlier this week, West Seattle Cyclery (new WSB sponsor) starts its three-day grand-opening event today; Friday hours are noon-7 pm.

CONCERT AT THE MOUNT: Third of four free Friday night concerts tonight at Providence Mount St. Vincent (WSB sponsor), this time featuring the 85th Street Big Band, performing on the south side of the campus at 6 pm (with dinner on sale at 5:30 pm – steak, potato, coconut cream pie. (4831 35th SW)

GARDEN PARTY: As previewed here on Thursday, the 34th District Democrats are partying tonight at West Seattle Nursery, and you’re invited. Tex-Mex buffet, music, auction, more. (California/Brandon)

BOBCAT BOB: Popular musician “Bobcat Bob” Rice plays C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) tonight, 6-8 pm. (5612 California SW)

FREE MOVIE AT HPIC: It’s free movie night at Highland Park Improvement Club! Doors open at 6:30, movie at 7 – go here for a hint at what they’re screening. No admission, but bring $ for concessions. (12th/Holden)

‘GUYS AND DOLLS’: 7:30 pm, first night of the final weekend for Twelfth Night Productions‘ “Guys and Dolls” at the West Seattle High School Theater; details in the listing. (3000 California SW)

E MEETS WEST – EL-FEST: The third annual Elvis Presley tribute is tonight at the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm. Eight Elvis tribute singers – and more! (6451 California SW)

‘NEIL YOUNG VS. NIRVANA’: That’s the music battle tonight at The Benbow Room in the Admiral District, 9 pm; details here.