Congratulations, Red Sox! West Seattle Baseball division winners

One more baseball team to congratulate before we get too far past season’s end – Michele Wallace shares the photo of West Seattle Baseball‘s Red Sox after their big victory:

Congratulations to the Red Sox for winning their Bronco division at West Seattle Baseball. Their journey was an exciting one! They had to win 7 games in a row to get to Saturday’s championship, and then win by 2 games! They did it! Congrats to Josiah Clark, Gavin Doerr, Nicholas Golubiec, Reuben Gut, Hunter Hammington, Wyatt Henry, Tate Ingraham, Jake Jonson, Robert Salle, Ray Sifferman, Casey Sullivan, and Richie Wallace. Thank you, coaches Mark Golubiec and Steve Wallace, for a great season!

Thanks to Michele and everyone who’s taken the time to send in good news to share – and congratulations, Red Sox!

1 Reply to "Congratulations, Red Sox! West Seattle Baseball division winners"

  • jeff jones June 22, 2013 (12:37 pm)

    Atta Boy Rij, go yodes!

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