Showtime at West Seattle Outdoor Movies is still about an hour away – with “The Muppets” as the main event – but there’s already a courtyard-filling crowd; our photo was taken about half an hour ago – so if you’re planning to go, don’t wait any longer! Tonight’s early attractions included free grilled hot dogs and burgers provided by West Seattle Christian Church. Other businesses from the WSOM sponsor list who are featured tonight include Nurturing Expressions:

From left, Kay Gordon with kids Asher and Alia, and Nurturing Expressions owner Tracy Corey with daughter Kayleigh, and some of the raffle prizes they’re donating tonight to raise money for WestSide Baby. For moms with babies, they’re handing out reminders of the breastfeeding support group that meets weekly at NE (which is at 4746 44th SW, Suite 201, across from Junction True Value), 1 pm Tuesdays. Also meeting weekly at NE, noon-2 pm Wednesdays, is the Early Days support group for parents with babies up to a year old, led by Meg Gluckman, who’s at WSOM tonight too, sharing information about all kinds of resources for parents:

And if you’re there, you can also find out about Dream Dinners from Carol, who shared a smile with Paul from PB&J Textiles, which donates the concessions to raise money for nonprofits each week:

Paul and PB&J co-proprietor Dave run the old-fashioned popcorn machine, too, always stationed near the gate to the movie courtyard alongside Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW). If you don’t make it to the movies next week – see the full lineup at wsmovies.org; three more Saturday-night screenings after tonight, starting with “The Avengers” next time (August 10th)!
Our standard disclosure: WSB sponsors mentioned in this story are Nurturing Expressions, Junction True Value, Dream Dinners, PB&J Textiles, and Hotwire Coffee. WSB, meantime, is the media sponsor for West Seattle Outdoor Movies again this year.