Update: Alki Elementary’s centennial celebration

(UPDATED FRIDAY MORNING with more photos, including the “official” one!)

(First 5 photos by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
6:43 PM: Beautiful afternoon for photography – especially if you’re up on a ladder for a photograph to document history, as was Jean Sherrard along 59th SW this afternoon!

Hundreds of Alki Elementary students and staff past and present gathered for a group shot as the school’s centennial celebration began, co-sponsored by the Alki Elementary PTA and the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, whose executive director Clay Eals helped get hundreds of participants in place:

Lots of unofficial photographers too – even TV – that’s KING 5’s Lori Matsukawa in the yellow jacket toward the left, with her crew (and on the ladder, it’s official photographer Sherrard):

And inside, lots of memory-sharing and fun:

The celebration continues till 8, and everyone’s welcome.

ADDED 10:10 PM: More photos:

From left, Pathfinder K-8 principal David Dockendorf, who’s a former Alki principal; Chanda Oatis, the current Alki principal; Seattle Public Schools superintendent José Banda; executive director of schools for the district’s Southwest Region, Carmela Dellino. Next, a fun view as a timeless game of marbles was played:

We’re awaiting the official version of the centennial photo and will add when it’s in.


(Photo by Jean Sherrard; click image for larger view)
We also have four more photos from the event, courtesy of John Hinkey – if you’re reading from the home page, click ahead to see them:

A former Alki student shared memories of the 1965 earthquake:

(This photo and next 3 by John Hinkey)
You can’t have a centennial celebration (or any other kind, really) without cake!

More earthquake memories, from a former Alki teacher:

And a crowd in the cafeteria:

John added an extra word of appreciation for Amy Bannister from the Alki PTA, chairperson/organizer for last night’s event!

5 Replies to "Update: Alki Elementary's centennial celebration"

  • AlkiiRes March 29, 2013 (12:11 pm)

    Sorry I was out of town all week and could not be there! Thanks for the pictures

    Michelle Cross , class of ’57

  • Cathy (Andrich) Pfau March 29, 2013 (1:24 pm)

    This was an amazing event! Both of my sisters Judy (Andrich) Crabtree and Tammie (Freeman) Hogan joined me for the celebration. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to see the “kids” I grew up with. The highlight for me was seeing my favorite teacher Mr. Kulle! He remembered my name and when I saw him I felt like I was 12 years old, back in 6th grade again. Some things never change, Mr. Kulle will always have a place in my heart. Looking forward to reconnecting with my classmates.

  • a friend of the Cathy, Judy, Tammie trio March 29, 2013 (6:02 pm)

    For the curious, Cathy is the above the letter D and Judy is between the Y and the ! in the official group photo. Tammie was still looking for parking and missed the photo op :(

  • Dave Townsend March 29, 2013 (8:41 pm)

    Thank you, Amy Bannister, for putting this together. My mother, Elaine Wise Townsend, thoroughly enjoyed the evening — seeing the school, old friends, and reminiscing about the past. She road the street car down Alki Avenue from Harbor Avenue to attend Alki Elementary from 1932 to 1936.

    Dave Townsend

  • Carla Rogers March 30, 2013 (12:12 pm)

    Great Job Amy! A wonderful event for the whole Alki community! Thanks to everyone who contributed time and effort to making this memory! Love the pictures!

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