West Seattle generosity roundup: Last call for GiveBIG, Taste tickets; tallies for WSHS music, WS Food Bank benefits

GIVEBIG 2013, FINAL HOUR: You have till midnight to give to participating nonprofits and have your money go farther because of the Seattle Foundation‘s “stretch” – here one more time is our list of West Seattle, White Center, and South Park participants, and their special GiveBIG donation links. At midnight, this donate-a-thon is over until next year.

TASTE OF WEST SEATTLE: Last few hours to buy tickets online to enjoy your favorite West Seattle/White Center food/drink places – current favorites and future favorites – all in ONE place, tomorrow (Thursday) night. The Taste of West Seattle brings them all together at The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW), on behalf of West Seattle Helpline, which helps people who find themselves in need of emergency assistance. Get your ticket(s) here.

WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC BENEFIT: Tuesday night, as previewed here, Abbondanza Pizzeria and volunteers from the Rotary Club of West Seattle teamed up for a dining-out benefit on behalf of the West Seattle High School music program. Tonight, Rotary member Sue Lindblom from Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) tells us it was a busy, busy night, raising $900 for WSHS music!

WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK GALA: The final tally is in for this year’s recent Instruments of Change – almost $100,000, the Food Bank reports, with 200 guests there for auction bidding, dining, and inspirational speeches.

3 Replies to "West Seattle generosity roundup: Last call for GiveBIG, Taste tickets; tallies for WSHS music, WS Food Bank benefits"

  • C May 16, 2013 (8:23 am)

    Will tickets be on sale at the door for the taste of WS?

  • miws May 16, 2013 (4:02 pm)

    C according to the ToWS website, they will be available at the door for $50.00, General Admission, provided they do NOT sell out online.





    • WSB May 16, 2013 (4:17 pm)

      That’s in our daily preview – we checked with Tara earlier. Thanks, Mike, for helping. I am just wrapping up an almost-three-hour meeting and missed some questions like this while at it …

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