West Seattle Tuesday: Rotary; CAPERS; Crime Prevention Council; dementia workshop; bellydancing…

(Click image to see larger view)
Thanks to Trileigh Tucker for another bird-family photo – juvenile crows squawking at mealtime. (These were photographed in the Lincoln Park area, but we’ve heard about some apparent parent crows dive-bombing people on California SW south of The Junction – ’tis the season.) On to today’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

AMANDA KNOX CASE @ WEST SEATTLE ROTARY: Two and a half years ago, West Seattle-residing Judge Mike Heavey spoke to the Rotary Club of West Seattle about the Amanda Knox case (WSB coverage here), in which he had become personally involved as an advocate for Knox. Today at noon at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), he returns to the Rotary, and the subject, with the presentation “Amanda Knox: 100% Innocent,” billed as “discuss(ing) the concept of confirmation bias and dismantl(ing) the prosecution’s” theories and claims. (1936 Harbor Ave SW)

HAPPY 28TH ANNIVERSARY, CAPERS! The Junction store celebrates 28 years in the neighborhood with a celebration 4-6 pm today. You’re invited to stop by CAPERS for “cake and bubbly and fun.” Details on this Facebook event page. (4525 California SW)

CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Neighborhood crime concern? Bring it to the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting tonight – you’ll be able to ask local SPD leadership about it, as well as directly hearing from them about current trends. 7 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room, right off the parking lot. (SW Webster, west of Delridge Way SW)

CARING FOR SOMEONE WITH DEMENTIA? Providence Mount St. Vincent presents educator Teepa Snow, with the first of three workshops for those who are caregivers for people with dementia. Free of charge; no RSVP required. 7 pm in the Chapel. (4831 35th SW)

BELLYDANCING: Tonight’s nightlife listings include the Alauda bellydancing showcase at Skylark CafĂ© and Club, 7:30 pm, free/all ages. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

7 Replies to "West Seattle Tuesday: Rotary; CAPERS; Crime Prevention Council; dementia workshop; bellydancing..."

  • seewhatsealionsstart June 18, 2013 (9:29 am)

    So sweet to see the family of crows. Gorgeous & unique snapshot of them Trileigh!

  • CMP June 18, 2013 (10:30 am)

    Great photo but mean birds! I suffered a very close fly-by Sunday morning as I walked north on California near Findlay…and then the crow flew back around again and almost swiped me. I was just minding my own business, walking along drinking coffee. Will be relieved when the crows calm down since they’ve been squawking like crazy at ridiculously early times!

  • Patrick McCaffrey June 18, 2013 (12:00 pm)

    Great story in this photo. Great capture T!

  • AE June 18, 2013 (12:04 pm)

    Another great one, Trileigh! Not to anthropomorphize too much, but the three on the right all are newly fledged birds (see the feather shafts under the wing and the loose, brownish body feathers?) and seem to be ganging up on the parent, who is perhaps now wondering what made them have triplets and when are they moving out?

  • kate June 18, 2013 (1:47 pm)

    YAY for CAPERS! I love that place.

  • pupsarebest June 18, 2013 (2:43 pm)

    Great pic, but if ever a thuggish bird existed, it’s the crow—every year our neighborhood reverberates with the cries of robins and other terrorized songbirds as the crows attack and prey on their eggs/youngsters.

  • timh2o June 18, 2013 (3:57 pm)

    I’ve been getting bombed by crows walking up SW Edmonds to the Junction so I dicided to go up SW Alaska and I’m getting bombed there too. I wish I had a tennis racket hidden. I noticed if I turn and look at them they wont come down but turn my head and bam! I laugh the whole way up the hill.

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