Third flipped vehicle of the day: 60th SW on Alki

10:57 PM: Thanks to everyone for texts, e-mails, other messages about a car flipped on 60th south of Alki SW. The driver was not seriously hurt. Earlier, a flipped vehicle in the Battery St Tunnel backed up NB 99, and an SUV overturned on the eastbound WS Bridge. DUI is suspected in this one. More to come.

11:20 PM: Just back from the scene. Added a photo from a reader who asked to be anonymous, adding, “Car turned on to 60th and hit a parked car and flipped on 60th …,” also pointing out how narrow that stretch of road is. We’ll check our photos shortly. A tow truck had arrived, so 60th – closed between Stevens and Alki – should reopen before long, if it hasn’t already.

21 Replies to "Third flipped vehicle of the day: 60th SW on Alki"

  • Que June 13, 2013 (11:11 pm)

    Remember, shiny side up, greasy side down.

    Let’s be careful out there.

    Glad that nobody was seriously injured.

  • pupsarebest June 13, 2013 (11:37 pm)

    ….and 106th flipped vehicle of the year in West Seattle.
    (at least it seems that way)

  • J June 13, 2013 (11:38 pm)

    What is it with morons driving around here

  • Ryan June 13, 2013 (11:40 pm)

    Driver was drunk and was drinking when he struck a black Honda. Witnesses said the driver asked witnesses to hide his beer which ended up in the bushes and recovered by police. Police questioned the man and gave him a field sobriety test which the driver didn’t really do so well on and was cuffed and hauled away. Due to an oil spill from the overturned vehicle, police have called in the city to come and contain and cleanup. Road will be closed a little longer.

    • WSB June 14, 2013 (12:04 am)

      Thanks, Ryan. We parachuted in for a while & co-publisher P got the cuffs-and-suspected-DUI details but not the extra cleanup.

  • JC June 13, 2013 (11:48 pm)

    Seriously?? Alki Ave and 60th? You’d have to be going a crazy speed to FLIP a car here. Its a residential street!
    Grow up, get over yourselves, and take your creepy stuff somewhere else. It makes me sick to think people are driving that stupid and intoxicated on our home town streets.

  • Mike June 13, 2013 (11:54 pm)

    The drunk driver was arrested after a lengthy sobriety test. Applause and cheers from the crowd watching. Apparently he threw his beer in a nearby bush after getting out of the car. Thank goodness this clown didn’t hurt or kill anyone in the process.

  • Ray June 14, 2013 (4:18 am)

    that was impressive watching the towing guy roll it back on its wells and get it out without hitting any other vehicles too, anyone remember what the name of the towing company was?

  • Ryan June 14, 2013 (6:08 am)

    Abc towing

  • Pam June 14, 2013 (7:12 am)

    Alki area will be crazy this afternoon/evening if the weather is nice – last day of school. Keep an extra eye out for the unexpected jaywalker.

  • Alki Resident June 14, 2013 (7:15 am)

    Maybe it’s the new trend, I’d like to try the one where you end up straight up on the front of the vehicle and tail end in the air.

  • kaarisakarlten June 14, 2013 (7:34 am)

    This kinda thing reminds me of what my brother told me when he was teaching me how to drive, “assume everyone is an idiot.”

  • Rick June 14, 2013 (7:34 am)

    Hey now, I flipped a VW Bug in the Sealth parking lot 40 years ago, stone cold sober at 6:30 AM so it’s not really all that hard to accomplish.

  • Sassy June 14, 2013 (7:43 am)

    So glad he was caught on the spot.
    We used to live on this exact block – LOTS of speeding and drunks down there, even with so little space between parked cars on either side.

  • Jon June 14, 2013 (8:58 am)

    Are the police aware that it is the last day of high school and that the weather is supposed to be nice at Alki this weekend? Every year this takes the police by complete surprise. They don’t seem able to both look at the calendar, and the weather forecast at the same time.

  • Michelle June 14, 2013 (8:58 am)

    Hahaha Thanks Rick, good visual!

  • nemobeansmom June 14, 2013 (3:59 pm)

    @Rick LOL!!! Did you look like a lady bug stuck upside down trying to flip yourself right side up?

  • Alex June 14, 2013 (4:18 pm)

    It all turned out to be an interesting event, up until I got outside and saw that it was my girlfriend’s Honda that was struck by this drunken irresponsible tool. Does anyone know if he is an Alki resident?

  • Bri June 14, 2013 (4:20 pm)

    I am the owner of the black Honda. He not only struck my car, he totaled my car…

  • West Seattle Hipster June 14, 2013 (4:42 pm)

    This happens every time a new edition of The Fast And Furious hits theatres.

    Sorry about your car Bri, hopefully the drunk was insured and you can be made whole again. I’ve been there too, and it sucks.

  • Rick June 15, 2013 (8:05 am)

    Yeah, it was kinda comical except when my friends flipped the car back over with me still in it. That’s the part that hurt.

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