Tour historic Colman Estate Sunday – if you sign up by Thursday

(Photo courtesy Historic Seattle)
Southwest Seattle Historical Society executive director Clay Eals sends a reminder – if you want to join this Sunday’s rare tour of the historic Colman Estate in West Seattle, you need to sign up by Thursday!

The Laurence Colman Estate Tour is right around the corner, on Sunday, April 28. What better way to spend a spring afternoon in West Seattle?

Organized by Historic Seattle and co-sponsored by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, this rare opportunity provides an in-person glimpse of the home of one of the legendary families of the Fauntleroy neighborhood, West Seattle and Seattle as a whole.

Under new ownership, the four-floor Colman Estate sparkles with panoramic views and a vivid rhododendron garden.

Southwest Seattle Historical Society members can register for the tour at a discount. Sign up now, while there are still slots available. The deadline is Thursday, April 25.

You don’t have to be a member to take the tour, though. For details and registration, go here.

18 Replies to "Tour historic Colman Estate Sunday - if you sign up by Thursday"

  • Frugal WS April 23, 2013 (8:04 am)

    Does anyone else think $45 is just a tad expensive for the tour of a single home?

    • WSB April 23, 2013 (8:18 am)

      Just to be clear since the copy doesn’t say it, Historic Seattle and SWSHS are both nonprofits doing work that pretty much nobody else is doing. Events like this help support them. But SWSHS also has a sheaf of events that are free or no-cost … walking and biking tours, events at the museum, etc. – TR

  • QQman April 23, 2013 (8:47 am)

    I agree with Frugal, it is a bit pricey. I wonder if a lower ticket price might get them more people in the door. I’m not the one running te numbers so I couldn’t say. If they depend only on tours of the estate as a form of fundraising, it could explain why it’s so steep. Anyways, what other uses does this estate have? Any other way they can raise funds without hurting our pocket?

    • WSB April 23, 2013 (9:08 am)

      The fundraiser is not *for* the estate. SWSHS and Historic Seattle are organizations that work for historic preservation and education throughout our area and the city respectively. (You can follow the links in the story – each organization’s name is hotlinked to its website – to find out more about what they do.) The estate itself is a private home (click the word “historic” in the story to read an article published here when it changed hands four years ago, written by the late Ron Richardson, a longtime volunteer preservation advocate here in West Seattle) and is not benefiting from the event.

  • Rick April 23, 2013 (10:00 am)

    You can see my apartment with a killer view of Vashon/Southworth/Blake Island and south and north for FREE! Admission is only a six pack. It’s historic as I’ve lived here a really long time.

    • WSB April 23, 2013 (10:11 am)

      And our house was built by a guy who later went on to build thousands of houses in California – but was called away to World War II while in the middle of this modest yet sturdy warbox. (One day while I was out pulling weeds the summer we bought it – twenty years ago! – one of his grown children came by to see what had become of the house they were born into.) Everybody and every place has history. This one, honest, is really cool. The family that built it gave a lot to the area, too (that’s Colman as in Colman Pool, Colman Dock …) But nobody’s arm is being twisted. If you choose to go, have a great time, send a pic! … TR

  • Diane April 23, 2013 (12:20 pm)

    this is a very rare opportunity to learn about some of the history of West Seattle; this is especially rare because it is a private home, and first time this historic home has been opened up for a tour since the current owners bought it in 2009 and made renovations while keeping the historic elements intact
    I will be volunteering that day; please come visit me in the main living area, on your way to walking through several floors and the gardens; the owners also have an amazing art collection, antiques, and recycled/reused pieces (i.e., a chair up in the sewing room made out of recycled newspaper)
    Historic Seattle, Log House Museum, and SW Historic, all incredible resources to learn about the history of where we live; and all rely on many volunteers; I’ve been involved with Historic Seattle for most of the 15 yrs since moving here, and have learned so much, visited so many historic sites; truly priceless
    The member price for this tour is $35, and I just looked at the membership rates; fyi, for those who are 62+ (next year for me) you can become a member for $25, and receive discounts on events throughout the year
    I’ve been to this home several times, because the owners are very generous in hosting fundraisers, but we certainly could not meander through all the floors at those events; it is a private home
    I did not know until seeing this event announced about a month ago, that this is THE Colman estate; I just thought it was a very cool old home; so I am thrilled about this rare opportunity
    and again, as a private home, the owners are being VERY generous in opening this to the public
    they’ve already sold a good # of tickets; Clay/TR’s reminder is kind in getting the word out to those who may be interested but not informed otherwise of some of the wonderful historic events that these organizations provide
    thanks for the reminder TR to bring my camera

    • WSB April 23, 2013 (1:38 pm)

      Thanks, Diane! Of all the other civic things we see you involved in, had no idea you were a volunteer in this realm too.

  • Bonnie April 23, 2013 (3:51 pm)

    I would love to do this…but $45 is too steep for my budget. I’d probably end up bringing my daughter and we’re talking $60 there. At that price I’d have to leave my husband and son at home! Wish I could.

  • Desertdweller April 23, 2013 (7:51 pm)

    Is it $45 per person or per party?

  • Desertdweller April 23, 2013 (7:56 pm)

    Nevermind…I just tried to register and the rate is $45/person, which is sadly too steep for my budget.

    I would have been happy to pay for $45 for my husband and I, but I have to say that the price is really high (and I’ve been to quite a few tours of private homes) through the Western Washington DOCOMOMO.

    It really is a shame that the price is going to keep so many architecture fans away from this event.

  • soccer April 23, 2013 (8:21 pm)

    I think it is generous the owners have opened their house to the public, and the Seattle Historical Society serves the community in many ways. I took a lecture series with them in college that I loved. I can’t wait to tour this home on sunday.

  • Bonnie April 23, 2013 (8:40 pm)

    I think per adult because students are $15.

  • Desertdweller April 23, 2013 (9:08 pm)

    @soccer: I know your comment isn’t directed at me specifically, but I just wanted to add that I know that it’s amazing that the owners have opened their home and I also understand that the Historical Society serves the community.

    That said, the steep price of admission is keeping my family away from the event (and it sounds as if I’m not the only one). It’s a shame that more people won’t be able to take advantage of the generosity.

  • FYI April 23, 2013 (11:17 pm)

    Thought I’d point out that the registration page says you must do so by Wednesday, but the article says Thursday.

  • WSB April 23, 2013 (11:46 pm)

    That’s an error on the SWSHS page – April 25 IS Thursday but in one incidence there, they labeled that date as Wednesday.

  • Margaret in Vashon April 24, 2013 (8:05 am)

    I inquired with SWSHS some time ago as to whether they might consider extending their student rate to those people on restrictive incomes such as disability. With a monthly income based on social security, it is unrealistic to imagine that a person will spend $25 to join the society and an additional $35 for the tour. I received no response. I am sorry to miss the opportunity to interact with a great piece of our local history.

  • marty April 24, 2013 (7:27 pm)

    It’s a shame the price will keep so many people away, it really is one of the most amazing homes in West Seattle. Seems like $20 would have made more sense….

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